This will help you remember what to take to camp. Use the first column to pack your belongings. Use the other to check these articles when you leave camp. To ensure that every article is returned with its owner, please mark all clothing, sleeping bags, etc., with your child's name. We cannot be responsible for unmarked items. We also ask for your cooperation in checking to see that candy, gum, cell phones, and electronics are not included in your child's luggage.

packed ______check

___ Sleeping Bag ___

___ Pillow ___

___ Toothpaste ___

___ Toothbrush ___

___ Shampoo ___

___ Soap ___

___ Wash cloth ___

___ Towels ___

___ Pajamas ___

___ Underclothing ___

___ Pants ___

___ Shirts ___

___ 2 pairs shoes/boots (for hiking/walking) ___

___ socks (4-5 pairs) ___

___ Umbrella, hat, raincoat ___

___ Heavy jacket or coat (MUST HAVE) ___

___ Warm hat and gloves ___

___ Sweatshirts ___

___ Dirty clothes bag ___

___ Flashlight ___

___ Kleenex ___

___ Leisure Reading Book ___

___ Pen/pencils ___

___ Water bottle ___

___ Sack lunch for Monday ___


___ Camera (inexpensive/disposable) ___

___ Playing cards ___

___ Small board games ___

___ Sunglasses ___

Pack your baggage in a suitcase, knapsack, or duffle bag. Roll your bedding securely. Make sure all your luggage is labeled.

Do not take anything else unless prior arrangements have been made with a sixth grade teacher.

ITEMS YOU MAY NOT BRING: iPods, radio or music players of any kind, video games, expensive cameras, video cameras, and/ or phones.