ROVAC Legislative Meeting
December 20, 2013
Attendance: Sue Larsen, George Cody, Peter Gostin, Tim DeCarlo
Lobbyist: Mike Doyle
ROV Sharon Krawecki
The meeting was opened at 10:06 by Chairman Sue Larsen.
The acceptance of the minutes was tabled till the next meeting.
Mike Doyle went over the survey taken by the Registrars. 116 responses were received and tallied. Mike will send out a complete copy of the survey results. The interesting responses were Number 4 on the provisional ballots for all elections. 59% said they were not in favor of it. Many of us felt this was an issue to be brought up at the next conference so that more would understand the issue and then if it still has a negative response, it would be dropped. Question 7 was another interesting one. 44% were willing to talk to their legislators independently and 44% would like ROVAC to provide talking points and 8% just would not do it. The committee now has to get the registrars moving forward by keeping them informed as to when we need their help and what the issues are. EDR was discussed briefly. Tim DeCarlo and Peter Gostin are on the EDR committee and said most of the changes would not be legislative. There will be one more meeting but there probably would not be many changes. The phone calling was one that might be changed. As part of the survey, other legislative ideas came up. These will be issues to be considered next year with the longer session. Some of the ideas are not legislative so we will talk to SOTS about them (all the ideas are on the survey result pages).
The Legislative Calendar is as follows: Feb. 5th Opening of the session
Feb 21st All bills must be raised
Mar 14th Public hearings begin
Mar 28th Joint Favorable reports
May 7th End of session
We discussed the ROVAC Day at the Capitol and thought sometime around April 9th would work. It is before the Conference but this is a short session and we need to be out there promoting registrars. Mike talked about some contest we could do and have the legislators vote.
The committee discussed separating the bills we want going forward this session and the need to get everyone involved. Each committee member will be assigned a bill to follow.
1)the voluntary use of poll books: Melissa, Bonnie, Roger
2)the audit bill ( 10% selection with 3 district cap per municipality) Tim, Peter
3)unknown category George, Sharon, Nancy
4)Primary location consolidation: Karen, Patty
5)If SOTS proposes closing schools on election day: Bill, Judi
Copies the proposed language for the poll books and the audit written by Judi Boudreau was given out. Some did not have it so Sue Larsen will send it out again for review.
If any member of the committee wishes to work on another bill, let Sue Larsen know and the change can easily be made. Sue will send out copies of the legislation with a cc to Mike Doyle.
The next meeting will be January 7th to go over the bill language if any changes are to be made.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Larsen