Photoshop Elements
1. Log onto the computer.
2. Open ‘Photoshop Elements’, this will be either on the desktop or in the programs folder.
3. Choose ‘Start from scratch’
4. Name this new file ‘Your Name’. Click on ‘Preset’ and choose ‘A4’ then ‘okay’.
5. Click on ‘window’ from the Menue bar, scroll down and choose ‘colour swatches’, then ‘navigator’ and ‘undo history’. Move these windows to the far right side.
6. Open the Google site from the internet.
7. Click on images and search for ‘???????’(What ever image you would like, small repeated simple works best, or patterns).
8. Once you have found an interesting (and simple) image of a ????????, make sure it is more than 30k jpg (the higher the number the better the quality), left click it open, then click on ‘see full size image’. Right click on the image and choose ‘copy’.
9. Go back to your Photoshop page and left click on your white canvas and then go to Edit on the Menu Bar and choose paste.
10. Steps 9 and 10 can also be done by selecting the image and ‘dragging’ it into your white Photoshop canvas.
11. Change the size of the objects and move it around your canvas, this can be done by choosing the ‘move’ key from the tool box and dragging the small squares on the corners of the image box.
12. You can find other images of ???????? Or repeat it in a tiled format and repeat steps 9-12. Each image will be on a separate layer, check the layers palette on the right to see which layer is highlighted and that is the layer you are working on.
13. Make sure you are working on the background layer. Click on the ‘colour picker tool’ from the toolbox then go to the ‘Colour swatches’, choose a colour.
14. Click on the ‘paint brush tool’ from the toolbox then go to the drop down window and decide on the brush type, size and intensity.
15. Apply 1 or several different colours to the background. Go to the other layers and change the colour of the ??????? and the 'opacity' of the colour to get overlays of colour.
16. Experiment with filters and layer filters and effects from the 'menu' bar.
17. To save. Choose 'File' from the 'menu' bar, scroll down and select 'save as' then your shared drive file and save in your prac' folder. Then choose 'File' from the 'menu' bar, scroll down and select 'save as' then change it to ‘jpg’ and save in your shared drive file and save in your prac’ folder.
18. Open a Word document.
19. Click on “Insert” from the menu bar, scroll down and choose ‘picture’, ‘word art’. Choose any font that you like and type your name.
20. Right click your mouse on top of your name on your word document and select ‘format word art’.
21. Click on ‘colour’, ‘fill effects’, ‘picture’, ‘select picture’.
22. Search for your ‘jpg’ image that you have just saved and choose ‘insert’. Then ‘okay’ and ‘okay’.
23. You should now be back at your word document with your name created with your collage.
24. Save this document in your prac’ file.
25. Right click copy and paste your name onto a blank Photoshop canvas.
26. You can then rework and manipulate your name however you like.
REMEMBER, this is a combination of your name and images of things that represent you, are important to you or say something about you.
If ‘it’s not working!!!!!’ make sure of these 3 things before putting up your hand….
1. That you are working on the layer that you actually want the changes to happen to.
2. That you do not have any ‘running ants’, to make sure you don’t click on Select from the Menu then deselect.
3. That you have selected the Arrow tool from the Tool Box and are not trying to work with the wrong tool.