Rising sophomores interested in applying to the College Scholar Programmust submit all materials electronically to by 11:59 pm on September 15th, 2015. (Early submissions preferred.)
Name / Last Name, First Name / Ithaca Address / Local Address /Student ID # / Cornell ID # / NetID / NetID / Cell Phone # / Cell Phone /
College / College / (if other than Arts & Sciences)
Please provide the name and contact information of a Cornell reference below. This should be someone who has taught you and could attest to your general ability and maturity, and, if possible, to any particular talent in the proposed field of study. Graduate teaching assistants are acceptable references.
Name / Name / Dept. / Dept. / E-mail / Email /****
Please give a brief (one-line) descriptive title of your proposed program of study:
Click here to enter title. /- Part 1: Please list the courses you completed freshman year as well as the courses you propose to take as a sophomore on the next page. Your first year's grades are considered.
- Part 2: Your essay (3 to 5 pages double-spaced) should describe the intellectual question(s) you wish to explore as a College Scholar. Please explain how the courses you propose to take will be contributing to what you envision the intellectual focus of your College Scholar project to be.
- Part 3 (Optional): In addition to the essay, you are strongly encouraged to submit a paper you wrote for a course at Cornell. Extra material attached? YES ☐ NO ☐
Title of paper / Title of paper /
Class written for / Class written for /
You will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision by the end of finals in the fall semester. Please note that applicants may be called in for an interview.
I. Freshman year courses
First Semester:Second Semester:
Course # and Title (Ex: ENGL 2010, The English Literary Tradition) / Requirement (PBS, LA-AS, FWS, etc.) / Course # and Title / RequirementCourse # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement /
Course # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement. /
Course # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement. /
Course # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement. /
Course # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement. /
Course # & Title / Requirement. / Course # & Title / Requirement. /
Number of academic credits completed: GPA after your freshman year: GPA
II. I plan to take the following courses during my sophomore year
First Semester: Second Semester:
Course # and Title (Ex: ENGL 2010, The English Literary Tradition) / Course # and TitleCourse # & Title / Course # & Title /
Course # & Title / Course # & Title /
Course # & Title / Course # & Title /
Course # & Title / Course # & Title /
Course # & Title / Course # & Title /
Course # & Title / Course # & Title /
III. (Optional) You may also list below some of the courses you are interested in taking after your sophomore year
Courses after sophomore year
PART TWO: APPLICATION ESSAY (3-5 pages double-spaced)
In a thoughtful, well-crafted essay, please describe your intellectual interests and the focus of your proposed College Scholar project. Keep the following questions in mind when you write your essay as these are the questions the Committee considers when reviewing applications. What have you learned from the courses you took and the conversations you have had with faculty conducting research in those disciplines? How are the courses you propose to take related to the intellectual focus you have identified? Which academic disciplines do you see as playing a central role in preparing you to pursue the lines of inquiry that seem most promising to you at this point? What will the College Scholar program enable you to do that a more traditional A&S Major may not?
Title of College Scholar program of study: Title of College Scholar Program of Study.
Start your essay here
PART THREE (Optional): You may submit a paper you wrote for a class at Cornell along with your application.
For office use only: Application completed on ______Decision: ______
College Scholar Application.