November 18, 2014


We, the Fruitful Congregation Journey (FCJ) consultation team, would like to thank Pastor Gail Law, lay leadership and the congregation of New Waverly United Methodist Church (UMC) for the invitation to consult with this Body of Christ. The following observations and Ministry Action Plan (MAP) are the result of this team studying the following information: a) New Waverly UMC’s self-study document provided by its leaders, b) completion of the FCJ on-line survey by your members, c) Interviews with the pastor and ministry team leaders, d) a focus group with members of the congregation, e) a meeting with the Leadership Team, f) a MissionInsite demographic report of the area’s population, g) input from the Faith Perceptions Mystery Guest Worshipper Report, and h) input from the Monday evening workshop.

Our prayer is that God will use this assessment experience and consultation report in order to help New Waverly UMC to more effectively be and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the community and the world.


New Waverly UMC’s greatest areas of strength are as follows:


There is a strong spirit of friendliness among the people of New Waverly UMC. It was identified through leadership interviews, by the people of New Waverly UMC on the online surveys, and by the Mystery Guest Worshippers. The people within the congregation feel both cared for and welcomed as part of a family, and numerous Mystery Guest worshippers experienced a welcome that was both genuine and authentic. One Mystery Guest Worshipper commented, “This church showed great hospitality and is very friendly.” Another one shared, “Everyone was kind and welcoming.”


Ministries have worked well together, over the years, to keep the church facilities well maintained. Remodeling projects and building additions were completed to meet the changing ministry needs of outreach and fellowship, and to extend hospitality to the community. The church building strategically lends itself to providing the town of New Waverly a much needed gathering place. It is not uncommon to see the children of the community using the playground and people of the community enjoying the gathering spaces inside the church building.


New Waverly UMC has been going outside of its doors and building relationships to connect with the community around it. Members have a heart and desire to reach out and be good neighbors to the community. Leaders' initiative in going door to door to make personal connections, and identify the community’s needs has resulted in the first annual community Christmas Tree. There have been various outreach initiatives from New Waverly Days, Vacation Bible School, Fish Fry, joint efforts with the fire department, breakfasts, etc.


New Waverly’s greatest areas of concern are as follows:


While many could articulate the vision statement for the church (“Know, Grow, Go”), there were still some that did not seem aware of the vision. There also does not seem to be a cohesive approach to living out the vision. A result of this has been multiple ministries that individuals are leading but don’t include strategies and fruitful goal setting in order to “make disciples of Jesus Christ.” This results in a lot of activity but not necessarily productivity or transformation.


While there are Sunday School classes and seasonal small groups offered, there is no clear system at New Waverly UMC to grow fully devoted, authentic disciples of Jesus Christ. This hinders persons, especially those engaged in the church’s outreach initiatives, to build relationships that share the Gospel so that disciple making can take place. One must first be a disciple in order to make disciples. While there were some accounts of individuals developing faith, most were born in the church, married into the church, and/or came with a faith story prior to joining New Waverley UMC.


The consultation team heard several leaders talk about pain of past relationships and how conflict is avoided in relationships. One church leader said, “I’m not a person who gets into confrontation; I like to steer clear.” Another noted, “It’s like when you scratch your finger and you wait until it gets inflamed until you tend to it. A lot of things fester.” Identifying and resolving conflict in healthy ways will be necessary for New Waverly UMC to authentically, and effectively accomplish its mission, vision, and live out their core values.

Ministry Action Plan


A. The congregation understands that the day this consultation report is accepted it will affirm its adoption of The United Methodist Church’s mission: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” The pastor will contact the Fruitful Congregation Journey Prayer Coordinator to plan a service of prayer and forgiveness—done on Sunday morning during the regular worship service—to seek forgiveness for the perceived unkindness to the neighbors of New Waverly and to reaffirm God’s mandate for making disciples and transforming the world. The services will be conducted by March 1, 2015.

B. The coach will conduct two coordinated workshops on core values and vision for the congregation by April 1, 2015. The purpose of these workshops is to help the congregation define the core values and refine the vision that will guide future decisions and ministries of the church.

C. Following the core values and visioning workshops, the pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish a team of three to five persons who will lead the process to define the core values and refine the vision for disciple-making outcomes. The core values and vision will be presented to the Leadership Team for discussion and adoption by June 1, 2015, and then presented to the congregation.

