NC DENR - Division of Waste Management - UST Section

Free Product Removal Program

List of Allowable Task Codes for Preliminary Free Product Evaluation

(See the 2003 Reasonable Rate Document and 2007 Revised Interim

Reasonable Rate Document for additional details on each task)

1.040 Health & Safety Plan

The SOW includes preparation of a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) for all planned activities at the site, covering both current free product efforts, and any future site activities (including any subsequent assessment or corrective actions). The HASP should be prepared in accordance with OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.120). A copy of this plan must be submitted to the Regional Office prior to requesting reimbursement for this task or no reimbursement will be approved. This task may only be requested if no prior HASP was prepared for the site, or if there has been a change in the primary consultant at the site.

2.071 Cost of Free Product Evaluation

This task is intended for the monitoring well with the greatest measured free product thickness. An additional well may be added at the Incident Manager’s discretion based on site-specific conditions.

This SOW must include a bail-down test to provide an estimate of product thickness and the recovery rate of free product evaluated over a maximum period of 8 hours to determine the most cost-effective long-term recovery alternative. It includes all personnel, miscellaneous equipment and expendables, as well as consultant mileage. SOW includes initial measurement and recording of groundwater depths and product thickness of the affected well(s). It also includes bailing or pumping free product from affected well(s) ONE TIME plus proper storage of product once recovered.

This SOW will be used to determine the free product recovery method that is most appropriate at the site. Using the data collected from the initial bail-down test, any previous free product recovery events that may have been conducted in the past, and other data gathered in the course of regular assessment, the consultant will recommend a method of continued free product recovery. The conclusion should be presented in the form of the Free Product Recovery Report outlined in the most recent version of the Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases and submitted for reimbursement under Task Code 6.022. This report shall be presented to the Regional Office within the timeframe described in the Free Product Removal Request Notice of Regulatory Requirement. All activities must be completed in this category to receive reimbursement. This task shall not be duplicated unless requested and preapproved by the Division. Please record and submit bailing/pumping information on Secondary Form 2B. Price is per well, but only one "Free Product Recovery Report" is allowed.

2.074 Hand Bailing of Free Product

This task is to be used for all other monitoring wells with the FP thickness ≥0.01 foot where no recovery assessment under Task 2.071 (above) is required by the Incident Manager.

Hand bailing of a well MAY be reimbursed if the consultant meets all the following criteria:

·  No special trip is required. That is, it is combined with an assessment activity already scheduled

·  No additional personnel are assigned

·  No additional mileage is requested

·  No additional report is generated

·  Free product amount must be more than just a sheen; at least 0.01 foot.

This SOW includes all personnel, miscellaneous equipment and expendables. This SOW also includes measuring and recording groundwater depth and product thickness prior to bailing each well. Please record and submit bailing information on Secondary Form 2B. Price is per well.

2.300 Cost for Drums

SOW will include purchasing and delivery of required drums to store wastes generated by the free product recovery under Tasks 2.071 and 2.074 above. This SOW includes properly staging, sealing and labeling any drums containing such waste (cost excludes disposal, see Section 9). Price is per drum.

4.032 Water Levels without FP

This task is to be used for monitoring wells with little (0.01 foot) to no free product detected at those wells where measurements were made due to an initial expectation of the presence of free product based on available historic data.

SOW includes static water level measurements only. This task may not be used for wells included in Tasks 2.071 or 2.074 above. This SOW covers all necessary expendables, equipment and personnel to perform required static water level measurements only, including personnel time and mileage to coordinate this task. Price is per well.

6.022 Free Product Recovery Report

This task should be used for the preparation of a report providing information on the product assessment and recovery activities described above, as well as recommendations for the most cost-effective alternatives available for future recovery events based on an evaluation of the data collected during the completion of the free product recovery efforts described above. See Task 2.071 for additional details. Price is per report.

9.020 Cost for Disposing Product (Bid)

SOW includes the transportation and disposal of free product and contaminated groundwater collected as a result of the product recovery events described above. Along with the vendor/disposal facility’s invoice, the consultant must submit a copy of the disposal manifests documenting proper handling and the actual volume disposed. Multiple bids should not be required based on the limited volume of wastewater anticipated from Tasks 2.071 and 2.074. If, for some reason, total disposal costs are predicted to exceed $2,000 at any given site, please discuss the site conditions with the Incident Manager to determine if a more targeted recovery/bail-down regimen is appropriate for site. (See Task 1.061 in the 2003 Reasonable Rate Document for more details on the multiple bid requirements for this task where total disposal costs are still expected to exceed $2,000.) Price is cost, and will be evaluated based on typical rates for transportation and disposal of drummed petroleum wastewater throughout the state.

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