First Grade Planning Web

2017 - 2018

3rd Grading Period January 16 – January 19

Reading Literature & Informational Text
1.RL.KID.3 Using graphic organizers or including written details and illustrations, describe characters, setting, and major events in a story using key details.
1.RIL.IKI.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories including written details and illustrations when developmentally appropriate.
Journeys- Let’s Go to the Moon!
Anchor Text- Dear Mrs. LaRue
Anchor Text- The Day the Crayons Quit
Comprehension Skills and Strategies:
Target Skill- main idea and details; author’s purpose
Target Strategy- questions / Reading Foundational Skills
1.FL.PA.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)
c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel,
and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken
single-syllable words
1.FL.PWR.3 Know the sound-spelling correspondences for common consonant digraphs.
1.FL.PWR.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding isolated words and in connected text.
High Frequency Words to Know
around, bring, show, because, carry, think, before, light
Phonics- long “o” and “u”
Vocabulary Strategies- Suffixes –y, -ful
Grammar- questions / Writing
1.W.TTP.1 With prompting and support, write opinion pieces instroducing the top or text, stating and opinion, supplying a reason for the opinion, and providing a sense of closure.
Task: Select a toy, crayon, or animal that you think would have something to say to you. Write a letter from the toy, crayon, or animal that you’ve selected. The letter should try to persuade you to do something.
Group A – so, go, home, hole, no, rope, joke, bone, stove, poke
Group B – tomato, microscope, throne, bellow, roaming, woven, boneless, potato, stolen, homeless
*Sight Words- are, come, if, now
*Bonus Words- Monday, Tuesday
Numbers and Base Ten
1.NBT.B.2 Know that the digits of a two-digit number represent groups of tens and ones.
1.NBT.B.3 Compare the two-digit numbers based on the meanings of the digits in each place value.
1.O.A.A.2 Add three whole numbers whose sum is within 20 to solve contextual problems.
Chapter 6 / Science
Science Weekly: LS#2 Plants
Social Studies
SS Weekly #4: Rules
TN History for Kids: Chapter 9 (rules and laws) / Important Information