Miguel Fernandez
ENG102 8 WEEK version means 16 weeks of work in just 8 weeks
2 classes/wk 2:50min
No time to miss work/classes
Paper Topics
Paper Descriptions:
1st argumentative paper
Final argumentative paper
Standard class:
1)Creative vs Expository
2)What is a thesis / argumentative thesis
NEXT CLASS: Look at the list of sample topics and come up with 2 or 3 choices!
“I” believe/ “I” feel / “I” Think / “Facts show” [never/rarely use I except maybe in conclusion and intro] – confident universal statements
Opinion / Proof
Creative examples / Expert knowledge w/ quotes & citations
Listed personal experience, details of your life and beliefs as source / 3rd party identified and listed sources, detailed explanations quoted from outside sources
Purpose: Use writing skills to entertain / Purpose: to convince someone w/ an open mind
Fun and funny and/or moving to readers / Removed voice
Creative & drama / Critical thinking
Argue what you feel / Argue what you can prove
“Debate rarely changes a mind….[text deleted/to be continued]” – Is college and ‘fair’ argumentation just a fantasy of being “civilized, that doesn’t scale to the real world?”
What does a basic argumentative paper look like? (pic on board)
Sample paper 1:
Sample Feedback for an F, C, A paper:
Thesis: your paper’s topic, as a sentence. NEVER A QUESTION if your thesis is an argumentative thesis.
WHAT IS AN ArgumentativeTHESIS? A single sentence summary of an argument you are going to make or point of view you are going to take.
BAD: Could drinking tap water in former Arizona industrial lands increase risk of cancer?
BETTER:Drinking tap water from former Arizona industrial lands will increase risk of cancer.
2)SOMEONE CAN DISAGREE WITH YOU/ TAKE THE OPPOSITE SIDE, otherwise it’s not argumentative.
BAD: Plastic Surgery in teenagers.
BETTER:Plastic surgery in teenagers is a growing trend caused by peer and media image pressure
BAD: Preparing a car to win a street race.
BETTER:Chip modification is the most important way to prepare a car for a street race.
BAD: Misdiagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder
BETTER: Misdiagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder is leading to overmedication of school age children.
3)NARROWED TO MATCH AUDIENCE (See narrowing lesson)
4) TAKES A SIDEFIRMLY, NOT JUST uses weak words like “possibly, sometimes, might, could, etc”
BAD: Video games might increase violence in pre-teens.
BETTER: Video games increase violence in pre-teens.
BAD: Sometimes it is possible to use supplements to win bodybuilding contests.
BETTER: Supplements are now a necessity in order to win bodybuilding contests.
For example: If your approved thesis is:
Grappling is the most effective mixed martial arts technique in Ultimate Fighting competitions
You must compare it to all other major techniques, and discuss it for defense, offense and counter moves….
MORE SPECIFIC means less to cover: Grappling is the most effective mixed martial arts technique for dealing with reach-based attack styles in Ultimate Fighting competitions
For example, what is the Difference between these thesis:
“Fast food is a main contributor to the obesity problem in the US” vs
What can you cover? What can’t you cover?
“Fast food is the cause of the obesity problem in the US” vs
What can you cover? What can’t you cover?
“The fast food industry is a major cause of the obesity problem in the US” vs
What can you cover? What can’t you cover?
“Bad Nutrition is the main reason for the growing obesity problem in the US”
What can you cover? What can’t you cover?
For each above, can you use below as arguments?:
1)Happy meals reward kids with toys for eating fast food
2)Fat content of most pre-frozen food is higher than fresher foods in order to retain taste
3Food chemicals and additives are known to affect the metabolism, usually slowing it down
4)Advertising targeting children airs heavily on most kid channels such as Nickelodeon
5)Fast Food is cheap
6)Frozen microwaveable meals are notoriously low in nutritional value
7) Portion size is out of control compared to meal portion size from the 1950’s.
By nature of being argumentative,
there must exist opposite or opposing points of view.
Ask this question as a test of whether your thesis is in argumentative form:
What counterarguments do you expect to address OR what kinds of counterarguments may exist? If the potential ‘other side’ exists but is ridiculous, make sure you do not have a weak argument.
If you can't find any possible opposite/opposing point of view to your argument, you probably don't have a thesis in argumentative form.
1)WRONG: Effects of nerve gas on soldiers who survivechemical attacks
OK but weak: Nerve gas has negative effects on soldiers who survive chemical attacks
OK/ARGUMENTATIVE FORM: Nerve gasexposure continues to harm the health of survivors long after the attack
2)WRONG: Problems in treating Alzheimers’ patients
OK but weak: There are problems in treating Alzheimers’ patients
OK/ARGUMENTATIVE FORM: Alzheimers victims in nursinghomes face more severe problems than those who receive home care.
