Create a Turnitin assignment
Turnitin is an electronic text-matching tool that compares electronically submitted assignment against sources in the Turnitin Database including academic publications, other student papers and Internet sources.
Turnitin assignments are created via your LEO unit, enabling students to submit assignments and lecturers to access student submissions, and text match them via Turnitin’s originality reports.
To create a Turnitin assignment
1. Click Turn editing on
2. Go to the week/topic/module you wish to add the Turnitin assignment
3. In the Add an activity drop-down list, select Turnitin Assignment
GENERAL / Action
Turnitin Assignment Name:
Submission type: / Add Assignment title
Enter details about assessment task e.g. Inform students to allow enough time before the assignment due date for originality report to be generated
The default is ANY SUBMISSION (student choice). Select File upload for student to upload assignment files or Enter text into online text box.
Number of Parts
Maximum file size / Add additional parts if you wish students to submit more than one file (or part) to this assigment (max 5 parts).
Maximum file size is 20 mb
Overall grade / Determines the maximum grade for the assignment.
Student Originality Reports / The default is YES, student receives a copy of the originality report
Allow Late Submissions / The default is: YES, Assignments submitted after the due date and time will be marked as late
Report Generation speed / The default is: GENERATE REPORTS IMMEDIATELY, REPORTS CAN BE OVERWRITTEN UNTIL DUE DATE. Note if students resubmit they must wait 24 hours for a fresh report.
Store Student Papers / The default is: STANDARD REPOSITORY
Assignment due date / The Turnitin due date defaults to 1 week. To edit this information once the assignment is created click on the assignment link in your unit. Go to the Summary page, click edit icon and set the assignments Start Date, Due Date and Post Date (the date on which grades are released to students – if you don’t want students to view their grades as you award them set the post date for the date after you anticipate marking to be completed.
4. Click Save and Display
For more information about Turnitin assignment settings go to
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