Cell Unit Project
In thisunit’s project,youwillcompare andcontrast the structure of a typical plant cellwith that ofatypicalanimal cell.
Project Format: You willpresentthestructuraldifferencesinvisual or model form.
Yourprojectmustbesubmittedasa posterthat includesillustrations ofbothcells
OR you may present your project as a complete model of both plant and animal cells.
Project elements: Yourprojectmustcontain thefollowingelementsforfull credit:
- Postermustbesubmitted onposterpaper. 8½x11”printerpaperis notacceptable.
- Postermustcontainone diagram of a typicalanimalcell, andonediagram ofatypical plant cell. Itis suggested thatsharedstructures/functionsbelabeled in betweenthetwodiagrams.
- Cell models must be labeled in some way and contain a Key that identifies the structures and function of each organelle. (Non-food items for structures are preferred)
Include thefollowingcellstructures:
1. Cellwall5. GolgiApparatus8. Mitochondria
2. Cellmembrane6. Ribosomes9. Vacuoles
3. Nucleus7. Endoplasmic
4. Cytoplasm
Reticulum (rough andsmooth)
11. Chloroplasts
1. Be diagrammed
2. Belabeled
3. Includeabriefdescription of itsfunction
- Postermustbein color, withlabels typed.The use oflead penciland/orpenisnotacceptable.
- Cell Models must be three-dimensional.
Grading criteria: Yourproject willbe assessedusingtheprovided rubric onthefollowingcriteria:
Spelling, grammarandneatness
Creativity(have fun…glittermakesforgoodribosomes!)
Cell Unit project
Grading Rubric
Component / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Presentation / Poster/modelshowseffort,neatnessand creativity. Labels were typed. / Poster/modelshowseffortandcreativity. Labels were handwritten. / Poster/modellackseffortandcreativity,but wastypedor writtenneatlyin penormarker. Pencilmarksmay be obvious. / Poster/modellacksalleffort,creativity andneatness.
Mechanics / Noerrors inspelling,grammar is correctand informationwas writteninstudent’s words. / 1-2errors in spelling,withcorrectgrammar. Informationwas writteninstudent’s words / 3ormorespellingandgrammatical errorsmade. Informationwas writteninstudent’s ownwords. / Multiplespellingandgrammatical errorsmade. Informationwas copied directlyfrom research source.
Punctuality / Projectwassubmittedon or before assigned date. / Projectwas submitted onedayafter assigned date. / Projectwassubmittedtwodays afterassigneddate. / Projectwas submittedthree or more daysafter assigned date.
CellLabels / Diagrams are appropriately
labeled “PlantCell”
and“AnimalCell” / Onlyoneof thetwo diagramsare
appropriatelylabeled. / Neitherof thetwo diagramsare
appropriately labeled.
Organelles / Present / Labeled / Function explained correctly / Totalpoints per organelle
Plant / Animal / Plant / Animal
Cellwall / 1point / - 1point / 1point / -1point / 1point
Cellmembrane / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Nucleus / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Cytoplasm / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
GolgiApparatus / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Ribosomes / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Reticulum / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Reticulum / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Mitochondria / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Vacuoles / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point / 1point
Lysosomes / - 1point / 1point / - 1point / 1point / 1point
Chloroplasts / 1point / - 1point / 1point / - 1point / 1point
Total score: /70= %