AP US History - Summer Assignment 2014


Greetings. In order to keep pace with the AP exam date, students must begin the reading for this class over the summer. You must first check out a copy of the textbook: American History, A Survey (11th Edition), from the Culver City High School Library in the beginning of summer – June 20th is the first day that the books will be available. The following assignment is due during REGISTRATION onAUGUST 11thand will go toward your 1st semester grade. If you will be on vacation during registration you must either drop it off to the guidance office before you leave or mail it toCulver City High School and have it postmarked before August 11th. Failure to complete the following assignment will show that you are unprepared for the rigors of AP and will be grounds for dropping you from the class. This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment – you may not share responses with other students. YOU MUST KEEP APHOTOCOPY OF YOUR ASSIGNMENTto study for theUNIT 1 EXAM (multiple choice) on this material that will take place on TUESDAY AUGUST 26th, the 2nd Day of School. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Owens at: .

Your Assignment: You must complete Parts I, II, III, IV & V (150 Points Total)

ALL WORK MUST BE HANDWRITTEN IN BLUE OR BLACK INK PEN.The entire assignment should be stapled or bracketed together, but make sure to have your name on each section in case they get separated after you turn them in.

I. READ Chapter 1of the text American History A Survey(11th Edition) by Alan Brinkley. Read the chapter carefully – I recommend reading the entire chapter before answering the Questions and defining the Key Terms. You will use information from Chapter 1 to complete Parts II-V. ***I also recommend readingChapter 2 of the textbook during the week before school begins to prepare for the material covered during the first week of school, but material from Chapter 2 will NOT be included on the first exam.***

II. READING QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions in your own words – do not just copy the book, responses will require a paragraph each,and be prepared to discuss your responses during the first week of class in September. You do not need to re-write the questions, but number the responses clearly and make sure your responses are stapled and in order. You will be tested on the material from the questions, the Key Terms, and the Short Answer questions on the Summer/Unit 1 Exam that will take on August 26th.

Chapter 1: THE MEETING OF CULTURES (2 Points Each – 36 Points Total)

1. Describe the earliest migration of people from Asia and how they spread and settled in the Americas (as described in the intro).

2. Describe Native American life in South and Central America before the arrival of Columbus.

3. How did Native American life and society in North America contrast the South?

4. How did the North American tribes and life east of the Mississippi contrast the West?

5. “Where Historians Disagree” Section #1: Summarize the explanations as to why historians differ. In your opinion, if historians differ so much, how should we teach history?

6. “Where Historians Disagree”Section #2” What was the Native American population by the arrival of Columbus? How does the number historians choose change the “story” of European contact and colonization?

7. What were the motivations and causes of European exploration and settlement in the “New World” Americas?

8. Describe the first European contacts with Native Americans including the arrival Columbus.

9. What were the characteristics of Spanish colonial conquest and settlement in North America and what impact did this have on native peoples?

10. How did Spanish America “New Spain” evolve from 1500 to 1700?

11. What were the major biological and cultural exchanges between Europe and the Americas? Describe the impact of this exchange.

12. Describe the early rise of the African Slave Trade and the impact of African culture on the Americas.

13. Describe the commercial (economic) incentives for England to colonize the “New World.”

14. Describe the religious incentives for England to colonize the New World.

15. How did the English experience in Ireland and subjugation of the Irish people affect the colonization process of the New World?

16. Describe the French settlements in the New World. How did they contrast the English and the Spanish?

17. Describe the Dutch settlement in North America.What was the focus of their colonies?

18. Why didn’t the British successfully develop colonies in America until 1607? Explain.

III. KEY TERMS (1 Point Each – 14 Points total)

Define each NUMBERED term (around 2 sentences in your own words – plagiarism is grounds for being dropped from the class) and provide one sentence of historical significance (label “HS” – think “why is it important to the era?”) for each term. You must number each term and clearly label “HS” and make sure they are in order. *Starred terms require or may require outside sources (internet searches are fine) to define. Remember: work must be handwritten in pen on paper – DO NOT TURN IN INDEX CARDS ORFLASHCARDS. You should learn theother non-numbered terms as theymay be included on the Summer Assignment/Unit 1 Exam on Tuesday August 26th, but you DO NOT have to turn them in.


