Minutes of Marton Parish Council Meeting held on the 13 March 2018 at Marton Village Hall.
- MPC had been asked with regards making a donation to the retire tea. Some members of the Parish Council agreed that they would make a personal donation.
- MPC have been informed of some local road closures in the Bourton on Dunsmore, during April. Information to be shared with the village via the village email and in the next newsletter. Action: Cllr Fry and Koch.
- Cllr Koch (Chair), Cllr Chambers (Vice Chair), Cllr Fry, Cllr Hitchman, Cllr Lummis, Selina Turner (Clerk), Carole Cotterill (Supported Village Scheme), PCSO and 4 members of the public.
- Cllr Roberts and Cllr Crane
- The minutes of previous meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018, were agreed and signed as an accurate record.
- Cllr Fry declared an interest in item 10f
- Crime Report – From Rugby Borough Council
The PCSO informed the meeting that a Quad bike had been taken from the village on the 7th March 2018. Cllr Koch reported that he has signed up to the new text alert system for issues in the area.
- Any other police issue
Village Meeting – Has now taken place and was well attended. - Bikes on the Railway – The police confirmed that they had spent quite some time on the railway line on the 11th February 2018, there was no bikes on the line during this time. All incidents of bikes on the line were encouraged to be reported via 101, so time can continue to be allocated to this issue. There had been a few bikes prior to this date where owners had been served with a Section 59 (riding a bike in an antisocial manner).
- We were informed that a lorry has recently crashed into the bridge on the A423, just after the road reopened after being resurfaced.
- Supported Village Scheme – Carole Cotterill from the scheme attended the meeting and explained how it works. MPC agreed it was a good idea to join. MPC will hopefully receive their welcome pack, signs, property marking kit and community box on the 17th April at the Annual Village Meeting. More information to be shared at this meeting. Another property making event will be arranged for June . Information on the Scheme to be added to the village Welcome Pack. Action Cllr Fry
- Not present at the meeting
- Coventry Airport Proposal – No direct effect on Marton. Monitor for changes/decisions.
- R17/2078 – Top Farm, Long Itchington Road, - Single-Storey Steel Framed Building to House an Agricultural Facility for the Hatching of day Old Chicks plus Associated Plant and Ancillary Structures and Works to Highway Access, Following the Demolition of the Existing Agricultural Buildings. No decision, plan not shared with Birdingbury Parish Council by RBC
- R18/0028 – 9 Coventry Road - Relocate existing roller shutter door to Bay 1 ~1.5m further towards road across forecourt. Construct steel framework to support roller shutter door and cladding to make extended access secure and waterproof. Create extended horizontal flat standing area ~1.35m in front of relocated door and down ramp at ~10 degrees for ~1.15m in front of that to meet existing forecourt, which has ~3.5 degree slope. The change is required to accommodate modern equipment that meets the latest DVSA requirements for MoT Vehicle Test Centre Class 4, which is the VTS existing use. No objections Raised.
- R18/0030 - 28 Birdingbury Road - Erection of a single storey rear extension and first floor side extension No Objections Raised
- Flood Alleviation
- Flood Action Plan - Cllr Fry will email some suggested dates for a planning meeting. Action: Cllr Fry
- Road Signs – Cllr Koch has been in touch with but has not heard back from Andre at highways WCC. Action Cllr Koch to follow up email.
- The Black Horse had approached MPC to see if we would support them in raising £60,000 for repairs in the event of future flooding. This was thought not to be a permitted activity, other properties would be in a similar situation.
- Traffic Issues
- A423 any additional developments – the road has now been fully resurfaced.
- Update on VAS system – the issues over site and location are ongoing. The costs of having them wired in to the street lighting were approved if necessary and agreed as very reasonable.
- It was noted on the litter pick during the road closure that some of the road signs are loose, not straight and at risk of falling down. Action: Cllr Hitchman agreed to explore and liaise with Highways.
- Dog Fouling Issues – the Dog Warden has been spraying areas of concern. There has been lots of issues of dog fowling along the jitty and car parking area. Action: Cllr Fry agreed to contact RBC Dog Warden for advice.
