Cathedral Church Of St Marie
Churches of St Charles Borromeo, Holy Family and
Our Lady Queen of Heaven and St Oswald
Cathedral House, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB
Tel: 0114 272 2522 / Fax 0114 276 3861
E-mail: Website:
Office Hours: 9am-12.30pm and 1.30pm -4.30pm
Parish Priest: Fr Chris Posluszny Assistant Priest: Fr Santosh VazhappallyVisiting Priest: Fr Fidelis Halifax Oppong
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
23 October to 30 October 2016
Today’s Readings: I Ecc 35:12-14,16-19. Ps 32:2-3,17-19,23. II 2 Tim 4:6-8,16-18. G Lk 18:9-14.Next Sunday’s Readings: I Wis 11:22-12:2. Ps 144:1-2,8-11,13-14. II 2 Thess 1:11-2:2. G Lk 19:1-10.
Divine Office At The Cathedral / Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 7.45am
Midday Prayer: Monday - Friday 12.30pm
Evening Prayer: Monday - Friday 5.15pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation / Monday - Friday 12noon-12.30pm
Saturday 11am-12.15pm and 4.45-5.15pm
Holy Hour / Monday - Friday 11.30am-12.30pm
Prayer Led by Parishioners at the Cathedral
Devotion to The Divine Mercy / Friday 2pm and Saturday 12noon
Friday 2.30pm
Parish Groups at the Cathedral
Children’s Liturgy of the Word / Sundays during 10.30am Mass. All Children Welcome
St Vincent de Paul / For details, please phone Pauline Mulcrone on 07783 161090
Monday Over 60s Lunch Club After 12.45pm Mass in the Parish Room
Friday Lunch Club / After 12.45pm Mass in the Parish Room
Young Adults / Wednesday 7.30pm in the Cathedral for Adoration. All welcome
Sunday Teas & Coffees / After 10.30am Mass in Houlden Hall
Other Masses at the Cathedral
Sheffield Ordinariate Group Every Thursday at 10.30am in St Joseph’s Chapel
The weekly Ordinariate Mass has been changed to 10.30am each Thursday. Everyone is welcome and all Catholics in communion with the Holy See are permitted to receive the sacrament of the altar.
St Marie’s Collections
Sunday Collection: £828.74 CAFOD: £20.00
The 2nd collection this weekend is for Mission Sunday (MISSIO)
We welcome Janka Kalafutova who was recently baptised at St Marie’s.
We Pray for Fr Terry Doherty, Joan Tindall and all who have died recently.
Please Remember In Your Prayers Our Sick: Jean O’Callaghan, Philippa Bartlett, Josephine Lanes, Kirsten Lawrenson, Eileen Lawrenson, Susan De Couto, Fr Kieran O’Connell, Sheila Canny, Christopher Browne, Clifford Browne, Maria Tkeszuk, Sylvia Elliot, Marcus O’Hagan, Gloria Welsh, Irene Kielbus, Anthony Gallagher, Ann White, Manuel Moreira, Celestine, Ana Maria Moreira, Ben Curtis, Diana & Zaneta Holubova, John Carroll and all those who are suffering mentally, emotionally or physically
Names will be stay on the list for 3 months. Please contact Cathedral House if you wish your friend or family member to be included.
Anniversaries this Week: 24 – Baby O’Callaghan, Eddie Burke; 28 – George Lynch, Daphne Holmes
November Memorial List (forms will be available next weekend)November is the month which we pray for the dead. Each parish brings together these prayers for their
friends and family in the ‘November Memorial List Mass’.
Please feel free to list the names of individual family and friends or a family request eg “Deceased members of the XXX family”.
The list will be displayed in the Cathedral throughout the year. Please complete the relevant sections of the form. Place the form in the envelope provided together with your donation. Hand it to one of the priests, someone on duty or put through letterbox at Cathedral House.
40 Days for Life – has saved the lives of 11,796 unborn children and aims to end abortion by means of prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigil. Hallam’s 6th campaign will take place Sept.28– Nov.6 throughout which a prayerful vigil will be held outside the Doncaster BPAS Abortion Clinic (123 Thorne Road, Doncaster DN2 5BQ). To take part or for more information please visit or call 07533545357 or email .
