St Michael’s Primary School / Date of Last Review: 22. 7. 2016 /
Version 0.2 / Date of Next Review: 22. 7. 2019

St Michael’s Primary School, Traralgon



Playgrounds are essential pieces of school equipment, providing children with opportunities to develop physical and creative play skills, as well as providing unique experiences for children to develop relationships, friendships and personal awareness.

At St Michael’s, the children understand that obeying the playground rules will keep them safe.


At St Michael’s we provide:

  • an outdoor environment where every child feels safe and has a designated area to play in.
  • supervised play areas during school hours
  • adventure playground and sporting equipment to nurture, safe physical & creative play


At St Michael’s Primary School, we have designated areas for play and adventure play equipment for each year level. Children are expected to adhere to school rules and expectations within these areas. For safety, each area is supervised by staff.

Before School:

Parents are asked to not have their children at school before 8:30am. All early arrivalsmust wait in the office corridor until a duty teacher arrives at 8.30am. The playground will be supervised from this time until the first bell at 8:55am.

Recess and Lunchtime:

At recess and lunchtime the children are able to play in their designated areas. A teacher is on duty in each area. See the staffroom noticeboard for up to date duty rosters and play areas.

After School:

Teachers will supervise the Seymour Street exit area until 3:30pm for safe departure from school grounds. No playground areas or equipment will be supervised by staff after 3:20pm.If parents and children remain after this time to use the play equipment,parents must provide direct supervision at the playground with the child. All responsibility for the safe and appropriate use of the playground equipment at this time is placed on the supervising parent. No child is allowed on the play equipment without their parent right there with them. All parents are asked to support St Michael’s in this safety requirement. If students are using the equipment unsupervised,the need to ban all access after school will be exercised.

If children are not collected by 3:30pm they will be required to wait for their parent in the office corridor. Due to staff commitments and to minimise students’ distress, parents are asked to be punctual in collecting their children.


This policy will be reviewed as part of St Michael’s four-year review cycle or as required.


This policy was last ratified by staff in 2016.

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