- Defibrillator Fundraising – Both are now installed and operational. Training has taken place with the village. A maintenance/check programme has been agreed. Further First Aid Training was recommended. Agreed that the item should be removed from the agenda. Action: Clerk.
- Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr Koch had emailed members of the village that has offered to help reinstate/manage within the village but has not heard back. Action: Cllr Koch to make contact again.
- Marton Housing Needs Survey – Cllr Koch reported that there is currently no update.
- Grit Bins – Both new bins are in place and have been filled. Although filling has been a bit of a challenge. £162.06, donation received as a donation to the additional bin. The broken one has been demolished and removed. It has been highlighted that the one in the Orchard is not fit for purpose as it only holds 50 litres. Agreed to replace with a larger one before next winter. Thanks given to Graham Wood for all of his input.
- Village Parking – Cllr Fry reported that Rugby Fire Station carried out a test run, the time was 20:30 pm on a night where the village hall appeared to be in use. The vehicle was able to pass through. There is nothing further that can be done at this time. Action: Remove from aganda
- Progress on state of A423 – Cllr Hitchman
- Surface – As above the surface has now been complete. MPC has received an email from members of the village complimenting the work that has been carried out. It was noted and thanks given to Cllr Hitchman who has worked very hard for a long time to achieve this outcome. Where the water used to pool by the thatched cottages on the main road, this is much improved and does not occur anymore. Discussion over the excessive about of rubbish left by the contactors. There was a small majority to highlight the issue with Highways. Nearly 2 large sack had been picked up, there had been a community effort to clear all the rubbish at the start of the road closure.
- Gully on Main Road – no issues
- Drains – there is a cover off on a culvert along the main road, past the bridge and before Barn Lane, despite bring reported on the 19/02/18 this has not been dealt with. Action: email to be sent stating reference number of the call.
- Hedges – no issues
- Village Grass Cutting – Cllr Hitchman reported that the ground is very wet and large areas are still under water following the snow and excessive rain fall.
- Playing Field Committee issues - Cllr Hitchman
- General issues – no meeting has taken place, so no updates available.
- Pavilion renovation update and grant application - no meeting has taken place, so no updates available.
- Pavilion repairs – no meeting has taken place, so no updates available.
- Kissing Gate Post Opposite the Elms - still no date received for the work to commence.
- Street Lighting –
- Replacement Lamp – Cllr Hitchman reported that the replacement streetlamp has still not arrived.
- Maintenance quote received 2018/19 was approved.
- Marton Museum
- Maintenance issues – Cllr Fry reported that all work has been given the go ahead but is likely to take place at the end of the month.
- Information has been sent with regards re-establishing the group. The meeting is due to take place on the 28th June 2018, 7-9pm in Wolston. They are seeking 2 delegates from each Parish Council. Action: Cllr Fry and Cllr Koch agreed to attend.
- No information received.
As of Bank statement dated 15 February 2018
Current Account £14,294.63
Deposit Account £0.00
Total £14,294.63
To ratify that the following bills were paid between meetings:
31/01/18 / 1211 / Marton Village Hall / £20.0031/01/18 / 1212 / Marton Village Hall / £60.00
31/01/18 / 1213 / Water Plus / £19.93
31/01/18 / 1214 / Water Plus / £72.14
31/01/18 / 1215 / Clerk Jan 18 / £122.54
31/01/18 / 1216 / HM Rev & Custs Jan 18 / £30.60
26/02/18 / 1217 / Grit Bins / £340.68
26/02/18 / 1218 / Eon / £60.36
28/02/18 / 1219 / Clerk Feb 2018 / £122.54
28/02/18 / 1220 / HM Rev and Custs Feb18 / £30.60
To pay
Any bills that arrive between now and the meeting
- Review, and agree the amended Risk Assessment –the updated version with agreed amendments will be sent to all Cllrs via email.
- Cllr Lummis, Cllr Chambers and Selina Turner Clerk due to try attend training on the 03/05/18
17 April 2018 – Village Meeting – Apologies from Cllr Fry
8 May 2018 – Apologies from Cllr Lummis
10 July 2018
11 September 2018