D. Upon adopting the core values and vision, the ministry leaders will demonstrate how each ministry will accomplish the mission and vision. To that end, the, pastor in consultation with the coach, will name a team of three to five persons to conduct a ministry review to evaluate all ministries for their faithfulness and fruitfulness to the mission and vision. Any ministries that are misaligned will be modified or discontinued. All continuing ministries will set goals and objectives in alignment with the mission and vision. This review must be completed by November 1, 2015. All future ministries must demonstrate how they will be aligned to the mission and vision and have a plan for fruitful ministry.

E. The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish a task team by February 1, 2015. This team will develop an outward-focused strategy for the church to reach and connect with the community. This task team will do the following:

·take an inventory of all the points of contact that the church already has with its community, through programs (such as New Waverly Days, Vacation Bible School, Fish Fry, joint efforts with the fire department, breakfasts, etc.) and members’ relationships (neighbors, work/school and social acquaintances, etc.);

·develop these as “bridge events” to which these individuals can be invited into the life of the church and at which members intentionally learn the names of those identified above, and develop next-step actions to develop deeper relationships with them, such as offering to pray for them, inviting them into their homes for a meal, and spending time with them on their “turf;”

·conduct a communications audit to evaluate all existing communication methods, including a website, social media, interior and exterior signage, and guest parking and entrance to worship and fellowship spaces from a guest’s perspective. Signage should make it easy for a guest to find restrooms, nursery, and sanctuary without assistance. The team will analyze possible signage or other means of creating awareness of the church location within the community and with guests. Recommendations should be made to the Administrative Council by April 1, 2015.

This strategy will be presented to the Administrative Council for adoption and implementation by July 1, 2014.


In order to be and make disciples as God commands us to, the leaders of New Waverly UMC will consider what a fully committed follower of Christ looks like. The coach will facilitate a workshop on Intentional Faith Development so that we identify and clarify what a disciple is and looks like.

After this training, staff and leaders in each ministry area will review and determine where gaps exist that hinder spiritual growth. Disciples need the following from faith communities:

·an understanding of how to connect and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ

·transformation through passionate worship

·the study of biblical truths, and the application of Christian faith principles

·relationships with other believers for prayer, support, and accountability

·hands-on service to others for the purpose of the mission

Once these gaps are determined, New Waverly UMC will explore and/or create:

·additional curriculum and resources for Sunday school classes and/or small groups

·alternative days, times and locations for classes and fellowship

·opportunities for continuous short-term studies

·newcomer connection and follow-up

·attendance tracking and follow-up

·newcomer and/or membership class

·exploration of spiritual gifts and passions of all members

·support groups/classes

·a member care team


The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will develop a 4-6 week sermon series in the spirit of old time revival. The issues to address are, but not limited to, the biblical model of: a) healthy confrontation, b) forgiveness, c) reconciliation, and d)unity. The result of this series will be a call to action building on prayer practices, regularly praying for church and community leaders.

The coach will facilitate the Creating a Culture of Teamwork Workshop, based on Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, to help raise the leadership’s effectiveness in working together—dealing with conflict in open healthy ways, and engendering trust, cooperation, and healthy communication. This will be completed by May 1, 2015. In addition to this workshop, the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee will continue ongoing training, and implement practices for facilitating conflict resolution.

The whole community will be invited to a community meal where the congregation and community will celebrate being “neighbors” in New Waverly. During this meal, a time of apology will take place to intentionally heal the past hurts of those in the community and the hurt from those who were a part of the church (particularly the family with the “junk yard” and “Hatfield and McCoy” hurts). A member(s) from the church and a member(s) of the community can express regret and apology for past hurts (known, unknown, and assumed) so that the community and church can move forward cooperatively together. There may be a “token” identified to display at the Fire Station and church gathering hall to symbolize this day. This will take place by December 31, 2015.

There may also be a team from the church that goes to the community intentionally expressing regret, and seeking forgiveness for hurts, known, unknown, and perceived that may have happened from those seemingly affiliated with the church.


We, the consultation team, want to thank you for the opportunity to serve your congregation through this Fruitful Congregation Journey assessment process. We have been impressed by the individuals in the church to adjust and change in order to reach their community with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our prayers and hope for your congregation is that God will use this process to help your church become more effective and fruitful. May God give you courage and strength as you move forward.

- Sharon Washington, Lead Consultant

- Mark Eutsler, Coach

- Scott Pattison, Consultant

Town Hall Meeting Dates

- Monday, December 1, 6:00 pm

- Sunday, December 7, 11:30 am

- Saturday, December 13, 11:00 am

Church Conference Date

- Sunday, December 21, 10:30 am (tentatively)