Maynooth University

/ OllscoilMháNuad
Maynooth University

Form No. R9

(Version 1, 15 December 2016)

First Year Subject Change Request

This form is for First Year students who are seeking permission

to change their subjects before the second semester

Some changes of registration may be allowed before the start of the second semester. However, changing registration is a serious step as it restricts progression options, and may result in an inability to progress. To request permission to change, complete this form (type or handwrite clearly) and send it to Programme Advisor, Rowan House, Maynooth University or from your MU email address.

First name
Familyname /surname
Student number
MU email
Contact number (mobile)
Qualification and year (e.g. First Year Arts).
Subjects you are currently taking indicating whether you are taking 15 or 30 credits of each (e.g. History 15).
(Include Subject code and title)
The Subject you wish to discontinue from Semester 2 and the module you wish to drop in Semester 2.
(Include subject code and title)
The subject you wish to take up in semester 2, and the additional module for which you wish to register.
(Include subject code and title)
Reason for change/ additional comments.
I have checked that this option is timetable compatible. / Yes/No
I understand that changing subjects may restrict my progression. / Yes/No
I would like to discuss this request with an advisor before proceeding. / Yes/No
If sending the form electronically, you may type your name here, and send it from your MU email address.

Please read the notes on the next page before proceeding

Changes that are likely to be permitted

Your initial registration / Changes possible in second semester
4 subjects /
  • May discontinue one subject and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).
  • May discontinue one subject and take a Critical Skills module.

3 subjects and
Critical Skills /
  • May discontinue one subject and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).
  • May discontinueCritical Skills and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).

A 30 credit (double) subject, and 2 other subjects /
  • May discontinue one of the 15 credit subjects and take up Critical Skills.
  • May discontinue one of the 15 credit subjects and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).
  • In some cases, may drop one module in the double subject, and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).

A 30 credit (double) subject,
1 other subject, and
Critical Skills /
  • May discontinueCritical Skills and take an additional module in one of the other subjects (where this is available and allowed).

Notes on subject changes:

  1. Even if you intend to discontinue a subject, you will still need to complete and pass the modules you have taken in in that subject in the first semester. Otherwise you will not earn the credits for these modules, and will not have sufficient credits to successfully complete the year.
  2. If you discontinue a subject, you will not be allowed to progress with that subject in second year.
  3. In some subjects it is possible to take an additional module in the second semester. These options are explained in the first year guides (available on the Student Records Office website at First year guides to the new curriculum).
  4. Note that your mark in a subject is based on ALL modules taken in that subject. Therefore, if you take an extra module in a subject in the second semesterand do badly in it, it may adversely affect your subject mark.
  5. If you take up a new subject in the second semester, you will not be able to progress to second year taking that subject.

What happens once you submit this form?

If you indicated that you want to discuss this change, or the change is unusual, the Programme Advisor will make contact by phone or email (please check your MU email account regularly).

After this the request will be processed. As a number of different departments and units may need to be consulted, this may take some time, so please be patient.

If the request is approved, the changes will be made to your registration and the Student Records Office will send an email to your MU email address to confirm that the changes have been made.

If the request is not approved, you will receive an email to your MUemail address to let you know that the changes requested were not allowed, and the reason why.

Please make your request as early as possible, to allow for review and decision before the start of term. Note that changes cannot be made after 10 February 2017.