This policy formalises South West Area Youth Engagement and Diversions (SWAYED) commitment to quality, effectiveness and efficiency underpinned by equality for service users and our partner agencies. The aim of SWAYED is to achieve continuous improvement for all of our services and this document will explain how we intend to evaluate our services and measure our performance in terms of equality as well as setting out our commitments to equality in service delivery, accessibility and development. This also applies when we are developing plans, policies and strategies and in our work with suppliers, contractors and partners.

SWAYED acknowledges that discrimination and prejudices exist and we are committed that no-one working with us, receiving our services, or applying for services is discriminated on against in terms of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural origins, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political or trade union affiliation or age (although it should be noted that our services restricted to those aged 16 to 25).

SWAYED aims to ensure that no one is discriminated on the grounds that they have a criminal conviction. However, given the vulnerability of the young people we support we will liaise with Disclosure Scotland on the suitability of all persons seeking employment. We will not employ or provide services to anyone if this would present an unacceptable high risk to service users or our employees.

2.0What is discrimination

To discriminate is to treat a person more or less favourably on the basis of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural origins, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political or trade union affiliation, age or any such category that is irrelevant to the individual’s right to receive fair and equal treatment. It is generally recognised that discrimination can occur in many ways.

Discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, colour, ethnic origin, gender, marital status and disability is unlawful. Discrimination can also be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination is deliberate. Indirect discrimination is where an act or failure to act, whether with intent or inadvertently, has a disproportionate impact on a particular group.

3.0SWAYED as a Service Provider

Our commitments to you:

We will monitor access to our services to ensure as far as possible that discrimination does not occur.

Contractors or providers of services to SWAYED who racially, sexually or physically harass users may have their contracts terminated. They will be removed from the Approved Contractors List.

We will avoid discrimination when developing and delivering services

We will ensure that information about services is published as widely as possible and in such formats as will encourage awareness in all service users and potential service users

We will assess and review alternative ways of making service delivery more accessible

We will ensure equality when dealing with your complaints, comments and compliments

Measuring our progress

As part of our commitment to maintaining and improving performance we will:

Incorporate equalities into our procurement arrangements when not expressly prevented by legislation or statutory guidance

Complete an annual review of take up of all services by age, gender, ethnicity and disability status

Review and report annually on our communications internally and externally

4.0 SWAYED as a Policy Maker

SWAYED is concerned that no policy discriminates directly or indirectly against any groups in our community. We will review policies, strategies and plans to ensure that they are fair.

Our commitments to you

We will:

Consider equalities as part of each policy deliberation and annual business plan review

Promote and contribute to improving the awareness of equalities in the communities and strategy groups as part of our strategic role, particularly with regard to the needs of young homeless people

Use national guidelines and definitions to inform our practices

Measuring our progress

As part of our commitment we will report our performance in the following ways:

We will maintain a glossary of terms and definitions informed by national guidelines as part of this policy

The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis

5.0 SWAYED as an employer

SWAYED do not currently employ workers. However, we will maintain an environment where no individual is subject to discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, disability or marital status and on the non statutory grounds of religion, culture, age (subject to normal retirement practices), parental or property status and sexuality.SWAYED is committed to a policy of equality both in the work place and when recruiting employees.

We will:

Monitor personnel and employment procedures to ensure they are fair

Seek to attract a wide range of applicants for posts at all levels in the organisation

Endeavour to ensure the workplace is free from unfair discrimination and harassment

Strive to provide an accessible environment for people with disabilities

Offer relevant training and development for employees on a fair and equal basis

Ensure employees are fully aware of our Equal Opportunity and Anti-discriminatory policy, what it means for them and what responsibilities it entails, through induction and supervision

6.0 Communicating the policy

All new service users will have a copy of the policy in bullet form in their sign up packs and this will be gone through when they start to receive a service.

Full copies of the policy will be available on request.

Main referrers will have a copy of this policy in their referral procedures, other referrers can obtain a copy on request.

A copy will be available in all venues.

7.0 Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

SWAYED monitoring systems will collate information that will enable us to assess the effectiveness of the policy and identify where changes need to be made. Monitoring and review will happen annually responsibility lies with the service leaders and the Local Officers Group for take up of service and with the Board of Management. The organisation is also committed to a comprehensive and thorough review every 3 years of its performance, policy and practice of ensuring equal opportunity and promoting anti-discriminatory practice, the responsibility for this lies with the Management Team and the Board.

8.0 Responsibility for the Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discriminatory Practice Policy

All volunteers, partners and others who work on behalf of SWAYED have a duty to carry out the requirements and responsibilities outlined in this policy. Particular responsibilities include:

Board Members

Board Members support this policy and will work towards the promotion of equalities in all of SWAYED policies and other activities

Executive Office (Youth)

The Executive Officer (Youth) has overall responsibility for the implementation of the policy

Volunteers and Seconded Employees

All Volunteers and Seconded Employees have a responsibility to implement the policy and work towards the provision of services that meet the goals and objectives of the policy

9.0 Relevant Legislation

The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 as amended

The Employment Act 1989 & The Employment Rights Act 1996

The Equal Pay Act 1970 as amended

The Race Relations Act 1976

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Pregnant Workers Directive

Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome & Equal Treatment & Equal Pay Directives made under the Treaty

The UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

The UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination

The UN International Covenant on civil and political rights

The UN International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights

The UN Standard Rules on equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities

The Human Rights Act 1998

Employment Relations Act 1999

Part-time Workers (less favourable treatment) Regulations 2000