Journey in Faith 2016/17 – The next session in the programme is on Tuesday 25 October (‘Introducing the Mass: in Church’) from 7.30-9pm in Houlden Hall.Conservation in Action Workshops: The beautiful, but seriously damaged, Victorian wall tiles that decorate St Marie’s Cathedral will be restored to their former glory in the next few weeks as part of our Heritage Project. Join the conservator, Katie Langridge, and her team, for a series of exciting and hands-on workshops. You will find out more about St Marie’s amazing tiles and how they have been conserved, and even restore your own tile! Not to be missed!
Talk and workshop for adults: Tuesday 25 October, 10am – 12pm.
Family fun workshop: Wednesday 26 October 10.30am-12.30pm. Activities are suitable for children 3+ (children must be accompanied by an adult). Workshops are free, but booking is required (limited places).
To book please visit
16-35? Looking to connect with God and other young Catholics? JOIN US! Youth 2000 Retreat: THE RELEASE 28th-30th October. This weekend is packed with dynamic talks, live-band worship, powerful prayer times, fun social activities, creative workshops, in-depth discussions, evening entertainment and loads more. *Donation Only Policy.
For more information contact us: – 020 7221 2124 –
SUNDAY 30 OCTOBER – PPC AGM IN HOULDEN HALL AFTER 10.30am MASS.. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS emailed or written before meeting please. or box at back of church.Dates for your Diary:
SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER – PARISH YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE. There will be a morning and afternoon opportunity:
1. Gather in front of the HOLY DOOR.
10am-10.30am Introduction and entrance through the Holy Door
10.30am Pilgrimage of Mercy
11.30am - 12.15pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for confessions
12.30pm Holy Mass
2. Gather in front of the HOLY DOOR.
2pm Introduction and entrance through the Holy Door.
2.30pm Confessions till 3.30pm.
SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 12.30PM MASS – Remembrance Mass.
SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 12.30pm MASS. ANNUAL BIG THANK YOU CELEBRATION for volunteers with lunch afterwards in Houlden Hall.
A Concert of Sacred Choral Classics in aid of Sheffield Young Carers: Thursday 10th November at 7.30pm. Tickets £40 to include a pie and peas supper and a glass of wine afterwards in the Cutler’s Hall (or £10 concert only). Please see poster for further details at the back of Church.
Vocations Weekend for young women (20s and 30s): Theme: Discerning God’s Call in my life. 11-13 November 2016 in Liverpool. The weekend is organised by the sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ). There will be input from the FCJ sisters on different aspects of vowed life, and time for prayer, reflection and discussion with other young women who are also considering a vocation to religious life. It’s an opportunity to live community life for a weekend and meet some sisters!
The St Vincent’s Branch of the Catholic Men’s Society is to have a Christmas dinner at St Vincent’s Church Hall, Crookes, on Saturday 10th December at 7.30pm for 8pm. £17.00 per person. All members and their family/friends are warmly invited. To book – please contact Hugh Finnigan, Secretary, on 0114 2341232 or at before 11th November.
Bookstall: new booklets include titles on the basics of the faith, on three Teresa’s (Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux and St Teresa of Calcutta), Simple Prayer Book and Mass Book for children, and attractive prayers cards. Please put payment in the pedestal near the bookstall at the back of church.
Volunteers needed at St. Wilfrid’s Centre: St Wilfrid’s Centre is recruiting volunteers in a number of areas. Can you spare your skills to help out for one morning or afternoon a week? We need: a Gardener to keep the centre grounds tidy; kitchen volunteers to assist the Catering Supervisor; cafe volunteers to prepare sandwiches and drinks; Befrienders to chat with clients and play games; Volunteers with Woodworking skills to assist in the Skills Workshop; Arts and Crafts volunteers to support clients in tutor-led sessions; People with Pottery skills to support pottery sessions. A volunteer to assist our Bookkeeper with weekly admin tasks and people willing to help on an ad-hoc ‘supply’ basis. Please contact Steve Corker at the Centre for details or an application form - 0114 255 5720 or
St Wilfrid’s Centre – Harvest Festival - We realise that it is the time of year when you may be having a Harvest Festival. If you are considering collecting goods for St Wilfrid’s Centre this year, we would be particularly grateful to receive items that we use regularly in meals at the Centre and give out in emergency food parcels. Please see poster at the back of Church to see what you can donate and how to support St Wilfrid’s Centre during this Harvest time.
“Saying Goodbye” Services provide an opportunity for people affected by the death of a child during pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. For more information about forthcoming Goodbye Services and contact details please see the poster at the back of Church.
Current Vacancies: Details can be found on the notice-board and on the Hallam Diocesan Website.
SecurityBe aware that thieves operate in the city centre so keep handbags & valuables with you at all times when in Church