Members in Attendance
Katherine Crallan
Jude Ferguson (Chair)
Lee O’Bryan
Shazia Riaz
Sue Warman
Officers of the Constabulary in Attendance
Gareth Morgan, T/ Deputy Chief Constable
Julian Kern, Director of Finance (“OCC CFO”)
Nick Adams, Head of Retained Finance
Dan Wood, Head of Strategy and Planning
Suzannah Polley, Force Crime and Incident Registrar
Officers of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)
Mark Simmonds, Chief Finance Officer (“OPCC CFO”)
Daniel Howitt, Head of Strategic Planning and Performance
Martin Dunscombe, Head of OPCC Communications
Alaina Davies, Resources Officer
Also in Attendance
Sue Mountstevens, Police and Crime Commissioner
Kevin Henderson, Grant Thornton
Mark Jones, Baker Tilly
Angela Ward, Baker Tilly
15. Apologies for Absence
John Long, Acting Chief Constable
John Smith, Chief Executive
16. Emergency Evacuation Procedure
The emergency evacuation procedure for the Gordano meeting room was noted.
17. Declarations of Interest / Gifts / Offers of Hospitality
18. Public Access
There were no requests for public access
19. Minutes of the Joint Audit Committee Meeting held on 27 March 2014 (Report 5)
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2014
were confirmed as a correct record and will be signed by the Chair.
Action update:
Minute 6a(i) Progress Report on the Crime Integrity Reporting. Action Closed
Minute 6a(ii) The Audit Programme in relation to crime integrity reporting work has been shared with the Joint Audit Committee Members. Action Closed
Minute 12b(i) IT Mobile Data review has been moved to quarter 4 on the internal audit plan as per the discussion at the last meeting of the Joint Audit Committee. Action Closed
Minute 12b(ii) Business Continuity has been included in the internal audit plan at quarter 2 as per the discussion at the last meeting of the Joint Audit Committee. Action Closed
Minute 7b(ii) The regulations are silent on a time limit within which to claim overtime which means that it is up to the individual constabulary to set a timeframe. Some other forces have already set time limits to claim and Avon and Somerset are now looking to introduce this. Action Closed
20. Business from the Chair
a) Post-election Update (Verbal Update)
The PCC election next May was discussed and concerns regarding turn-out. The danger of future funding cuts was discussed and the PCC CFO confirmed that Reserves have been discussed in detail at the Joint Finance Meeting.
b) Update on IPCC Investigations (Verbal Update)
An update on IPCC investigations was given as follows:
· Chief Constable Misconduct Hearing – this is due to begin on 29th June. The case is to be heard by an independent panel. The panel will report their findings to the PCC who will then hold a sanction hearing to inform the Chief Constable of her decision.
· Bridgwater Death in Custody – The IPCC are investigating the contact with officers from the point of arrest, his care in custody and if the checks in the cell were appropriate.
· Operation Brisbane – Three officers and one PSCO have appeared in Bristol Crown Court charged with misconduct in a public office. The PCSO was additionally charged with perverting the course of justice. The trial has been set for 9th November 2015.
· Collision in Bristol – Awaiting IPCC report.
· Death of James Herbert – Awaiting IPCC report.
· Paul Retallick – IPCC investigating a complaint into Avon and Somerset Constabulary’s response to a reported incident and a series of threats against Mr Retallick before he died. The IPCC will also examine a complaint about the handling of the criminal investigation into his murder.
· Keynsham Custody Injury – A man suffered a serious head injury whilst detained in Keynsham custody. The sergeant has been served with a gross misconduct notice and has been interviewed under criminal caution on suspicion of unlawfully wounding/inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm.
The PCC assured Members that she has spoken to the IPCC Commissioner and been assured that Avon and Somerset is not referring an unusually high amount of cases in comparison to others – the higher number of cases is a trend in general.
c) HMIC Update (Verbal Update)
Members were given an update on the recent HMIC inspection activity. Honour Based Violence - Concern has been raised by the HMIC in terms of resilience regarding special staff and levels of supervision. The Constabulary are comfortable in their ability and want all staff to have a good understanding but be able to call experts when required – it is felt that this approach provides the best value for money.
Efficiency – demand is managed well and the top generators of demand are understood. Good use of technology and good future plans. HMIC should be mindful that their programme of activity fits in with external audit as the timing of this currently means external audit cannot rely on it.
d) Joint Audit Committee Member Update (Verbal Update)
Members visited the Force Service Centre in May. Members were impressed by the work and were struck by the complexity of the screens the call handlers use. It was noted that there are still issues in relation to delays in answering 101 calls.
e) Joint Audit Committee Annual Report (Report 6e)
Paragraph 2.4 will be amended as per the discussion. It was agreed that future JAC (Joint Audit Committee) annual reports will include a JAC opinion to the PCC adding to the assurance process.
