Directions: Use your Intel CD in the back of your book to answer the following questions. Cut and/or copy/paste and/or type in all responses in the appropriate places below, then save and print the document for later use.
1. If you insert the Intel CD and double-click on the Intel CD icon from My Computer, which 2 of the following will not appear? (delete the incorrect items)
a. ABC_Intel (folder)
b. CD_Use.htm
c. CDReources.html
d. Menu (folder)
e. ProgramCD (folder)
f. Start_Here.html
g. The_End.htm
2. Which folder has Module_1 through Module _10 inside? (delete all that do not apply)
a. ABC_Intel
b. Menu
c. ProgramCD
3. In this same folder with Module_1 through Module_10, you will also find the Resources folder, Sample_Unit_Portfolios folder, and Technology_Standards folder. Locate, copy and paste the unit questions that correspond with the following Essential Questions. Put the level (Elem., Middle, High School) of the unit you located beside the Essential Question.
How does the earth change? / 2.What is required for life?
4. In the Module_1, Activity_2 folder you should find a file called Unit_Plan_Template.doc. Open the file and save a copy of this file to your local hard dive by using the following procedure:
a.. Press Ctrl-S when viewing the file in read-only mode.
b. At the warning message that says you can’t save the file or that it is “read only,” press OK.
c. A Save As dialog box will open to allow you to save the document in a new location and with a new name, if you wish. Be sure to change the directory to one other than the CD drive then click Save.
5.Under Internet Resources, write the URL of one web site in your proposed subject area of your unit portfolio.
6. Explore the materials in each Module, what 4 kinds of items appear in most of the Module folders ?7.Under Internet Resources, print off the Lesson Plans list of web sites. Attach it to this sheet.
8. Under Module 4, print out the following and attach to this sheet.
q Brochure_Planning.doc
q Bean_Newsletter_Rubric.doc
q Any sample brochure or newsletter you like
Can you think of ways you would modify these for your chosen unit?
Please paper clip (or STAPLE) all printouts to the back of this page. Write your name(s) in the upper right corner of page 1 before submitting. Thanks!