In an effort to resource our churches more effectively, Committee on Ministry recommends any of the following as supply preachers for worship. Each has been interviewed and received that recommendation. The grouping below indicates other pastoral functions these persons may or may not be able to serve in your particular congregation.

Some Book of Order references may be helpful as you consider your pulpit supply:

G-2.0504 b. Temporary Pastoral Relationships – Temporary pastoral relationships are approved by the presbytery and do not carry a formal call or installation. When a congregation does not have a pastor, or while the pastor is unable to perform her or his duties, the session, with the approval of presbytery, may obtain the services of a teaching elder, candidate, or ruling elder in a temporary pastoral relationship. No formal call shall be issued and no formal installation shall take place. Titles and terms of service for temporary relationships shall be determined by the presbytery. A person serving in a temporary pastoral relationship is invited for a specified period not to exceed twelve months in length, which is renewable with the approval of the presbytery. A teaching elder employed in a temporary pastoral relationship is ordinarily not eligible to serve as the next installed pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor.

G-2.0504 c. Exceptions– A presbytery may determine that its mission strategy permits a teaching elder currently called as an Associate Pastor to be eligible to serve as the next installed pastor or co-pastor, or a teaching elder employed in a temporary pastoral relationship to be eligible to serve as the next installed pastor, co-pastor, or associate pastor. Presbyteries that permit this eligibility shall establish such relationships only by a three-fourths vote of the members of presbytery present and voting.

COM recommends honoraria for pulpit supply as follows:

$150 for a single worship service and $200 for two worship services


1. PCUSA clergy approved without restriction:

Rev. Dr. Page Creach(H) 412-837-2524 (C) -Pittsburgh

Rev. Roger Raymond Fischer(H)222-5216 -Washington

Rev. Mary Lynn Gras(H) - McMurray

Rev. Clarejean Haury(H) 746-0774 (C)554-5939 –Washington

Hon. Retired

Rev. Gail Mason(H)246-1261(C) 366-0969 - Brownsville

Rev. Eric Powell(H) 743-3933 (C)554-2528 -Canonsburg

Rev. Dr. Lawrence Stratton(C) -Waynesburg University

Rev. Merle Timko(H)228-7470 (C) 412-596-5425

Hon. Retired -Washington

Rev. Robert VandeKappelle(H)

Hon. Retired -Washington

Rev. Betty Voigt(H)

Hon. Retired -Sycamore

Rev. Rod Weiss(H)

Hon. Retired -Washington

2. PCUSA clergy approved to serve in limited capacity – Pulpit supply only; Other pastoral service may be suitable but should receive COM approval, please

Rev. Dennis Hoffman(C)276-970-5785 -Pittsburgh

Rev. Kathy Horstman(H)774-5658(cell) -BeaverRev. Eric Perrell (H) 250-7252 (cell) -Washington

Rev. William Roemer(H)412-257-8756 -Bridgeville

3. These persons are undergoing, or have completed, either seminary training or a lay pastor training course and are approved to serve in a limited capacity – pulpit supply only:

Eva-Maria Barr(H) -Georgetown

(completed CLP training)

Ronald Church(C)228-249-6596 - Pittsburgh(candidate seeking call)

Patricia Cook(H)986-0951 -Washington(completed CLP training)

Patricia Lutz(C) 412-427-4308 -Bethel Park(completed CLP training)

Don Herschell(C)344-8651

(completed seminary)

Lou Templeton(H)356-7835

Margie Zellars(C) -Weirton, WV(completed CLP training)

4. Non-Presbyterians approved only for pulpit supply:

Rev. Ford Campbell(H)435-7938 -Spraggs

Rev. Cathy Peternel(O)745-6100 (C)412-965-4379 -McDonald

Assmbl of God ordination

Rev. Gary Piganell(O) 514-3666 (H)412-494-0711 (C)412-780-0722 Assmbl of God ordination -Oakdale

Rev. Stephen Chinzathang, (C)+919862088239 or +919436420764 or +919862566318

Haran Ministry, IndiaPin Code# 795128

Email: (only available via cell phone Sunday AM)

Also, you may wish to call Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s “Preaching Association”, through the Seminary’s main switchboard: 412-441-3304 Ext 2234.

Revised May 2015