Advanced Placement US History- Mr. Owens

Summer Assignment 2014

Follow the example below (but make sure it is handwritten):

Halfway Covenant: The decision of Puritan colony churches in the 1690s to allow the grandchildren of those who had the personal experience of conversion to participate in church affairs. Previously, only the children of those that had experienced personal conversion could participate, and some rejected this as weakening the church.

H.S. – Reflected the decline of piety and zeal among New Englanders and fear that the influence of the Puritan church was in decline.

KEY TERMSto Define

1. Algonquin * / Terms to know (but not turn in) / Terms to know (but not turn in)
2. Iroquois Confederation * / Incas, Mayans, Aztecs / Richard Hakluyt
3. agricultural revolution / Woodland Indians (mound builders) / predestination
4. encomienda system / nation-states / Calvinism
5. Juan de Sepulveda* & Bartolome de Las Casas* / Prince Henry the Navigator / The English Reformation
6. Mission system / Christopher Columbus / The Plantation Model
7. “Columbian” Exchange* / Hernando Cortes / coureurs de bois
8. racial hierarchy (Caste “casta” system) / Francisco Pizarro / Jacques Cartier* & Samuel de Champlain
9. Don Juan de Onate / conquistadores / Henry Hudson
10. Pueblo Revolt of 1680 / asiento system* (slavery) / New Amsterdam
11. Merchant capitalism / New Laws of 1542* / patroons
12. Chartered companies (joint-stock companies)* / Ordinances of Discovery / Roanoke
13. mercantilism / John Cabot
14. Puritans and Separatists / The Enclosure Movement


Read the following documents and respond to the prompts in PARAGRAPH form.

Question 1 is based on the following excerpt the image and material from Chapter 1.

Christopher Columbus (1492) Excerpt from his journal.

“As I saw that they were very friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force, I presented them with some red caps, and strings of beads to wear upon the neck, and many other trifles of small value. . . Afterwards they came swimming to the boats, bringing parrots, balls of cotton thread, javelins, and many other things which they exchanged for articles we gave them, such as glass beads, and hawk’s bells. They willingly traded everything they owned…They were well built, with good bodies and handsome features….They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane….They would make fine servants… I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion. . . . With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

1. Use the excerpt and image above to answer A & B. (10 Points)

A.Compare and contrast the depiction of the American Indians in Columbus’ journal with the image above.

B. What impact would these depictions have on European attitudes toward exploring the “New World”?

Question 2 is based on the following two excerpts and material from Chapter 1:

Juande Sepulveda (1547)Spanish theologian, philosopher, historian, and astronomer called by Charles V to share his view on the treatment of Indians in the New World.

“The Spanish have a perfect right to rule these barbarians of the New World and the adjacent islands, who in prudence, skill, virtues, and humanity are as inferior to the Spanish as children to adults, or women to men, for there exists between the two as great a difference as between savage and cruel races and the most merciful, between the most intemperate and the moderate and temperate and, I might even say, between apes and men.You surely do not expect me to recall at length the prudence and talents of the Spanish.... And what can I say of the gentleness and humanity of our people, who, even in battle, after having gained the victory, put forth their greatest effort and care to save the greatest possible number of the conquered and to protect them from the cruelty of their allies? Well, then, if we are dealing with virtue, what temperance or mercy can you expect from men who are committed to all types of intemperance and base frivolity, and eat human flesh? Although some of them show a certain ingenuity for various works of artisanship, this is no proof of human cleverness, for we can observe animals, birds, and spiders making certain structures which no human accomplishment can competently imitate. Therefore, if you wish to reduce them, I do not say to our domination, but to a servitude a little less harsh, it will not be difficult for them to change their masters, and instead of the ones they had, who were barbarous and impious and inhuman, to accept the Christians, cultivators of human virtues and the true faith.”

Bartolome de Las Casas (1552)The Dominican friar challenged Sepulveda in the Valladolid Debate.

“Now if we shall have shown that among our Indians of the western and southern shores (granting that we call them barbarians and that they are barbarians) there are important kingdoms, large numbers of people who live settled lives in a society, great cities, kings, judges and laws, persons who engage in commerce, buying, selling, lending, and the other contracts of the law of nations, will it not stand proved that the Reverend Doctor Sepulveda has spoken wrongly and viciously against peoples like these, either out of malice or ignorance of Aristotle's teaching, and, therefore, has falsely and perhaps irreparably slandered them before the entire world? From the fact that the Indians are barbarians it does not necessarily follow that they are incapable of government and have to be ruled by other's, except to be taught about the Catholic faith and to be admitted to the holy sacraments. They are not ignorant, inhuman, or bestial. Rather, long before they had heard the word Spaniard they had properly organized states, wisely ordered by excellent laws, religion, and custom. They cultivated friendship and, bound together in common fellowship, lived in populous cities in which they wisely administered the affairs of both peace and war justly and equitably, truly governed by laws that at very many points surpass ours, and could have won the admiration of the sages of Athens....

