Science Olympiad – Eastside Invitational

Materials Science – Division C

January 28th, 2017

Answer KEY

Part 2 Score: ________/32 Part 3 Score: ________/12 Part 4 Score: ________/11

*first tiebreaker: max Part 2 score *second tiebreaker: max Part 3 score *third tiebreaker: max Part 4 score

Raw Score: ________/55 Rank: ____________ Points: ____________

Part 2: Scantron

1. D

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. D

15. C

16. B

17. B

18. C

19. A

20. C

21. B

22. D

23. B

24. A

25. D

26. C

27. D

28. B

29. B

30. A

31. C

32. A

Part 3: Calculations

33. Young’s modulus

(1) for defining Young’s modulus by stating equation or describing in words

(1) for calculating cross section (7.31cm2) OR (1) for converting diameter to 0.0305m

(1) for converting to 7.31*10-4m2 OR (1) for calculating cross section (7.31*10-4m2)

(1) for calculating change in length (0.001m)

(1) for final answer of 25000N

(1) for including units of N on final answer and rounding to two sigfigs

34. Palladium crystal

(1) for 1.767*10-22 g/atom * 4 atoms/unit cell = 7.068*10-22 g/unit cell

(1) for 7.068*10-22 g/unit cell / 12.023 g/cm3 = 5.879*10-23 cm3/cell

(1) for cube root of volume to find length of unit cell edge = 3.888*10-8cm

(1) for relationship between unit cell edge and radius of Pd atom, either through diagram of FCC cell,

Pythagorean theorem calculation, or other suitable equation(s)

(1) for final answer of 1.375*10-8cm

(1) for including units of cm on final answer and rounding to four sigfigs

Part 4: Creep Rate Lab Write-Up

1. Data Table

(1) for including seven or more data points

(1) for including at minimum columns for trial number, time of record, diameter of trace, and % enlargement

(1) for including appropriate units

(1) for work shown to calculate % enlargement, either by diameter or area of trace

(1) for rounding to appropriate sigfigs

2. Graph

(1) for labeling axes (y = creep or % enlargement, x = time)

(1) for including appropriate units with axes labels

(1) for plotting all points from data table correctly

(1) for drawing in curve of best fit

(1) for drawing tangent towards center of curve or describing tangent in words

(1) for stating a creep rate including units and sigfigs that is reasonable based on given data