EKME 2622923
Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks - SAON
National SAON Coordinating Committee – Canada
Terms of Reference
Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) is an initiative thatencourages sustained and coordinated pan-Arctic observing and data sharing to serve societal needs, particularly those related to environmental, social, economic and cultural issues.
The SAON vision is for users of observations have access to free, open and high quality data to realize pan-Arctic and global value-added services and societal benefits. To this end, SAON’s purpose isto enhance Arctic-wide observing activities by facilitating partnerships and synergies among existing observation and data management ‘building blocks’, and to promote sharing and synthesis of data and information. SAON is a resource for a broad community that includes governments and operational agencies, scientific researchers, indigenous peoples and northern residents, and the generalpublic.
The Arctic Council has the lead in implementing SAON, together with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). The oversight body for SAON is the SAON Board that includes, amongst others, one representative from each of the Arctic Council member states.
The SAON governance structure (see Annex 1) specifies that each Arctic Council member state shall form a National SAON Coordinating Committee.
The international web-site is used by the SAON Board for announcements and documentation on all aspects SAON.
Responsibilities for the National SAON Coordinating Committee – Canada
- To engage with, and inform, the Canadian SAON Board representative of Arctic observing and data management activities so as to ensure that the Canadian representative is prepared to present the national perspective at SAON Board meetings.
- To provide input and advice, from a Canadian perspective, into different aspects of SAON, to help guide SAON’s development and help the initiative meet its goals.
- To update the report “National Inventory of Canadian Sustained Arctic Observing Networks” on a regular basis (at least every five years) so that it reflects the current national situation.
- To provide a forum to discuss progress of the Canadian-led SAON Tasks, and to interface with other SAON Tasks that are relevant and valuable to Canada
The Canadian Polar Commission will host a Canadian web site that will link to the international SAON site.
Membership to the NSCC- Canada is intended to be open and to accommodate any organization involved in monitoring, observing or managing data pertaining to the Canadian Arctic. Members are welcome to self-identify from federal, provincial and territorial government agencies, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, industry, as well as Aboriginal organizations that are represented by Arctic Council Permanent Participant members, and others. Other non-Canadian organizations and agencies, that are actively engaged in the advancement of monitoring activities in the Canadian north, may also participate in the National SAON Coordinating Committee.
The committee will be chaired by the Canadian National Representative to the SAON Board. As the adhering body to IASC for Canada, the Canadian Polar Commission will provide Secretariat functions to the NSCC-Canada.
Meetings will be held by teleconferences scheduled in advance of, and after, SAON Board meetings. Any additional meetings will be held on an as-needed basis.
The CPC, in its secretariat capacity and in consultation with the chair, will schedule teleconference calls, prepare agendas, provide meeting notes and other meeting materials, and manage a national SAON website that will serve to inform Canadians of SAON activities.
- Canadian National SAON Representative: Helen Joseph, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (; 613-990-6930)
- Canadian SAON Secretariat: Jean-Marie Beaulieu, Canadian Polar Commission (; 613-947-9108)