The reason for the high number of advisory reports in 2014/15 was discussed – this was due to the operating model.
Paragraph 2.4 will also be amended to reflect that the Internal Audit Plan is a working document rather than a final draft.
The dates in paragraph 1.1 were identified as incorrect and will be amended.
RESOLVED THAT the amendment will be made to the Joint Audit Committee Annual Report as discussed and agreed by Members. The report will include suggestions above for 2015/16.
21. Update from Force Crime and Incident Registrar (Presentation)
The Force Crime and Incident Registrar gave a presentation to Members. Members were informed that success in this area of work is measured through crime figures.
22. Internal Audit Reports:
a) Annual Report (Report 8a)
The Annual Report was discussed.
RESOLVED THAT The Internal Auditors should ensure that the Constabulary Chief Finance Officer and Director of Resources title is correct at Appendix A
b) Updated Internal Audit Plan (Report 8b)
The proposed changes need to be looked at further to avoid duplication as the Internal Audit Plan should focus on gaps where there is not already assurance. It was suggested that a summary of the OPCC Scrutiny Panel findings referred to at 1.1 be available to Joint Audit Committee Members.
RESOLVED THAT a meeting to discuss areas of gaps in assurance be arranged.
c) Complaints (Report 8c)
No particular trend or event was highlighted through this audit and no problem was identified with the processing of complaints. The Constabulary have now commissioned a peer review as there is a concern that there could be confusion with the interpretation of guidance.
RESOLVED THAT the follow up proposal from the peer review commissioned by the Constabulary should be reported to the Joint Audit Committee.
d) Governance (Report 8d)
Discussion took place regarding the information the PCC receives in various formats and any further assurances the Joint Audit Committee can gain from this. This will be covered by action 22b.
RESOLVED THAT see action 22b.
e) Risk Management – Follow Up (Report 8e)
Members where assured of the good progress and only 1 recommendation remains outstanding.
RESOLVED THAT Members discussed the report.
23. External Audit Reports:
a) Updated Audit Plan (Report 9a)
Members noted the Updated Audit Plan.
b) Audit Update (Report 9b)
Assurance was sought that the issues regarding Systems Assurance have been addressed before it is run again this year.
c) Auditing Standards – Communication with the Audit Committee
The report was discussed.
24. OCC and PCC Draft Annual Accounts and Governance Statements (Report 10)
The Joint Finance Meeting approved the draft on Monday and the documents have been published on the PCC Website. Members should submit questions by end of July 2015. The Finance Team involved were thanked for their good work on the annual accounts.
RESOLVED THAT Joint Audit Committee Members should submit questions regarding the Annual Accounts and Governance Statements by the end of July 2015.
25. Exempt minutes of the Joint Audit Committee Meeting held on 26 September 2014 (Report 11)
26. Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Strategic Risk Register (Report 12)
27. Constabulary Strategic Risk Register Update (Report 13)
28. A.O.B
(i) Joint Audit Committee Meeting formally be diarised to last for 3 hours with the aim to complete within 2.5 hours; and
(ii) Risk should be discussed at the start of the meeting so the agenda will be amended for future meetings to discuss the exempt section at the start of the meeting.
The meeting concluded at 13:30
Business from the Chair: Joint Audit Committee Annual Report
26/06/2015 / Amendment will be made to the Joint Audit Committee Annual Report as discussed and agreed by Members. The report will include agreed suggestions for 2015/16. / Joint Audit Committee Chair / Immediate
Minute 22a
Internal Audit Report: Annual Report
26/06/2015 / The Internal Auditors should ensure that the Constabulary Chief Finance Officer and Director of Resources title is correct at Appendix A / Baker Tilly / Immediate
Minute 22b
Internal Audit Report: Updated Internal Audit Plan
26/06/2015 / A meeting to discuss areas of gaps in assurance be arranged. / Baker Tilly / Immediate
Minute 22c
Internal Audit Report: Complaints
26/06/2015 / Follow up proposal from the peer review commissioned by the Constabulary should be reported to the Joint Audit Committee. / OCC CFO / TBC
Minute 24
OCC and PCC Draft Annual Accounts and Governance Statements
26/06/2015 / Joint Audit Committee Members should submit questions regarding the Annual Accounts and Governance Statements by the end of July 2015. / Joint Audit Committee Members / 31/07/2015
Minute 28 (i)
26/06/2015 / Joint Audit Committee Meeting formally be diarised to last for 3 hours with the aim to complete within 2.5 hours / OPCC Resources Officer / Immediate
Minute 28 (ii)
26/06/2015 / Risk should be discussed at the start of the meeting so the agenda will be amended for future meetings to discuss the exempt section at the start of the meeting. / OPCC Resources Officer / 18/09/2015
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Alaina Davies 17.07.15