MSc in Wealth Management (St James’s Place)
Induction – Practice Assignment
1st – 2nd November 2017
Assignment Briefing
The Induction assignment is intended to give you some practice at writing an academic essay. The assignment will be assessed but the mark does not count to your degree so there is no pressure on what or how you write. It is a voluntary piece of work but students generally benefit from ‘having a go’ without the stress of it being a work that will affect your final score.
Goal-setting and reflection (time to think anddiscuss): in the context of developing performance, career development and/or training,evaluateyour organisation's practical application of theoretical understandings about goal-setting and reflection.
The assignment should include a minimum of 6 references which should include one each of the following:
• an academic paper
• a website
•a newspaper article
• a book
• a Government publication
• a company document
Think about:
•Use of academic theory
•Critical analysis
•Structure and presentation
•Choose appropriate key words and search relevant databases
Feedback and an indicative score will be available online by Monday 27 November where you will also be able to see your Turnitin similarity score.
Verbal feedback will be possible by arrangement the following week, if necessary.
Assignment Requirements
Coursework assignments are often given word limits in order to encourage you to write concisely. Different academic tutors will have different rules for what is included in the word count, you are advised to check if these are not stated.
- Your assignment must include a word count on the cover page of your assignment. The word limit for this assignment is 1,000 words. The word count does not include: title page, table of contents, figure titles, figure legends or reference list.
- Your assignment must take the form of a single document to include any appendices so that it can be uploaded on to the submission point. Word or pdf is the preferred format for submitting your assignment. Note: If your assignment consists of different documents in varying formats you will need to embed them in a Word document or convert them to pdf and upload one pdf document. The file size limit for your submission is 20MB
- Your assignment should be formatted in an easily legible font i.e. Arial font size 12.
- References should be included in your appendices if appropriate and appropriately organised using the Harvard System. Refer to for further guidance.
- This is assignment is a NEW piece of work, you should not submit existing reports or papers, or work that borrows heavily from existing report and papers.
Assignment Submission
You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment via the University’s Virtual Learning Environment LEARN ( by 11.59PM on the deadline date(20thNovember 2017). A guide on how to submit via Learn can be found on the module learn page with your submission point. Failure to submit to LEARN electronically by the deadline date will mean that you have failed the module.
When you have submitted your assignment successfully, adigital receipt will appear on the screen. If you do not receive a digital receipt, your assignment has notbeen successfully uploaded and you will need to contact
Written feedback on this coursework will be returned by 27th November and generic feedback will also be posted on Learn.