/ Professional Document Development/ Review Proposal Form

This form is to be completed for proposals to initiate projects to develop or review an ACORN professional document (standard, guideline, nursing role, or position statement).

This form will take some time and care to complete. It is important that all sections are completed, and that stakeholder consultation is conducted and their input is incorporated. This ensures that ACORN is presented with the best information on which to prioritise efforts. It also helps to ensure that there is consensus from appropriate communities of interest on the need for and the importance of the document, and on the expectations, timetable and direction of the project. All these elements contribute to producing a quality document in the most efficient and quickest manner.

Please complete the form and return to the ACORN Standards Editor at .

Proponent Details
Phone number
ACORN membership
Proponent’s Supporting Organisation and Contact Details
Name and contact details of organisation supporting this proposal, if any (i.e. local associations, facilities, or industry bodies).
Organisation name
Phone number
Contact person
Project Proposal Details
Proposed title
Please provide the title of the proposed document or document to be reviewed/ revised.
Project Scope
Briefly summarise what is being requested within this proposal. Please summarise the scope of the document to be produced including any specific inclusions and exclusions.
Project type
Please indicate whether the project is a new document, complete review, or minor revision.
New document Complete review (major revision)  Minor amendment (minor revision)
Project type
Please indicate whether the output of this project is to be a standard, guideline, nursing role, position statement, or other type of document.
Standard Guideline Nursing rolePosition statement Other ______
Scale of proposed work
Please indicate the size/complexity of the proposed project, taking account of the size of the document, changes required, expected level of comment etc.
Choose one: Simple  or Complex ;
Choose one: Small  Medium  or Large 
Please indicate the area of the proposed document
Nursing Role Staff / Patient Safety Professional Practice Asepsis / Clinical Care Equipment and Environment Management and Staffing Other ______

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Project Proposal details (continued)
Related documents
Please list any known industry, domestic, regional, other national or international standards, guides, codes and research related to the proposal.
Are there any key risks that you know of that may impact this project?
Need for the proposed work
Please identify and provide evidence of the problem to be addressed, the goals and objectives of the proposed document, and demonstrate that it is justified.
Project team
Please indicate if you would be will to be part of, or lead this project.
The information provided in this application is complete, true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Please check your proposal is complete, read and complete the declaration, then forward your completed proposal and any attached documents to ACORN Standards Editor at .

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