Date of Meeting –14 February 2018
Meeting opened: 7.06 pm
Colombe Bories / Robin Egerton / Kerrie Blain / Christine SarafianPauline Cullen / Catriona Dove / Ben Roundnew / Ann Evans
Justin Brown / Audrey Michiels / David Binan / Michelle McLoughlin
Noel Derwort / Philippe Moncuquet / Sophie Beauvais / Louise Hudson
Elizabeth St George / Janelle Jorgensen / Clair Bannerman
Cressida Lehmann / Chris Farmer / Sarah Milligan / Kristin MiltonLisa Wallace / Jacinda Still / Lisa Lockey
- Acceptance of minutes from the meeting 29 November 2017
Agreed – Philippe Moncuquet
- Acceptance of minutes from the AGM 8 February 2017
Agreed –Catriona Dove
- Presentation of Annual Report – President
Colombe noted that she has enjoyed her year as President but as she is returning to France at the end of term 2. Colombe outlined the role and highlighted her enjoyment in working with the school.
- Principal’s welcome note
As tabled.
Additional information:
- 1420 children in the school.School is fully staffed pending arrival of one French teacher.
- School hours are as listed in the report; there are still parents who drop their children off early and pick them up late. The school’s strategy for dealing with this was outlined.The P&C deliberated about strategies and ways that the school could approach this.
- The school’s policy on extreme temperatures was outlined.
- Rate of voluntary contributions in 2017 was just under 50%. There was discussion about fee payment and the request for various payments that are coming to parents.
- Sophie will send a copy of the letter written by the School Board to assist in drafting material for the P&C newsletter.
- Principal will send out a list of school committees seeking parent representatives.
Action: The P&C will draft content in its newsletter to encourage parents to pay the contributionto be sent out after the school has sent it out its letter. David P. will work with Audrey and Sophie.
- Proviseur’s Welcome note
- The Proviseur provided some detail about the requirements for French materials.
- His report was tabled and will be circulated after the meeting.
- He noted the good start to the school year, including a new ACT-wide administrative system.
- Election of Executive and Office Bearers
Position / 2017 / 2018
President / Colombe Bories / Trish Roundnew
Vice Presidents / David Pullen
Chris Farmer / David Pullen
Colombe Bories
Secretary / Pauline Cullen / Clair Bannerman
Treasurer / Justin Brown / Justin Brown
Public Officer / Vacant / Ann Evans
ACT P&C Council Delegate / Lisa Wallace / Asterie T. Niyonsenga
Communications Officer / Audrey Michiels / Audrey Michiels
Assistant Communications Officer / Lisa Wallace / To be advertised
Assistant Secretary / Pauline Cullen / To be advertised
Assistant Treasurer / Philippe Moncuquet / Philippe Moncuquet
Before and After School Care Coordinator / Sarah Milligan / Sarah Milligan
Grants Officer / Kristin Milton
Asterie T. Niyonsenga / N/A
Lost Property / Nicola Smith
Cressida Lehmann / To be advertised
Returning Officer for School Board Elections / Vacant / Ben Roundnew
Fete Coordinator / Lisa Lockey / Lisa Lockey
RaffleCoordinator / Peter Roberts
Ginny Toller / To be advertised
The P&C decided not to fill the Grants Officer role in 2018. It was agreed the return on time investment is minimal. The P&C noted that all members are welcome to propose suitable grants to the committee and school.
- Report – Treasurer
Report as tabled.
The Annual statements are not tabled at this time because they are not finalised. There will be a special general meeting held when they are ready.
Over $200K in the bank. Fete was around $29K profit and the raffle was ~$3K.There was a profit transfer of $60K from BASC, and a $6K GST refund to come.
At the November 2017funding meeting, the P&C allocated approximately $196K to the secondary program.
Uniform shop – formally notified Pickles that their agreement is going to be terminated. As of 1 June 2018, it will operate from Lowes in Jamison. Prior to this all existing stock needs to be sold and Lowes have samples of our uniforms to create new stock from.
- Any other business
Canteen – it is run as a private business and follows the ACT Standards. The P&C voted on this last year and did not want to take it to the board.
The P&C could consider issues about the canteen via the ACT P&C Council who have a canteen/lunch group and could agitate to change the guidelines. The P&C could also approach the Canteen Manager.
Traffic – ACT government have their licence plate recognition system who are driving around checking parking and parents at pick-up time. They check and then check again 15 minutes later. The traffic crossing will remain in position and there have been no incidents reported to the ACT Government.
Meeting closed –8.57pm