-Option 1 Chapter Questions-
Chapter 1:
- In this chapter, often we see Cameron think something and Ruben say it. What does this tell you about the difference between the two brothers?
Chapter 2:
- What difficulties does the Wolfe family face?
- Are any of these problems ones that families on the Peninsula face? Why?
Chapter 3:
- What is the difference between the two brothers, according to Ruben?
Chapter 4:
- Why does Perry take on Cameron as a fighter as well as Ruben? Use a quotation to support your answer.
Chapter 6:
- Why is Ruben so determined to win?
- Have you ever been this determined to win something? What was it and why was it important to win?
Chapter 8:
- How have things changed between Cameron and Ruben at the end of their first fight?
Chapter 10:
- What does Cameron think Ruben is afraid of? Why would Ruben be afraid of this?
Chapter 11:
- How does Cameron feel about his Mum? Use a quotation to support your response.
- Is there someone in your family who you feel similarly about? Why?
Chapter 12:
- How does Ruben’s interaction with Stephanie differ from Cameron’s? What does this tell you about the two brothers?
- Have you ever seen anyone treat a girl the way Ruben treated Stephanie? Do you think it is okay to treat women like this or do you think it was wrong?
Chapter 13:
- Why do think Cameron is determined to walk from the ring?
- What does Cameron learn during the chapter about his brother’s opinion of him? Use a quotation to support your response.
Chapter 14:
- Why won’t the Wolfe family allow their father to get the dole?
Chapter 15:
- Why does Ruben want to tell his parents about the fighting?
- Have you ever kept a secret from your parents that you wanted to tell them but didn’t know how? What happened?
Chapter 16:
- Why does Ruben say ‘I’m gonna hunt my life down and grab it.’? What has he realised?
-Option 1 Other Questions-
- Using a Venn Diagram, show the similarities and differences between Cameron and Ruben Wolfe (this will probably need to take up a whole page of your book).
- Describe the Wolfe Family. In doing so, you need to mention each individual member of the family. You need to talk about their loyalty and pride. You need to discuss their attitudes towards each other. You also need to use quotes from the book to help you answer this question.
- What is the novel Fighting Ruben Wolfe really about? What are the main themes and issues which are explored in the novel? What is the author, Markus Zusak, trying to say about them?You might like to answer this question in a table, like the one below.
Theme/Issue / Message
- Why do you think the author, Markus Zusak has changed the handwriting in the conversations at the end of the chapter?
-Option 1 Essay-
“Everyone in the Wolfe family is fighting, fighting to survive. They just do it in different places with different opponents.” Discuss.
To answer this topic, you will need to refer to at least 3 different members of the Wolfe family (one family member per paragraph) and describe how they are fighting to survive, where their struggle takes place and against whom. Remember that “fighting” doesn’t refer to just physical fighting.
Introduction / 1. Give your Contention(your point of view on the topic) by rephrasing the topic question.
2. Introduce you 3 points One sentence for each / Everyone in the Wolfe family is fighting, fighting to survive. They just do it in different places with different opponents. This is a major theme throughout the novel, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, written by Marcus Zusak. The characters in this text are from a struggling, working class family, whose father has been put out of work by a major accident. This has forced them all to fight for survival, against different opponents and in different circumstances, but they are all fighting for the same thing – family pride.
Body – 1st point / 1. TOPIC SENTENCE
Use the topic words from the topic question AND the topic of the paragraph
2. EVIDENCE or example – give a quote to back up your contention
3. EXPLANATION of quote and what it says about the topic
4. LINK: to contention by summing up what you have said in this paragraph and how it argues the topic. / Firstly, ______is fighting to survive and to uphold their family pride when ______
Body – 2nd point / 1. TOPIC SENTENCE
Use the topic words from the topic question AND the topic of the paragraph
2. EVIDENCE or example – give a quote to back up your contention
3. EXPLANATION of quote and what it says about the topic
4. LINK: to contention by summing up what you have said in this paragraph and how it argues the topic. / Secondly, ______is batting to uphold their family dignity and pride when ______
Body – 3rd point / 1. TOPIC SENTENCE
Use the topic words from the topic question AND the topic of the paragraph
2. EVIDENCE or example – give a quote to back up your contention
3. EXPLANATION of quote and what it says about the topic
4. LINK: to contention by summing up what you have said in this paragraph and how it argues the topic. / Thirdly, ____________
Conclusion / 1. Restate your contention
2. summarise your three main points / In conclusion, ______