ScHARR PGR Milestones
Key: 3YFT = Students on a 3 year full time programme
6YPT = Students on a 6 year part-time programme
Month of study / Milestone / Action Required by Student and Supervisors / Forms to be completed by student and/or supervisors / ScHARR action3YFT / 6Y PT
3 / 6 / 3 Month Questionnaire / Students and supervisors to complete the 3 Month Questionnaire and send to . Both students and supervisors should begin to consider the Confirmation Review and the content of the report, in order that the Confirmation Review be completed by 12 months. /
- 3 Month Questionnaire
9 / 18 / Preparation for Confirmation review / It is recommended that a first draft of the Confirmation Review report is submitted by the student to the supervisor at this point.
Lead supervisor to send Confirmation Review proforma by email to . The proforma includes date of Confirmation review meeting, proposed assessors and brief details of the Confirmation Review document. The Quality and Progression Officer reviews the assessors’ nominations and approves or makes alternative recommendations. /
- Confirmation Review Proforma
Before 12 / Before 24 / Confirmation Review / Students with a start date of October 2015 onwards to complete the Confirmation Review DDP summary via pebblepad.
Students with a start date prior to October 2015 must complete the Confirmation Review DDP summary form and send to (available on the handbook webpage).
Please note, as this is a Faculty wide form, there may be some examples used on the form that do not apply to you. Please use your judgement and use examples that are relevant to you as a researcher and do not be alarmed by some of the examples given. In addition, as you are very early on in your career as a PhD researcher, you will most likely not be able to fill in all parts of the form. Please complete what you can, giving strong examples to support your statements.
Student to submit their report via the turnitin DRAFT slot and ensure word count is under 20,000 words in total (excluding references & appendices). Student to inform PGR administrator so they can send to examiners.
At the end of the confirmation review meeting, depending on the outcome, the independent assessors must complete, sign and send to the PGR Administrator, student and supervisors one of two forms:
If the student PASSES:
o RIS Confirmation Review Form
If the student FAILS or needs to RESIT :
o ScHARR’s Confirmation Review Result form
Further details of the process can be found under the Confirmation Review section of the Handbook webpage. Please read this carefully as it is very important the guidance is followed correctly.
- RIS Confirmation Review form
- Or ScHARR CR Result Form
- DDP Summary Form
All completed paperwork (and electronic copies) relating to the Confirmation review must be received by the PGR Administrator within 1 week of the confirmation review meeting date.
24 / 48 / Thesis Plan / Students with a start date of October 2015 onwards must complete the RIS Submission Review and Thesis Plan via Pebblepad. Pebblepad will pull through the information completed on the Confirmation Review DDP summary, so only updates are required.
Students with a start date prior to October 2015 must complete the word version of this form, available on the PGR Handbook Webpage. Please note that if you would prefer to complete this via pebblepad, you are encouraged to do so as this will create less work for you in the long run. /
- RIS Submission Review & Thesis Plan Form
30 / 60 / Writing Up Supervision Form / From 30 months (60 months for PT) the student and supervisor must begin to use the Writing Up Supervision From rather than the standard Supervision Form. This will help you plan for submission and will enable PGR support to see if there’s any issues that you will need support with.
If you begin writing up your work sooner, please feel free to use the Writing Up version of the Supervision Form from an earlier date to help you plan.
The supervisor should also start to consider suitable examiners and complete the appointment of examiners form. This form is passed on to the PGR Administrator for processing. /
- Writing Up Supervision Form
- Appointment of examiners form
- Quality and Progression Officer reviews content and will feedback to student and supervisor if necessary.
- Director of PGR Studies signs off appointment of examiners form. Supervisor/Internal Examiner to check Eligibility to Work for External Examiners.
36 / 72 / Submission / Thesis submission. Lead supervisor appoints examiners using the RIS form (please note this should be done well in advance of submission). Supervisors to liaise with internal examiner setting viva date arrangements etc.
Students to complete the Final DDP Summary Form. Students with a start date of October 2015 onwards must complete this via Pebblepad. Pebblepad will pull through the information completed on the Confirmation Review DDP summary and the Thesis Plan, so only updates are required.
Students with a start date prior to October 2015 must complete the word version of this form, available on the PGR Handbook Webpage. Please note that if you would prefer to complete this via pebblepad you are welcome to do so.
[Documented supervision meetings using the Writing Up Supervision Form continue monthly until submission] /
- DDP Summary Form
- Appointment of Examiners Form
48 / 96 / Time limit / Absolute final limit for PhD submission. Submissions after this date (even by one day) will not be accepted.