3)WRONG: Robots and the car industryin the United States
4) WRONG: Gambling and corruption at the Wild Horse Pass Casino
Think of it in terms of having to take a specific pointof view or stand in a topic. For example, in a debate,you can't argue "Different treatments for dealing with Cancer": that's an informative paper,appropriate to ENG101 or call for an informative paper.
For the final paper in this class you could compareand contrast or take a point of view related to this.
SO YOU COULD ARGUE: "Herbal treatments have become an effective alternative to cancer patients not responding to Chemotherapy"
II. WHAT does an argumentative paragraph look like?
*Each content paragraph in an argumentative paper is TPEO or TPEOEO or TPEOEOEO
Topic Sentence: one sentence in EACH paragraph – what the paragraph is about or paper’s subtopic – in an argumentative paper: a specific argument under paper’s thesis.
Point: In your own words, how the topic sentence/subtopic/this paragraph is important to, argues for the paper’s thesis. ‘Point’ is necessary in paragraph to prevent lack of clarity or misinterpretation by audience different POV
Evidence or Example: one of TWO quotes or paraphrased details and expert knowledge from an outside source that supports your paragraph’s topic sentences. ALWAYS with a citation
Optional explanation of Evidence: in your own words, commentary or how the evidence you quoted is important or supports your topic sentence and/or your paper thesis. Not always required if your evidence (quote) is straightforward.
Thesis: Adopting the aluminum bat instead of the wood bat in amateur baseball fundamentally changes the game.
YELLOW: T BLUE: P grey =E(vidence/xpert knowledge)
green: Optional comment
Safety issues on the playing field increase immensely when aluminum bats are present. In any competitive sport, no one wants anyone to get hurt. Unfortunately aluminum bats increase the risk in baseball. Teams across the country are beginning to return to the traditional wood bat; one of those teams is the Wellesley Raiders. Eric Winer, president of the Wellesley American Little League, said in the July issue of Greater Boston Magazine, “We had an incident last year…when one of our top pitchers, Billy Hughto, got struck by a line drive of a metal batted ball and was out for the season” (22). This incident easily helped Eric Winer make the decision to switch from aluminum to wood. Winer was not alone in making the safety choice: “The Millburn Mullvers tried aluminum bats, but quickly switched back after a line drive broke the hand of the first baseman despite gloves. This kind of line drive with wood bats had never led to an injury” (“Millburn Mullvers website”).
1)CRACKING THE TIMED ESSAY and SOCRAPR for cracking the timed or ‘I have no idea’ artistic quality/’how does’ essay
III. Cracking the Essay: maximizing the points in a timed essay.
Psych portion of Police captain’s test (proposed/rejected 2002): <a page describing incidents in the last year at Precinct 22, including two fatal shootings of officers responding to incidents, including media coverage and indictment of 5 officers and 2 detectives in a drug dealer protection scheme, low morale, and hostile neighborhood.>
If you are being transferred to this precinct, is it better to enter with a reputation of being feared or being respected? Explain why, using personal example and strategic procedure.
70-100 Microsoft exam example. (can cover 1250 pages of study materials)
You are a database developer for an online retailer. Each customer is tracked by ip, to create business intelligence tracks for ‘browser’ type customers, along with standard cookie deployment for those preparing an order. <Click to see schema and exhibit of existing methodology in flow chart and pseudo code>. BI division reports an increase in failed attempts to buy from customers using mobile devices without stateful cookie objects. Customer Support confirms this. You are tasked with looking at and recommending from several competing choices in scripts (1 internal, 3 commercial products) to simulate cookies with stateful objects and allow mobile users to shop with no further problems immediately.
Choose a script (CLICK exhibits to see each proposal and summary) to recommend and justify a best choice, with at least 2 reasons per strategy action group (purchasing, sales, development, etc).
What are the benefits and problems of using artificial skin?
Procedure for breaking down a direct question essay
(what is, who is, when, why, where)*
Sample Question: What are the benefits and problems of Using Artificial Skin for Scientific Testing
1) Always read the Question FIRST. Circle the thing(s) the assignment wants you to find or answer.
[Would you circle Artificial skin? Is the question asking you to find Artificial skin? NO. Same for Scientific Testing. What the question *IS* asking you to find are the benefits AND the problems. Circle the words 'benefits' and 'problems']
2) Write those terms on a scrap section of your paper (eg on the back of the paper, write 'benefits', skip some space, then write 'problems' and underline both). If the terms aren’t clear, write next to it in your own words
3)Go back and re-read the question. [The circled items will attain 'cognitive focus': subconsciously become things you look for -- eg if you are simply looking at people crossing the street, you may/may not notice someone with a red dress. But if you think 'red dress' and then look, your mind will focus on scanning for the red dress, consciously or subconsciously].
