Immigration to the U.S.

4th Grade Worksheet

Internet Research Project and In-Class Presentation

Students will research Immigration to the U.S. They will use the Internet Research worksheet (checklist) below as a guide to find information and view several newspapers online by following the permalinks and buttons provided on slides #4 & 5, among others. They are to create a PowerPoint presentation that must include:

·  An Introduction slide

·  4 slides: Pick an immigrant group of your choice

·  Each slide should have the following location, obstacles, and contribution

·  1 picture per slide

·  1 “references” slide

·  Set a background for all slides

·  Include slide transitions set at “mouse click” not “automatic advance”

·  All slides should have bulleted information, no complete sentences or paragraphs

Students will culminate the project by presenting their PowerPoint presentations to their classmates. Make it interesting!

Teacher’s Guide

1) Divide class into small groups

2) Print out worksheet (checklist)

3) Explain the importance of analyzing primary sources for historical understanding, and the significance and advantage of reading newspapers.

4) Have students view the first slide “photograph of Ellis Island”, and click on it to play the video. Have a brief in-class discussion (students may use the

KWL chart). Play the rest of the slide presentation to familiarize students with the content and navigation.

5) Allow 2-3 class periods to research the material. Set the date and time for in-class presentations.

Internet Research (Checklist)

1) Why did immigrants come to America?


2) Where did they come from? ______

3) How did they travel? Where did they first arrive?


5) What happened to them once they arrived in America?


6) What challenges and difficulties did they face? Name a few.



7)  Identify one immigrant group and list three unique facts about them.