Next, I call the Spaniards who plunder that unhappy people torturers.... For God's sake and man's faith in him, is this the way to impose the yoke of Christ on Christian men? Is this the way to remove wild barbarism from the minds of barbarians? Is it not, rather, to act like thieves, cutthroats, and cruel plunderers and to drive the gentlest of people headlong into despair? The Indian race is not that barbaric, nor are they dull witted or stupid, but they are easy to teach and very talented in learning all the liberal arts, and very ready to accept, honor, and observe the Christian religion and correct their sins (as experience has taught) once priests have introduced them to the sacred mysteries and taught them the word of God. They have been endowed with excellent conduct, and before the coming of the Spaniards, as we have said, they had political states that were well founded on beneficial laws.The Indians are our brothers, and Christ has given his life for them. Why, then, do we persecute them with such inhuman savagery when they do not deserve such treatment? The past, because it cannot be undone, must be attributed to our weakness, provided that what has been taken unjustly is restored.

Finally, let all savagery and apparatus of war, which are better suited to Muslims than Christians, be done away with. Let upright heralds be sent to proclaim Jesus Christ in their way of life and to convey the attitudes of Peter and Paul. The Indians will embrace the teaching of the gospel, as I well know, for they are not stupid or barbarous but have a native sincerity and are simple, moderate, and meek, and, finally, such that I do not know whether there is any people readier to receive the gospel. Once they have embraced it, it is marvelous with what piety, eagerness, faith, and charity they obey Christ's precepts and venerate the sacraments. For they are docile and clever, and in their diligence and gifts of nature, they excel most peoples of the known world . . .”

2. Using thepreviousexcerpts, answer A, B, and C: (15 Points)

A) Compare and contrast the attitudes toward American Indians as expressed by Juan de Sepulveda and Bartolome de Las Casas.

B) Briefly explain what Sepulveda and Las Casas argue should be done with the American Indians?

C) Briefly explain which man’s perspective seemed to have the bigger impact on the attitude of the Spanish and other Europeans based on historical evidence from Chapter 1 and your knowledge of history.

Question 3 is based on the following excerpt and Chapter 1:

RichardHakluyt Calls for an Empire (1582)

“I marvel not a little… that since the first discovery of America (which is now full four score and ten years), after so great conquests and plantings of the Spaniards and Portuguese there, that we of England could never have the grace to set fast footing in such fertile and temperate places... But ... I conceive great hope that the time approacheth and now is that we of England may share and divide the prize if we will ourselves both with the Spaniard and the Portuguese in part of America and other regions as yet undiscovered. And surely if there were in us that desire to advance the honor of our country which ought to be in every good man, we would not all this while have neglected the possessing of those lands which of equity and right appertain unto us, as by the discourses that follow shall appear most plainly.

Yea, if we would behold with the eye of pity how all our prisons are pestered and filled with able men to serve their country, which for small robberies are daily hanged up in great numbers.... we would hasten . . . the deducting of some colonies of our superfluous people into those temperate and fertile parts of America, which, being within six weeks sailing of England, are yet unpossessed by any Christians, and seem to offer themselves unto us, stretching nearer unto Her Majesty's dominions than to any other part of Europe....It chanced very lately that upon occasion I had great conference…with an excellent learned man of Portugal, most privy to all the discoveries of his nation, who wondered that those blessed countries from the point of Florida northward were all this while unplanted by Christians, protesting with great affection and zeal that if he were now as young as I he would sell all he had, being a man of no small wealthand honor, to furnish a convenient number of ships to sea for the inhabiting of those countries and reducing those heathen people to Christianity. . . .If this man's desire might be executed, we might not only for the present time take possession of that good land, but also, in short space, by God's grace, find out that short and easy passage by the Northwest which we have hitherto so long desired.... Certainly, if hitherto in our own discoveries we had not been led with a preposterous desire of seeking rather gain than God's glory, I assure myself that our labors had taken far better effect. But we forgot that godliness is great riches, and that if we first seek the kingdom of God, all other things will be given unto us....”