First Church of the Brethren

Mount Airy, NC 27030

Church Website:

Pastor: Glen Sage

Phone: 276-398-3548

March 25, 2012

Sunday School………………………………………10:00 am

Sunday School Hymns: #195 #204

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Worship:……………………………………………...11:00 am


Choir Choral Opening:

Call to Worship: As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? Psalms 43:1 & 2

Welcome and Announcements:


Opening Hymn: #186

Change Offering for Church Camp

Receiving our Regular Tithes and Offerings

Doxology and Prayer of Dedication for the Offering

Hymn: #172

The Story for Youth and Children:

Scripture Reading: II Timothy 3:14-17

Sermon: ”The Inspired Word!”

Invitation: Hymn # 342


Bible Study this Wednesday night at 6:00 pm as we continue our study in the book of Acts, beginning at Acts 10:1

Birthdays & Anniversaries:

Birthdays- Sharleen Sage, March 19th

Tonight at 6::00 PM our joint Lenten Services will be held at the St Paul Church and our pastor will bring the evening message, titled, “The Holy One or a Murder”. The Lenten schedule is listed on the back of the bulletin.

This week, I will pray for ______________________________

Church Cleaners, March: Rachel Mayes/Adele White

Prayer List

Darrell Reed, Ernest Breeden, Bernice Curklin, Peggy Johnson, Robert Johnson, Bobby Hiatt, Shirley Clark, Tessie Mears, Richard Unger, Kim Cathey, James Haynes, Clinton McGraw, Leona Moore, Frances Phillips, Chris Phillips, Miller, Brenda Joyce, Randy Lineberry, Verlie Hill, Betty Shelton, Roger Tolbert, Loretta Mabe, Sophia Hawks, Howard Goins, Gail Barker, Vicky McClintock, Carolyn Luke Hampton, Leftwitch, Richard and Myrtle Crump, Cindy Quesinberry, Olen Martin, Lonnie Draughn, Mike Stevens our church, the unsaved, the nation and the military

We will have “Movie Night” this Friday night at 7:00 pm The movie will be “Facing the Giants”.

We will take a special offering today for Luke Hampton an injured wrestler from Alleghany High. There is a benefit breakfast that we plan to attend on Saturday morning.