Rectoral Decree No. 85 of 17 April 2012 on a competition, by way of comparative evaluation based on on qualifications, for 8 places in the Research Doctorate Programme in Economics


- Having regard to the Charter of LUISS Guido Carli.

- Having regard to article 4 of Law No. 210 of 3 July 1998 providing that universities may through their own rules regulate the establishment of doctoral programmes, eligibility, the awarding of academic qualifications, educational goals, curricula, duration, fees, attendance, the criteria for awarding scholarships and the amount thereof, and agreements with public and private entities, in conformity with the general criteria and suitability requirements of the locations laid down by ministerial decree.

- Having regard to article 19 of Law No. 240/10 containing new provisions on research doctorates.

- Having regard to Ministerial Note No. 640 of 14 March 2011 setting out the general criteria for the organisation of research doctorate programmes while awaiting issuance of the ministerial regulations to implement Law No. 240/10.

- Having regard to the resolution of the Department of Economics and Finance of LUISS Guido Carli of 16 February 2012 proposing to renew the Research Doctorate Programme.

- Having regard to the resolutions of the Academic Senate and the Executive Committee, respectively on 28 February and 7 March 2012 approving the Research Doctorate Programme.

decrees as follows


The twenty-eighth cycle of the 3-year Research Doctorate Programme in Economics is hereby established at LUISS Guido Carli.


The Research Doctorate Programme in Economics seeks to produce international-level economists capable of contributing to the advancement of knowledge and extending the frontiers of research in the economic field and with the aim of pursuing academic or professional careers with international institutions, central banks, economic policy bodies, regulatory authorities, consultancy firms and financial institutions.

The research areas are:

 macroeconomics;

 microeconomics;

 econometrics;

 monetary and fiscal policies in intertemporal models in closed and open economies;

 financial markets and regulation;

 industrial economics and competition;

 individual choice in a context of uncertainty and behavioural economics;

 economic cycle and growth models.


Applications to participate in the competition for admission to the Research Doctorate Programme referred to in article 1 may be submitted by individuals holding a master's degree, an Italian bachelor's degree under the former university system or an analogous academic qualification awarded abroad that is officially recognised in advance by the academic authorities if not already deemed to be officially equivalent. In order to obtain that recognition a candidate who holds an academic qualification awarded abroad not already deemed to be officially equivalent must accompany his or her application with whatever documents are necessary to enable the admissions commission to assess the qualification solely for doctoral programme eligibility purposes (translated, legalised and accompanied by the statement of equivalent value issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities abroad in accordance with the law in force or annexing a diploma supplement certificate).

Also individuals who will be awarded the above mentioned qualification by and no later than 30 September 2012 may apply. In this case admission will be accepted "with reserve" and the candidate must submit the relevant degree certification (including self-certification under Presidential Decree No. 445 of 28 December 2000) by the said date, failing which the candidate will be excluded.


The application for admission must be submitted on line and sent by post by the deadline of 15 June 2012. Candidates are responsible for the information that will be input into the online form and the validity of the certification/self-certification submitted. The University is entitled to check the information and validity of the documents submitted and in the event of a discrepancy with what has been declared it may exclude the candidate at any time including after the competition has taken place.

The online procedure can be accessed at The application is to be considered for all statutory purposes as self-certification of the candidate’s personal details and qualifications declared except for publications.

To submit an application to participate in the competition candidates must adhere to the following procedure:

a) go to

b) select “online application for Research Doctorate in Economics”;

c) select “fill out the application”;

d) fill out the competition application in full, attaching the required documents:

i) two reference letters, at least one of which must be from the university that the qualifying degree was or will be awarded by;

ii) a curriculum vitae in English;

iii) evidence of any other qualifications (certification of knowledge of foreign languages or GRE/GMAT scores dating back to a period from 15 June 2007 onwards);

iv) a statement from the candidate of at most two pages, written in English, explaining why they wish to continue their studies and containing a description of their studies to date and a summary of their research interests;

e) print out and sign the application, and send it together with all the relevant documents to Ufficio Dottorati di Ricerca, LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32, 00197 Rome, by 15 June 2012.

Unsigned the documents have no value.

N.B. If the application is not sent by the said deadline, the postmark will serve as proof and under no circumstances will the application be considered valid for the purposes of the competition. The University cannot be held liable for inaccurate addresses given by candidates or problems with the postal service.


Admission to the Doctoral Programme is based on an evaluation of academic qualifications and further documentation submitted, made by an admissions commission appointed by decree of the Rector of LUISS Guido Carli subject to consulting with the Academic Board. The Commission is made up of three members chosen from among tenured university professors and researchers involved in the academic areas that the Programme covers. A further two optional members may be experts, including foreigners, belonging to public or private research institutes.

