Safety Statement
St. Mary’s N.S., Tagoat.
Safety Officer: V. Rev. M. Glynn, P.P., Chairperson, B.O.M.
Staff Safety Rep.: Mrs Annie Breslin, Deputy Principal
First Aid Consultants: Deirdre Doheny, School Secretary
Yvette Walsh, Teacher
Catherine Kelly, Teacher
This Safety Statement is aimed at protecting our employees and pupils from accidents and ill-health at school. It is our programme in writing to manage health and safety.
The Safety Statement is available to our employees, outside service providers and inspectors of the Health and Safety Authority.
This Safety Statement is updated as necessary and is reviewed annually.
We undertake, so far as is reasonably practicable, to comply with all health and safety legislation.
Signed _____V. Rev. M. Glynn P.P.______
(Rev. Chairperson, Board of Management)
Date _____19/05/20124______
- An annual safety audit is carried out by the Safety Team – Principal, Safety Officer and Staff Safety Representative.
- Risks and hazards (when identified) are immediately remedied, if possible.
- All risks/hazards to health and safety, when identified, are brought to the attention of the Safety Officer by the Staff Safety Representative.
Room Numbers
Room 1 (A) / Mrs Whelan / Room 6 / Mrs KellyRoom 2 (B) / Ms Walsh / Room 7 / Principal’s Office
Room 3 / Deirdre’s Office / Room 8 / Staff Room
Room 4 / Mr O’Keeffe / Room 9 (D) / Mr Pitt
Room 5 (C) / Mrs Breslin
Fire Drill Procedures
- Fire extinguishers are placed throughout the school. An extinguisher for electrical fires is centrally located in Room 4.
- Fire extinguishers are checked annually by qualified personnel.
- Smoke alarms are in place throughout the school.
- Fire drills are carried out at least once a term. Fire drills are recorded in the fire drill book. This is kept in the Principal’s office.
- All staff are trained in the use of fire extinguishers.
- A fire blanket is located in the Staff Room.
- The signal is the ringing of the fire alarm.
- Children line up in the usual orderly fashion. Class teachers check their class toilets for children before leading their classes outside.
- Depending on the location of a fire, the routes may be altered at the discretion of the Principal.
- Rooms 1 and 2 exit via their door to the yard. They proceed around the building (via P.E. shelter) to their assembly area on the front grass.
- Rooms 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exit through the front door and proceed to their assembly area on the front grass.
- Rooms 8 and 9 exit through the staff entrance and proceed to their assembly area on the front grass.
- Any pupils who are attending LS/RT teachers at the time of the alarm are escorted outside by the relevant teacher and returned to their class groups at their assembly areas on the front grass.
- Disabled and Infant toilets are checked by the relevant staff members before they exit the building.
Mr O’Keeffe – Staff toilet beside office, Infant toilets
Ms Walsh – Disabled toilets beside her classroom
Mr Pitt – Disabled toilets beside his classroom
- Each teacher leads his/her class outside.
- The school secretary/SNA leads Principal’s class out, leaving the Principal free to conduct a final check of the school.
- The Principal takes the roll book with her. Class teachers take daily attendance lists outside.
- The assembly point is the grass area at the front of the school. Each class goes to its own separate point on the grass.
- Each class teacher calls his/her own roll and reports to the Principal.
Supervision Guidelines
- The children are supervised at all times by school members of staff from 9am to 2.50pm.
- Children are supervised at all times when using the exits/corridors for break times and home time, and when moving in class groups.
- A supply of outdoor equipment is available to the children during break times to promote positive and safe play. Football is confined to the ball court and the grass areas.
- Children are constantly instructed to walk in an orderly fashion in corridors.
- Safety cones are placed on tiled areas during exceptionally damp weather.
- Safety strips using non-slip paint highlight the edges of the front steps to minimise the risk of slipping in wet weather. There is a safety surface on the front steps and ramps. Non-slip tiles are located at the base of the front steps and at the bottom of the access ramps.
- “Safety Squad” (senior children) assist teachers with break time supervision in the junior classes and the playground. Safety Squad remain with junior classes while supervising staff members oversee all children.
- As part of the wider S.P.H.E. curriculum all children are made familiar with relevant parts of the health and safety policy.
- All parents are asked to sign and give their consent for children to be taken on foot within the locality e.g. the community centre and the church.
- Written consent is required for any excursion by bus.
Procedures for First Aid/Accidents/Injuries
- Basic First Aid kits are placed at either end of the school in the Staff Room and the secretary’s office.
- Parents are requested to inform the school of any allergies on their child’s registration form.
- A list of children with specific allergies is located on the outside of the medicine cabinet.
- Minor cuts and grazes are dealt with by the supervising staff as they occur. In the event of a doubt regarding a child’s injury the supervising teacher refers to the First Aid Consultant on duty.
- Injuries deemed to be of a more serious nature are referred to the Principal, who contacts the Parents/guardians using the contact numbers on the child’s registration form.
- In the event of a serious injury/medical emergency to a child, where there is no response to the child’s contact numbers, the discretion of the Principal/Deputy principal or next most senior member to seek advice/treatment will prevail.
- Other than minor cuts, grazes etc., details of all accidents, injuries and action taken are recorded in the Incident Book in the secretary’s office.
- Posters/leaflets dealing with health/safety/first aid etc. are displayed prominently in the Staff Room.
- School staff do not administer medication to a child except in specific circumstances, i.e. where a child is on continuous medication for a chronic condition and provided that a written request has been issued by the child’s parent/guardian and with the permission of the Board of Management (see attached forms).
- Medication is kept secure in a locked cabinet in the secretary’s office. In cases where the child needs access the medication is stored in a safe place in the classroom.
- It is school policy to promote self-medication e.g. asthma inhalers, or parental supervision of medication.
- The ultimate responsibility for a child’s medication lies with the parent.
- A list of all children in the school with chronic medical conditions/allergies is in every classroom and every member of staff is made aware of their medical issues. Each child’s medication treatment and location of medication is also on the list.