Mr. Douglas
AP Micro Economics
Advanced Placement Micro Economics
Your grade will be based on three different criteria:
· Homework- Homework will be roughly 100 points each grading period. Each homework assignment will be worth 6 points. Each late assignment will be worth 3 points. An assignment not turned in will be given a zero at the end of the grading period. I will not assign busy work so be assured that each problem given will have a key element to the course. The notes and homework will be posted to edlio. There is no excuse for not knowing what the work for the day was and the assignment given. This is a college level course, I expect college level work.
· Tests- Following each section a test will be given. The test will be in AP format. This means that there will be a number of multiple choice questions and a free response question.
· Project- There will be a project due at the end of the year. More information will be given as the due date nears.
This course will be different from others that you have taken. You must be able to not only memorize numerous graphs but also able to interpret them. If you fall behind early, the chances of catching up are slim.
Class will be taught in a lecture format. We must cover a significant amount of material. Sometimes I will be putting up notes from bell to bell. It is imperative that you take your notes home and review the graphs and terminology each night.
The most common question asked is, “Do I need to read the book?” My answer is yes and no. I will give you all the material you need to pass the class. However, if you wish to get a four or five on the test or an A in the class, you must do the reading. The book is excellent, has fantastic graphs, and has questions about the graphs and reading that aide in understanding the material.
Any time extra help is required I am available. My only request is that you ask me a day or two ahead of time so a convenient time for both of us can be set up. I know some of you have sports and/or jobs and your time is limited. On the same hand, I hope you appreciate that I also have numerous other time commitments. I hope that we can arrange a time conducive to both our schedules.
I expect that you conduct yourself in a respectful manner during class. At this point you should know what constitutes proper classroom behavior. If not, I will need to help you gain an understanding of what is appropriate. As long as we treat each other respectfully, it should be a good year.