The Commission will evaluate each candidate by awarding them a mark out of 60.

Once it has evaluated the qualifications the Commission ranks the candidates. In the event of a tie between candidates, preference will be afforded to the one with the poorest economic situation as determined in accordance with Primeministerial Decree of 30 April 1997 as amended. Notice of admission to the Doctoral Programme will be given by e-mail (to the address stated in the application form) no later than 3 August 2012, by which date the list of those admitted will be published also on the University's website.


Candidates will be admitted to the Programme in ranking order until all places on offer are filled. In the event that one of the successful candidates fails to accept the place or does not accept it in time, that place will be awarded to the highest ranking candidate from among those who was not originally admitted.


Within the peremptory deadline of seven days after publication of the ranking on the University's website ( successful candidates must submit/send an application for enrolment in the Doctoral Programme (using the form for such purposes that will be e-mailed to them along with the notice of admission) or a written letter declining the place offered to the following address: Ufficio Dottorati di Ricerca, LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32, 00197 Rome.

The enrolment application must be accompanied by the following documents:

a) the original of the final school leaving qualification;

b) a statement that the candidate is / is not a public sector employee or, if so employed, that the candidate has requested unpaid leave commencing from the commencement date of the Programme and for the entire duration thereof (in the absence of documentation evidencing that situation the candidate will have to forgo the scholarship, if any, for the Programme). Certification of the obtaining of leave must be delivered by and no later than the date of commencement of the Programme.

With reference to what is stated in subparagraph b) above, it should be noted that timely notice must be given of any change in what was declared at the time of submission of the enrolment application.


The places on offer, totalling eight, will be financed as follows on the basis of the ranking order of the candidates as determined in accordance with the third paragraph of article 5 hereof:

  • 4 scholarships will be funded by LUISS Guido Carli.

Details of any other scholarships will be communicated in a timely manner.

The amount of each single scholarship will be determined in accordance with Ministerial Decree of 18 June 2008 as amended. In 2011 scholarships were worth € 13,638.47 each. In the event of a tie, the assessment of economic situation as determined in accordance with Primeministerial Decree of 30 April 1997 as amended will be the deciding factor.

Scholarships are awarded for the entire duration of the Programme and the amount thereof is increased by 50% per day for authorised and documented periods abroad.

Scholarships awarded for the Research Doctorate Programme are not cumulable with other scholarships of any type awarded by other universities/bodies. Moreover, they are incompatible with dependent employment or research and study contributions awarded by LUISS Guido Carli departments or other institutions.


Enrolled students must attend doctoral courses and continuously undertake study and research within the context of the facilities intended for such purposes and in the manner established by the Academic Board.

At the end of every year of study each student enrolled in the Research Doctorate Programme must submit a detailed report to the Academic Board on the work and research done. The Academic Board will keep the report and, subject to a positive evaluation of the efforts and work of the student, will propose to the Rector that the student be allowed to continue his or her studies. In the event of a negative evaluation, the recommendation will be that the student ceases his or her studies.

Students may be suspended or expelled from the Programme further to a unanimous decision of the Academic Board stating the reasons therefor. In the case of maternity, serious and documented illness or military service, the Academic Board may propose that the PhD be awarded at a later date than that originally envisaged. On a proposal from the Department Board the Academic Board may assign students limited teaching duties provided that such does not compromise the undertaking of research.


The PhD, awarded upon passing the final exam that can be repeated just one, is conferred at the end of the Programme by the Rector of LUISS Guido Carli.

The examinations commission for the final exam will be established and appointed by decree of the Rector in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.

The student must deliver a soft copy of the final version of the PhD thesis together with an abstract (max 1,500 characters) thereof in the English language.

The PhD certificate will be issued solely if within 30 days after discussion of the thesis the student (with the assistance of the relevant staff) files a copy of the final version of the thesis in the University's open access institutional repository, which stores the work and affords public access thereto. The University will arrange for the thesis to be filed with the national libraries in Rome and Florence as required by law.


For all matters not specifically addressed herein reference is to be made to the rules governing research doctorates in force from time to time.

Pursuant to articles 7 and 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, the personal data supplied by the candidates in their applications to participate in the competition will be processed for the purposes of managing the selection procedure and the contract.

The person in charge of the selection procedure is Ms. Federica Capone.

This announcement is published on the University’s website ( and in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic – 4th special series.

(Prof. Massimo EGIDI)


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