Room Parent Technology Help
For technology help, email
For newsletter submissions, email
- Go to and log-in to your account. You will have administrative rights to your teacher’s parent page.
- Update the General Information on your page. If you need a new section, Click on Include Content. You have several choices, HTML which is a text box, News where you can post things by Titles and news-like stories, Events which are your sign-up sheets, or Calendars which creates a calendar on your page.
- To edit your information in any section, click on the RED BUTTON next to the Title Section.
- You will notice 4 sections – Approved, Pending, Archived and Trash; OLD CONTENT will be in Archived or Trash so check in these sections and re-do the information before you re-invent the wheel.
- To post new news or new volunteer events, click on Post News or Add Volunteer Event.
- For everything you post, make sure the APPROVED button is checked in the right hand corner. If you forget to check this button, your news, events, html will go in the Pending folder. Click on the Red button, click on Pending, and you will see your content.
- For volunteer events, DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING CHECKED on the information page. See Quick Tips Attachment for step by step instructions.
- Train your parents to check the website. It will make your life easier if you don’t have to constantly send out emails and reminders.
- Each teacher page will come with 3 standard sections: HTML, NEWS, and EVENTS. To change the order of where things are placed, click on Edit inside your page frame (up to the right). You will see arrows by each title. You can move those sections up and down. Postings within sections will be categorized by date. Older submissions get pushed to the bottom of the section. If you want it front and center again, you must change the “Date Active” date.
- There are 2 ways to post a PDF file. In the News section, you can attach a pdf to any News submission. Make sure you don’t have any spaces or weird characters in your filename. The second way is to create a PDF link in the html section.
- Graphics are always fun to add. See the quick tips page attached for adding graphics. Remember to left align your graphics and a good “width” is 150.
Useful Ways to Use Your Teacher Webpage
- Set up a conference schedule for your teacher
- Add the teacher’s favorite things to the webpage
- Have a sign-up for classroom needs/wants from teacher
- Box top tally for your classroom
- Be creative and solve a need
- Post field trip information or special event details