Builders Association of Northwestern PA
Board of Directors Meeting – Thursday December 17th, 2009
4:30 Board Meeting Followed by 6:00 Presentation by Arlene Miller / Christmas Party
Attendance: Bob Tanner, Kevin Raines, EJ Chernicky, Chris Robertson, Lou Bruno, Dan Francoeur, Bob Herbstritt, Jack Mehler, Tom Montagna, Judy Gerlach, Glenn Cessna, Mike Corsi, Jason Hewitt, Arlene Miller
Meeting called to order at 4:36
Secretary’s Report – E.J. Chernicky
Kevin made a motion to approve the minutes from 12/09/09 and 11/19/09, EJ made second, all in favor with none opposed.
Treasury’s Report – Judy Gerlach
Judy reported that there is $2,685.00 is the dues account and $36,604 in the general account –these balances are reflective of what is in the account after the check signings this evening.
Reviewed Receivables and Payables, there are currently no outstanding payables– A lot of receivables for Membership Directory Ad’s and Home Show balance due after deposit. Bob H. made motion to approve report, Kevin made 2nd, all in favor with none opposed.
President’s Report – Bob Tanner
Bob reported that we need a Member at Large for 2010. Question posed as to the purpose of position - is a member who has contact with a lot of potential members – is someone to talk about association membership. Some discussion heard. Bob T. stated it is generally someone who works as a supplier. Bob H. stated that we should talk with utility companies.
Executive Officer’s Report – Jason Hewitt
- Jason asked that board members be sure to RSVP for the OSHA, Awards Banquet, and Home Show.
- Jason reported that will have a Marketing Internnamed Brian Smith – Jan 4th – Feb 12th. He will be making sales calls mostly.
- Jason gave an update on Lead Abatement Training – stated that that the only EPA certified teacher in the state is John Zilka of Kachina Contractor Solutions. He is able to offer an 8 hour class for $5000 for up to 24 students at once. Once an individual has completed the class they can apply to be a teacher under John’s license from EPA. At that point we could offer the class at the association. Jorge Alvear of the City of Erie and Cindy Zembrowski of St. Martins Center have taken the class and have a application into EPA to become a teacher. The requirements to be a teacher are 16 hours of lead training and previous teaching experience. Bob T. stated that we need more information to move forward.
- Jason reported that would like to have a Membership Drivein 2010. Jason stated currently busy with home show and membership directory but still want to keep a membership drive on the agenda. Jason stated that would like to pay a commission or referral fee of $25 per new member recruited. Board in agreement that should not pay. Jason stated email, regular mail, and faxes of any information has no response – personal contact and phone calls net results.
- Jason prepared a 2010 budget for the Boards review. Jason questioned the process because this is a 2010 budget as in 01/01/10 to 12/31/10 where as the taxes are filed 09/01 to 08/31. Also he asked if this is something that goes to executive committee for review. No vote was made to approve this budget
Allstate Lease
Was under old business on the agenda but needed to be discussed with Jack in room. Group reviewed attached document prepared by Jason of what is due including late fees. Chris made motion that we give Monico 15 day eviction notice if rent and fees not paid as well as Karnes tosign amendment to the lease. Kevin made 2nd, all in favor with none opposed. Jack agreed to prepare the documents.
Awards of Excellence – February 6th, 2010
- Committee reviewed attached budget association with just the directory – there is an estimated profit of $10,000
- Jason reported that there is no MC associated with the event. Some conversation heard but no ideas talked about.
50th Annual Home Show – April 8th – 11th, 2010
- Jason reported that there is no Chairperson assigned
- Jason reported that no intension to change home show tab in Erie Times News. Bob T. stated that this is also worth evaluating. Jason agreed to look into this.
- Jason proposed budget associated with home show – many of the figures the same but called for $10k more in booth sales and $2,500 more in attendance which he felt was conservative. Also on the expenses added $6000for talent, $2000 for printing and mailing to previous attendees (5000 addresses typed by past intern), $1000 for signs to post around city, $1700 for 6 Harmon Homes advertising. Jason stated that the budget includes income for sponsorship and expense for the 5000 bags netting zero to the bottom line, however if all sponsorship sold would net much more. No vote was made to approve this budget.
- Jason asked that we all promote the show to potential exhibitors you maybe in communication with
Old Business:
Jason reported that Current Fiscal Year is 09/01 – 08/31, would like to change to 01/01 – 12/31. Previously this was done because of cash flows, generally home show revenue begins in September. This 12 month period does not align with 4 quarters but rather 1/3 of a quarter, 3 full quarters, then 2/3 of a quarter - thus making the return more complex. Jason reported that this made for a lot of difficulties with payroll tax issues, in the event that there is ever payroll taxes issues solving them is easier on a fiscal year of 1/1 – 12/31/ Jason reported that $1395 was the charge for the 09/01/08 – 8/31/09 return and anticipates that the fee to do a 9/1 to 12/31 return would be the same. Item to remain on agenda for next Board Meeting until Jason gets an exact cost estimate.
New Business:
- Kevin made motion that we add a 1.5% late fee to BA invoices for late payment (currently no penalty or incentive associated with late payment). Discussion heard. Arlene stated that on dues we could apply a reinstatement fee. She is to send a late fee policy statement on file at PBA.
- Kevin made a motion that we get a Medico Key the first day following Allstate’s 15th day of notice from Interstate Security, estimated cost of $230. There is no tracking of keys and these are the type of keys that can be copied (Allstate has 5). Judy 2nd the motion, Bob H. and Chris R. were opposed to the motion, all else in favor.
- Kevin reported his concern for the network securitybecause there is a wireless router and when he was working in office over the past couple weeks was able to access the BA internet connection. He stated that he has since fixed problem but also feels we need to update our anti-virus software. Board in agreement that Jason to purchase software, no vote made.
- Jason reported that he is meeting with Forte Marketing Group the following day at10 am to discuss marketing of the association – anyone is welcome to attend and brainstorm a plan.
Meeting Adjournmentat 6:31
Arlene Miller
- Arlene reported that PBA believes that we should plan for the 2009 code to take affect because there will most likely not be a vote by 12/31. She is willing to come to Erie to provide a 2 day strategic plan – 2 6 hour strategic planning days at no cost. She stated that PA One Call will be $100 in 2010 and PBA will stay pay.
- Her presentation consisted of discussion of what all 3 membership individually do for you in the following categories:
1) Legislation, 2) Education, 3) Community Service, 4) Workforce, 5) Leadership, 6) Advertising/Sponsorship, 7) Networking/Social Events, 8) Exhibitor Shows, 9) 24-7 Communications.