Requesting Employment Services Assessment/Job Capacity Assessment (ESAt/JCA) Exempt Flags to be AddedorRemoved from Job Seeker Records Job Aid
This document sets out the new arrangements for requesting Eligible School Leaver (ESL), Job in Jeopardy Assistance (JiJ) or Special Class Client(SCC) ESAt/JCA exempt flags to be added or removed from job seeker records in the Department’s IT System (ESS Web). The streamlined process is aimed at reducing red-tape for providers and enabling ESAt/JCA exempt job seekers to be Commencedas soon as possible.
When Directly Registering an ESAt/JCA exempt job seeker or potential JiJ Participant, a DES provider must add the ESAt/JCA exempt flag in ESS Web at the time they Commence the ESL, SCC or potential JiJ Participant. If a DES provider fails to add the flag prior to Commencement, ESS Web will not allow an ESAt/JCA exempt flag to be added after Commencement.
Requests for Adding ESAt/JCA exempt flags
DES providers seeking to have ESAt/JCA exempt flags added to job seeker records in ESS,are required to email the request along with the appropriate Documentary Evidence to support the job seeker’s eligibility (see relevant Guidelines), to the relevant state or territory DES Group Mailbox (see list below).
The Contract Manager will assess the Documentary Evidence and advise the DES provider whether or not the request has been approved. Where the request is approved, the Contract Manager will arrange for the Employment Services Help Desk (ESHD) to add the flag to the job seeker record in ESSWeb. If approval is not provided the Contract Manager will advise the DES provider of the reason.
Requests for removing ESAt/JCA exempt flags
There will be instances where a DES Provider will require an ESAt/JCA flagged to be removed from a Participant record. Requests to have ESAt/JCA flags removed should be sent to the relevant state or territory DES Group Mailbox, including the reason for removal.
Incorrect Claims for Payments
ESAt/JCA exempt eligible jobseeker or potential JiJ Participant may be incorrectly Commencedin DES due to the existence of a Valid ESAt/JCA.Where ESS Web has allowed a job seeker or potential JiJ Participant to be Commenced in DES as a non ESAt/JCA exempt job seeker and the DES provider has claimed a payment for the incorrect fee, the Contract Manager will recover the incorrect payment and ask the DES provider to submit a claim for the correct amount payable. Examples of this are where an ESL eligible job seeker is incorrectly Commenced in DES-ESS as Funding Level 1 or a JiJ eligible job seeker is Commenced as Funding Level 1 or 2.Recoveries and claims for the correct amounts will be processed through ESS Web as overrides/special claims.
List of State and Territory Group Mailboxes
New South WalesSydney /
DES - ACT and Southern Office /
DES - Hunter and Northern Office /
DES - Western NSW Office /
Northern Territory /
Queensland /
Tasmania /
Victoria /
Western Australia /
Text Version of Flow Chart:
ActionDES Provider identifies ESAt/JCA job seeker (ESL, SCC or potential JiJ Participant) has been Commenced without an ESAt/JCA exempt flag.
DES Provider emails the relevant state or territory DES Group Mailbox with the appropriate Documentary Evidence and requests the flag be added to the job seeker record on ESS Web.
Contract Manager reviews the Documentary Evidence to support the ESL, SCC or potential JiJ Participant’s eligibility to be Commenced.
Contract Manger determines Eligibility and advises the DES Provider of the result.
If no: Contract Manger advises the DES Provider why the request was not approved.
If Yes: Contract Manger approves request and arranges for ESHD to add the flag to the job seeker record in ESS Web. If the Contract Manger has identified an incorrect payment or payments, recovery action must be undertaken and request made to the DES Provider to submit a Special Claim for the correct fee.
Trim ID: D15/606736Effective Date: 5 December 2015