3A) If you are an average or fast reader, read the text then go to step 4.
3B)If you are a slow reader, as you read the text, underline every important section of the text dealing with what the question wants you to find ('benefits' and 'problems').
4) From the text (or parts of text you underline in 3B), find/write down the answer or EVIDENCE to each term as you find it, in the form of some buzz words or summary you will remember.
For example:
-ethical-no animals -what about info from organs working together?
-scientific-reproduce results easily-no variation w/diff animals
-cheaper than human trials
-screen humans for best candidates
You could logically "think" up/extrapolate more reasons (for example, problem could be that lawyers could sue if the "patches" of artifical skin tissue was not broad enough genetically and ethnically), but on an essay question, at minimum, use what the text gives you.
NOTE: doing step 4 above can help you if you are running out of time! If you are almost at "pencils down," quickly write "out of time - ideas on back" at bottom of paper. Sometimes you may get partial credit for finding the answers even if you didn't have time to write up the essay to completion.
5)Work on an intro (see types of introduction handout later in the course)/ Put your brainstormed idea into a thesis form
6) Order the list of your examples on the back: write #1 next to the ones with most evidence/strongest case/that you understand best, down to the least evidence/weakest case/reason you understand least. Choose as many as a)the assignment requests (for example, 'in 5 paragraphs including intro and conclusion...' you would do 2 benefits and 1
problem); OR
b) as time allows (with at minimum 1 benefit and 1 problem); OR
c) the standard 2-3 pieces of evidence per topic/question asked.
START writing! Use direct quotes from the text as "Evidence" in answering the question(s), when possible.
7)Make a concluding paragraph that restates how your points support your thesis.
Procedure for breaking down an artistic or Stylistic “How Does” question (usually asks ‘how’)
A stylistic quality question is different from a direct question essay in the sense that you are being asked to discuss artistically rather than analyze or answer; or are asked about a specific style or artistic TECHNIQUE: “how does” the artist/business person do something/achieve an effect specifically. You have to be careful to discuss specific techniques or patterns, not the “what is,”in astylistic quality question. The ‘assrro’ acronym example
Here are some examples of a stylistic quality questions and the way many WRONGLY answer them:
1)How does Faulkner create a setting of nostalgia?
[If you answered, Faulkner’s novels are full of nostalgia for the old South, for example…you would NOT be answering the question]
2)How does Monet’s paintings use color to fit within the impressionistic style?
[If you answered, Monet’s paintings are bright and full of pastel colors and…, you would NOT be answering the question]
3) How does IBM successfully market to the professional woman??
[If answered, IBM targets women who want a portable powerful computer you would NOT be answering the question]
4) How does a successful retail manager increase the energy level of floor salespeople? [If answered, A successful retail manager must be a leader instead of just a boss, you would NOT be answering the question]
5) How does author XXXX set the mood in his short story….?
[If you answered, The author sets a dark mood of depression and tragedy, you would NOT be answering the question, you have identified the mood]
1) Follow STEPS 1-3 for a direct question, standard essay
4) If you know enough about the author, art, movement, writing, etc, to discuss the technique and answer the question with specifics, GO FOR IT, then follow STEPS 5-7 for a direct question/standard essay.
5) IF YOU DON’T KNOW SPECIFIC “HOW DOES” or don’t have time for the artistic view, you can use the generic toolbox of patterns/ starter categories for artistic essays below: SOCRAPR. These will allow you to quickly start an artistic essay in a time-limited setting. SOCRAPR:
a) Similarities in the text/painting/musical piece
b) Opposites (For example, funeral and birthday, hopelessness and bliss, etc)
c) Contrasts (bright settings with people painted in dark colors, talking about toys while bombs are exploding,etc)
d) Repetitions (same words or sounds used, same scenes or behavior reoccurring, etc)
e) Author (something signature or biographical to the author)
f) Parallels (same thing happening to A and B, what has happened to A reflected in what’s happening to B (For example, in a story about confusion how the language parallels the content by not using punctuation)
g) Relationships (For example Father and Son heroes vs father and son villains in a story, the family dynamic between parent and teenagers as model for boss/worker)
Here are some examples of how you WOULD answer the 5 sample questions above, using the SOCRAPR patterns:
1) Faulkner creates a setting of nostalgia by repeatedly showing the old guides and hunters recalling their adventures, intercut with scenes of urban sprawl and new tombstones added at the cemetery.
2) Monet contrasts bright natural blues and greens with out of focus white and black to…etc. He next contrasts….
3) IBM successfully markets to the professional woman in exactly the opposite way from the makeup companies strategies: treat the woman as independent, not wanting to fit into the mainstream, and seeking self satisfaction, not that of others.