Board Minutes
December 16, 2009
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of December 16, 2009
President Greg Hanon called the Regular December 16 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:05 p.m.
Present: Greg Hanon, Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Richard Hendricks
Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Erin LaVerdiere, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Sandy Nelson Maynard, Chief Technology Officer; Hillery Berteaux, SEA President; Beth Dykman, Principal, Victor Falls Elementary; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal, Lakeridge Middle; Margie Bellmer, Principal, Liberty Ridge Elementary; Tim Thomsen, Athletic and Activities Director; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director, STARR Project; Kellie Fremont, Elementary Curriculum TOSA; Cheryl Eldridge, Teacher, Victor Falls Elementary; Eric Crinklaw, Counselor, Bonney Lake High; Lisa Crinklaw, Teacher, Victor Falls Elementary; Tracy Davis, Technology TOSA; Kyal Olson and Mike Williams, Technology Systems Coordinators; Jack Eaton, Managing Director, D.A. Davidson; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.
Visitors: 0
Flag Salute
Excused Absence
Board President Greg Hanon excused Director Jeff DeMarre from the meeting.
Approval of Agenda
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular November Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Consent Items
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Offers of Employment
Nadine Fuller, Child Nutrition Services Assistant, Sumner Middle, ongoing position, effective November 24, 2009
Laura Knowles, Paraeducator, Bonney Lake High, rehire, time-limited position, effective November 25, 2009
Dorothy Althea Clark, Finance Director, Business Services, ongoing position, effective January 4, 2010
Supplemental Contracts
Frank Hasiak, Assistant Football Coach, Lakeridge Middle
Chad Davidson, Assistant Football Coach, Lakeridge Middle
Peter Esser, Assistant Football Coach, Lakeridge Middle
Cleo Reed, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Lakeridge Middle
Laurel Johns, Assistant Soccer Coach, Sumner Middle School
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December 16, 2009
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Consent Items, continued
Dean King, Counselor, Sumner High, effective the end of the 2009-2010 school year. Dean has been with the Sumner School District for 30 years.
Stephen Anderson, Fine Arts Teacher, Sumner High, effective end of 2009-2010 school year. Stephen has been with the Sumner School District for 35 years.
Sarah Howell, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant, Special Services, effective December 18, 2009
Tonia McElderry, Child Nutrition Assistant, Mountain View Middle, effective December 11, 2009
Out of State Travel
Joe Carl, Band Director and Ellen Carl, Color Guard Coach, Sumner High, to accompany the Sumner High School Jazz bands to participate in the Fullerton College Jazz Festival and perform at Disney Magic Music Days in Fullerton and Anaheim, California, March 26-30, 2010. Funding source: All expenses and costs will be paid by the families of participating students. Students are sponsoring four community fundraisers to help acquire funds to defray costs.
Gabrielle Wright and Jennifer Black, English Teachers, Bonney Lake High, to accompany six students to participate in the Harvard University Debate Tournament over President’s Day weekend, February 11-16, 2010, in Boston, Massachusetts. Funding source: Expenses will be paid for by the families of participating students and an ASB approved fundraiser.
Anthony Clarke, Head Wrestling Coach,and Joe Ireland, Assistant Wrestling Coach, Bonney Lake High, to accompany seven student wrestlers to the Tri-State Wrestling Tournament, December 18-19, 2009, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Funding source: All expenses will be paid for by the Bonney Lake Wrestling Booster Club.
a.School Insight: Victor Falls Elementary
Cheryl Eldridge, Learning Specialist and Co-chair of the District’s RTI committee spoke about Victor Falls’ AIM (Academic Intervention Mentors) Program. She introduced 2nd grader MitchellWolfe, 4th grader Hannah Schaff, 5th grader Jacob Warren and Lynette Fryberger and TaraBohl, AIM volunteers, who spoke about their positive experiences with the program.
Meeting Recessed: 6:22 p.m.
Meeting Reconvened: 6:29 p.m.
b. Roll of Honor
Board President Greg Hanon recognized accomplishments, achievements and awards for students and staff. A summary is attached.
c.2009 National Board Certified Teachers
President Hanon congratulated the newest board certified teachers: Eric Crinklaw, Bonney Lake High School; Frederica Finch, Eric Stansbury, and Andy Wagner, Sumner High School; Diane Gardner, Todd Hillier, and Paula Strozyk, Sumner Middle School; Mary Neiss, Crestwood Elementary; and Leslie Hartley, Daffodil Valley Elementary; Jody Iverson, Emerald Hills Elementary; and Shannon Papcun, Victor Falls Elementary. Districtwide 58 teachers have
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December 16, 2009
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2009 National Board Certified Teacher, continued
earned certification through this rigorous program. National Board Certification is the nationally accepted sign of quality in the teaching profession and offers a nationwide standard for evaluating and encouraging quality teaching.
a.District Improvement
Kellie Fremont, Co-chair of the District’s RTI (Response to Intervention) committee, reviewed the history and multi step approach of the program for services and interventions to students who struggle with learning.
b.Technology Planning
Chief Technology Officer Sandy Maynard reviewed the history of technology in the District, its current status and the plan for technology for the future. She is currently working on the development of the 2010-2013 Technology Plan, which will be brought to the Board in February.
