November 24, 2015

The re-scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of Surprise Valley Electrification Corp. was held on the 24th day of November 2015, at the Surprise Valley Electrification Corp. office in Alturas, California at 10:20 a.m.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Dennis Flynn. Directors present at the

meeting were Duane McGarva, Wesley Cook, Raymond Cloud, Scott Warner, John Erquiaga and Company Attorney Al Monaco. President Craig Joiner was absent.

Also present at the meeting were General Manager Brad Kresge, Operations Manager Dennis Reed, Engineer John Minto, Member Service Manager Lynn Culp, and Purchasing Agent Cameron Wheeler.

Members present at the meeting were: Janie Erkiaga

Chair Appointed Administrative Secretary, Melissa Stevens to take the minutes.

1. Changes made to the agenda: None

Open Session

1. Director Wesley Cook made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 22, 2015 Board Meeting, Scott Warner seconded, minutes approved.

2. Manager’s Report

A. Bradley Kresge, General Manager, presented the following to the Board:

·  Pictures were taken of Surprise Valley Electric employees for the Niles Theater advertisement.

·  Capital Credits- Ran a test cycle on everything totaling $100,000.02, went very smoothly. Checks were sent out December 8, 2015.

·  Started the bidding on the two trucks, minimum bid $10,000, low book $14,000.

·  Rite Aid- Dorothy called Rite Aid and ran a prescription through and Rite Aid will accept Touchstone Cards. Discounts will depend on individual’s deductible and coverage.

·  Automated Meter Reading- Cameron Wheeler and Jane Eaton explained to Board the details of the AMR system. Wesley Cook made a motion to purchase the Automated Meter Reading system, Duane McGarva seconded, motion passed.

B. Dennis Reed- Line Superintendent/Operations Manager - See attachment.

C. Engineer- John Minto, see attachment:

D. Lynn Culp-Member Service Manager- Gave the Board an update on the Paisley Project.

3. Member Discussion Period- Set up a Scholarship meeting to take place on Board Meeting Day at the Brass Rail Restaurant at 12:00 on December 22, 2015.

4. Correspondence- None

5. Old Business- Golden State Annual Meeting- Surprise Valley Electrification Corp.

will be sponsoring the meeting next year in Reno, NV on October 3, 2016.

6. New Business- None

7. Policy Review- None

Closed Session

1. Financial report for the Board

2. Approval of new & cancelled memberships - Approved

3. Write-offs-None

4. Capital Credits- None.

5. Board Discussion- None

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.



Raymond J. Cloud, Secretary

Attachments: Report, Lynn Culp

Report, Dennis Reed

Report, John Minto