Week of: Oct. 03 – Oct 07, 2016 TeacherGrade Level:1st Grade: Barraza, Libero, Mijares, Morales Subject: SS
Day: Monday-Tuesday 10/03-10/04, 2016 / Lesson/Topic: Where things are located?Mini-Lesson:
Metacognition Comprehension Focused Lesson
(10-15 Min) /
- Monday:Play song: Show you care, Pearson Chapter 3.
- What I just heard makes me think about ______(event from today related to my own community, nation or world) because….
- Tuesday: Teacher will play the video The Cardinal Directions Geography Song Retrieved from and she will ask what this song makes you think.
- It makes me think about ……. (Event from today related to your own community, nation or world) because….
Fig. 19
(F) Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.
Standards (TEKS):
(1.4.A) Locate places using the four cardinal directions.
(17.B) Obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, maps, literature, and artifacts.
(18.B) Create and interpret visual and written material.
Materials: / Vocabulary:
Monday: Computer, projector, Internet connection, compass rose, cardinal directions labels, map, Compass Rose activity sheet, student journal. TE/SE P. 96-101
Tuesday: computer, projector, Internet connection, compass rose, cardinal directions labels, map, Heading for Home activity sheet, student journal, the Map Race activity sheet. TE/SE P. 96-101 / Direction, cardinal directions, map, compass rose
Objectives (We will/I will statements):
We will/I will recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
We will/I will locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions.
Anticipatory Set (Question/Activity/Challenge/Video/Warm-up):
Monday:Play myStory video What is the world like? Pearson Chapter 3.
Tuesday: Teacher will ask “Have you ever been lost?” “What did you do to find your way?” “Has your family ever been looking for someplace while driving?” “What did they use to help them find it?”
Teaching/I Do (Activity/Model/Define):
Monday:Teacher will label classroom walls with accurate cardinal directions. Teacher will explain the vocabulary words and model how to find a direction using the compass rose.
Tuesday:Teacher will introduce the map and locate cardinal directions on them. Teacher will make sure all of the students comprehend correctly.
ELPS. 4F: Use visual and contextual support and support from peers and teachers to read grade-appropriate content area text, enhance and confirm understanding, and develop vocabulary, grasp of language structures, and background knowledge needed to comprehend increasingly challenging language.
Guided Practice/We Do:Monday:Teacher will play the videoThe Cardinal Directions Geography Song
( have students to turn around and face each direction.Tuesday: Teacher will play Simon Says and Students turn and face each direction that the song says.
Independent Practice/You Do:
Monday:Students will color, label, and paste the compass rose in their notebook.
Tuesday: Students will cut, locate and paste the animals in the Heading for Home activity worksheet. They will paste their final work in their journals. If they have time, they will color them. Homework The Map Race activity sheet.
Modifications & Accommodations:
Extra time (if needed); additional examples (if needed). One on one instruction (if needed).
Closure/Review (Sum it up/Correct Mistakes/Positive Feedback):
Monday:Teacher will check students’ work and provide feedback.
Tuesday: After the lesson, teacher will ask students what direction is north, east, south and west.
Day: Wednesday-Friday 10/05-10/07, 2016 / Lesson/Topic: Relative location
Metacognition Comprehension Focused Lesson
(10-15 Min) / Wednesday:YouTube video: Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. Retrieved from
What I just heard makes me think about me and the world because…
Thursday:Read the story "Franklin's Neighborhood" by PauletteBourgeois.
How can you relate this story to our lesson?
Friday: Early Release-Parent Conference.
Fig. 19
Wednesday:(F) Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.
Thursday:(B) Ask literal questions of text;
(D) Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
Standards (TEKS):
(4.B) Describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school.
(17.B) Obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, maps, literature, and artifacts.
(18.B) Create and interpret visual and written material.
Materials: / Vocabulary:
Wednesday-Thursday: computer, projector, Internet connection, map, student journal, colors, anchor chart.
TE/SE P. 96-101 / Relative location, right, left, behind, near, inside, outside, in front of, beside.
Objectives (We will/I will statements):
We will/I will describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school.
We will/I will identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community.
Anticipatory Set (Question/Activity/Challenge/Video/Warm-up):
Wednesday:How can a map help you to find a place?
Thursday: Can you follow directions to find a place or an object?
Teaching/I Do (Activity/Model/Define):
Wednesday:Teacher will model using cloze sentences to describe self in relation to objects in the classroom. Example: The board is next to….
Teacher will model how to do a flip flap chart.
Thursday:Teacher will show, model and use a map to find an object in the classroom.
5B: Write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary.
Guided Practice/We Do:
Wednesday:Teacher and students will practice relative locations. Teacher will ask three comments from the students. Teacher and students will do a flip flap chart.
Thursday:Teacher and students will look up at a map and follow directions to find an object in the classroom.
Independent Practice/You Do:
Wednesday:Students will label, write comments, color, and paste flip flap chart in their journal.
Thursday:Have students put theirmap skillsto use! Hide a treasure box somewhere in the classroom. Divide students into small groups and give each group a different treasure map that leads to the hidden box. When all of the groups have arrived at the treasure, open the box and distribute the treasure inside.
Modifications & Accommodations:
Extra time (if needed); additional examples (if needed). One on one instruction (if needed).
Closure/Review (Sum it up/Correct Mistakes/Positive Feedback):
Wednesday:After the lesson, teacher will ask students where it is located the D Building.
Thursday:Extended time (as needed); model, additional example (as needed), use visual and contextual support.