Audience Comments
Sumner Education Association (SEA) President Hillery Berteaux updated the Board on SEA activities.
Superintendent Comments
Dr. Mendoza acknowledged the proposed State budget cuts and spoke about the preliminary work being done on the District’s budget. He also thanked Community Recreation & Education Coordinator BeckyGiles for her work on the interlocal agreement with the cities of Sumner and Bonney Lake to sustain community programs.
Board Member Comments
Unfinished Business
a. Instructional Materials Adoption: Second Reading
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board adopt the following textbooks for use in the Sumner School
District: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried.
Title: Life on an Ocean Planet
Author: Alexander, Lesley, and Bob Wohlers plus contributing writers
Publisher: Current Publishing Corp.
Copyright: 2009
Title: An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape
Author: James M. Rubenstein
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2008
Title: Discovering Computers ’Living in a Digital World’ Fundamentals 2010 Edition
Author: Gary Shelly and Misty Vermaat
Publisher: Course Technology
Copyright: 2010
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December 16, 2009
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New Business
a. Oath of Office: Newly – Elected Board Members
President Hanon administered the Oath of Office to newly re-elected Board members Sherm Voiles and Mike Pavlik.
b. D. A. Davidson: Sale of Tax-Exempt Bonds
Jack Eaton, Managing Director, D. A. Davidson, reported on the details of the bond sale and briefed the Board on the need for recertification of District’s debt service collection.
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve Resolution No. 7/09-10: authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of $40,961,211 in unlimited tax general obligation bonds, Series 2010 A (Tax-Exempt): Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
c. D. A. Davidson: Sale of QSCBs
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve Resolution No. 6/09-10: authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of $17,445,000 in unlimited tax general obligation bonds, Series 2010B (Taxable Qualified School Construction Bonds Tax Credit): Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Resolution No. 8/09-10: Debt Service Collection Recertification
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve Resolution No. 8/09-10: recertification of the District’s debt service collection: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
d. Change Order #1: Sumner High School HVAC
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve Change Order #1: Sumner High School HVAC replacement: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
e.Change Order #3: Victor Falls Elementary School
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve Change Order #3: Victor Falls Elementary School: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
f.Change Order #5: Lakeridge Middle School
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve Change Order #5: Lakeridge Middle School: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
g.Board Reorganization: Election of President and Vice President
As per Board policy, a President, Vice President and Legislative Representative need to be elected for the 2010 term of office. President Greg Hanon opened the floor for nominations.
Moved by Sherm Voiles that Mike Pavlik be elected as president; moved by Mike Pavlik that Rick Hendricks be elected as vice president; moved by Rick Hendricks that Greg Hanon be elected as legislative representative: Seconded by Greg Hanon. Motion unanimously carried.
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New Business, continued
h. Warrant Approval
Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Warrant #38295-#38381in the total amount of $2,829,937.26
General Fund $242,777.16
Capital Projects $2,416,679.07
ASB Fund $47,863.30
Private Purpose Trust Fund $341.62
Transportation Vehicle Fund $122,101.98
Warrant #38384-#38385 in the total amount of $42,672.22
General Fund
Warrant #38386-#38417 in the total amount of $159,457.01
General Fund $152,824.31
ASB Fund $6,602.70
Private Purpose Trust Fund $30.00
Warrant #38418-#38505 in the total amount of $346,171.58
General Fund $323,272.03
Capital Projects $12,177.01
ASB Fund $10,722.54
Warrant #38506-#38569 in the total amount of $165,738.98
General Fund $152,807.90
Capital Projects $12,865.08
Private Purpose Trust Fund $66.00
Warrant #195806-#195834 in the total amount of $187,143.38
General Fund
Warrant #195835-#195851 and #195853-#195886 in the total amount of $5,010,182.44
General Fund
Warrant #195887-#195907 in the total amount of $126,356.50
General Fund
Information Only
a.Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, at 6:00 p.m. and will be
held in the Board room. A Board Study Session is scheduled for Wednesday, January 27, at
6:00 p.m. for 2010 budget planning.
b. Budget Status Report
The budget status report for November was included for Board information.
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December 16, 2009
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Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:01 p.m.
President Greg Hanon announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the
Superintendent’s evaluation and collective bargaining. No Board action was anticipated.
Meeting Reconvened: 9:15 p.m.
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned: 9:16 p.m.
Gil Mendoza, Secretary
Board of Directors
Greg Hanon, President
Board of Directors