myfuture Activity sheets
TABLE 1 Orientation / Lesson Plans – notes for the teacherActivity 1
Getting Around myfuture
covers features accessible from the home page
- Menu Bar
- My Guide Virtual Tour
- The Facts
- Assist Others
- Have You Seen
- Mini Career Explorer
- Help
- Breadcrumbs
- Myfuture Virtual Tour
Because it includes watching videos and using some interactive tools, Activity 1 will probably take most students from 40 minutes to an hour.
Some parts of the activity could be done as a whole class activity particularly if an interactive whiteboard is available.
Other parts are better done individually on the computer.
It is envisaged students will have a printed copy of the Activity sheetsthat they will complete the answers to the questions; these will then be discussed in class, and the Activity sheets then stored in their Careers folder.
Activity 2
myQuiz: Career Quiz
- Introduces students to the first of 5 interactive learning objects.
While the Quiz questions refer to information that can be found in the Facts>Careers most students will handle the first quiz, the Career Quiz, quite well from their “life experiences” knowledge.
The Career Quiz is a game for one or two students, and it is worth encouraging students to play the game several times, as it is based on a bank of randomly offered questions.
There is sound embedded in the Quiz, so headphones would be useful but not essential.
There are some Learning Experience sheets available at Assist Others > Activities > My Quiz which suggest classroom activities that could be used.
See also the information available in the Career Practitioner’s Guide.
Activity 3
Bullseye posters
The posters can be found at
URL: / The Bullseye posters are a great way for students to get an overview of the relationship between areas of study and occupations.
Use these posters in conjunction with the suggestions made in the Bullseye Lesson Plan.
Initially you might use the posters on an interactive white board. Discuss how they are going to choose which poster to look at, and then, in reference to a particular poster, talk about what the rings in the poster mean.
The Activity 3 worksheet gives students a table to complete in relation to 5 occupations they have located.
Activity 4
Available videos
- Occupation videos and
- past video competition winning entries
- or shortlisted entries
To play these videos your computers will need to have Media Player enabled. If the videos do not play, then you will either need to enable JavaScript or upgrade your browser.
Students should follow up the viewing of a video with some research related to the occupation that the video featured.
Activity 5
there are 5 available, running 11 minutes or less / The purpose of Activity 5 is to introduce the audio material available on selected topics.
To play these audiocasts your computers will need to have Media Player enabled. If the audiocasts do not play, then you will either need to enable JavaScript or upgrade your browser.
Encourage your students to make notes as they listen, and then afterwards, have a class discussion about the points they picked up.
Encourage the students to follow up on the suggestions that the speaker has made. Each Audiocast is followed by some links to check
TABLE 2 The Facts / Lesson Plans – notes for the teacher
Activity 6
Locating Occupational Information / This builds on Activities 3 & 4. Students learn to research detailed occupational information. Most of the work is focused on the individual, but there is also a chance for group discussion. The final activity is based on and could be done with an IWB.
Activity 7
Understanding Industry Information / The purpose of Activity 7 is to expand students’ understanding of what an industry is, and how exploring related industries, groups, and classes may expand their career options.
Most of the work is focused on the individual, but there is also a chance for group discussion.
The final activity is based on
could be done with an IWB.
Activity 8
Exploring Labour Market Information / The purpose of Activity 8 is to allow students’ to research Labour Market information and to find out what the most popular occupations are across Australia. It contains an opportunity for group discussion about what causes regional differences in career opportunities.
Activity 9
Exploring Education and Training Pathways / Activity 9 encourages students to begin to explore the idea of education and training pathways, and the factors that might assist in making their career choices.
It also utilizes the learning object to be found at
Activity 10
Get That Job / Activity 10 builds on foundations laid in Activity 5. Students are asked to look over the notes they made in Activity 5, and then to play the Get That Job Quiz learning object. It is possible some will have played the game as an extension to Activity 2, but, in that case, they can be encouraged to get better scores for the Quiz
TABLE 3 Getting started in My Guide / Lesson Plans – notes for the teacher
Activity 11
Creating a My Guide account
URL: / Students will have already used the MyGuide Virtual Tour in Activity 1. This activity gets them signed up to MyGuide, and encourages them to record their username and password. They become familiar with the main features of their MyGuide account.
Activity 12
Build Your Career Profile / Activity 12 assists students to begin building their career profile, and introduces the idea that this will be an ongoing project. It will help if the teacher assures students this will be something worthwhile spending some of their own time on. This career profile can be modified and added to over time, in future years as well as currently.
Activity 13
Life Balance and your Dream Job / Activities 13, 14, and 15 encourage students to add to their Career Profile by targeting specific features. All require that they use their login to MyGuide set up in Activity 11.
Teachers should encourage students to work through these activity sheets at their own pace, and assist by checking up on progress and making sure the student understands what he/she is doing. There are opportunities for sharing in small groups, which will give students opportunities to test their ideas out on others. It may be worth establishing a “buddy” system so that students feel free to share their discoveries with someone else.
As students complete individual sections of the profile, information will come to light.
Students who complete the Activity sheets ahead of the class could be encouraged to go on to other untouched sections of MyProfile, Explore Career Ideas, Help Me Decide, and My Career Plan.
Activity 14
Skills and Attributes
Activity 15
Developing Knowledge through Work and Study.
Activity 16
Help Me Decide & My Career Plan