Burwash Parish Council
Planning Notice
Parish Council Members are summoned to attend an Extraordinary Meeting of Burwash Parish Council to be held on Thursday 17th December, at 6.30pm in the Parish Room (Internet Room) next to the Bear Car Park. Members of the Public and Press are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Jane Cheshire
11th December 2015
Jane Cheshire
Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)
Tel: 07854699518
Address: Burwash Parish Council, PO Box 61, Etchingham, TN13 7YZ
A G E N D A for 17th December 2015
For Information Only: Members of the public will be allowed to ask questions on any matter of public concern, there will be 15 minutes allowed. All items need to be given to the clerk at a minimum of 24 hours before the meeting.
1) Apologies for Absence
2) Disclosures of Interest
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
3) Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting
To approve the Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 30/11/15 as a correct record of the proceedings.
4) Planning Applications
a) RR/2015/2887/O
Bell Inn, High Street, Burwash TN19 7EH
Lawful development certificate for existing use of The Bell Inn as a single dwelling house, within Use Class C3.
Applicant: Mr John Bull, The Bell Inn, High Street, Burwash, Etchingham
Agent: The Jts Partnership Llp, Attn: Mr Nick Davey, Number One, The Drive Brentwood
5) Planning Decisions
a) RR/2015/2371/P
19 Beechwood Close, The Willows Burwash
Change of use from residential dwelling to a residential therapeutic children’s home that will house 2 staff and 2 children. Replace door to rear with window. – APPROVED
b) RR/2015/2564/P
Burwash Village Hall, High Street, Burwash
Replacement of timber casement windows and fires escape doors on the west elevation with UPVC double glazed windows and doors of similar design and within the existing openings. – APPROVED
c) RR/2015/1020/L
Chandlers Farm, Foots Lane, Burwash
Proposed refurbishment to include replacement porch structure, external repairs, replacement of metal framed windows with timber framed windows and repair of existing timber framed windows. – APPROVED
6) Information for noting or including on a future agenda
7) Close of meeting