Unit 6A – Matching Review Name ______
Appellate jurisdiction
Articles of Confederation
Bench Trail
Bill of the Attainder
Breach of Contract
Civil law
Concurrent jurisdiction
Concurring opinion
Criminal Law
Dissenting opinion
Due process
Exclusive jurisdiction
Ex Post Facto
Grand Jury
Innocent / Guilty
In Re Gault
Interpret the law
Judicial review
Majority opinion
NC Superior Court*
NC District Court*
Original jurisdiction
Plea Bargian
State courts
US Court of Appeals
US District Court*
US Senate
US Supreme Court*
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Habeas Corpus
1. ______Power for only the federal courts to hear a case
2. ______Who must approve appointments to the US Supreme Court
3. ______This article of the US Constitution created the US Supreme Court
4. ______Lowest federal court
5. ______A third party steps in to settle a dispute, the result is legally binding
6. ______A third party step in to settle a dispute but the outcome is NOT
legally binding
7. ______Discussing two sides of an issue and use arguments to persuade your
8. ______The goal of conflict resolution, an agreement
9. ______The power to determine the constitutionality of a law
10. ______A form of conflict resolution in which both sides must give up
something to come to an agreement
11. ______In conflict resolution, one or both sides may bargain for terms.
12. ______The power to hear a case from a lower court
13. ______The power to hear a case first
14. ______Who has the power to create lower courts?
15. ______How many justices are on the US Supreme Court?
16. ______How long is the term for a Supreme Court Justice?
17. ______The only federal trial courts
18. ______The only State trial courts
19. ______Either the federal or state courts have the power to hear the case.
20. ______This federal court has original and appellate jurisdiction
21. ______What is the role of the judicial branch?
22. ______Which side has the burden of proof in a criminal case?
23. ______The accused is ______until proven ______
24. ______Who appoints members to the US Supreme Court?
25. ______Those accused of a crime have the right to procedural fairness, this is
guaranteed by the fifth amendment.
26. ______Which court has original jurisdiction over a case of diverse
27. ______This type of law involves disputes between private parties
28. ______This type of law involves offenses against the public order
29. ______This federal court has appellate jurisdiction ONLY
30. ______This federal court has original jurisdiction over cases involving
31. ______Most court cases in the US are heard by this level of courts
32. ______What first national government did NOT provide for a national court
33. ______To break an agreement, this would fall under civil law
34. ______This determines is there is enough evidence to bring the case to a
35. ______Formally charged with a crime
36. ______The accused does not have to testify against him/herself, in other
words no ______.
37. ______This state court has original jurisdiction over misdemeanor cases
38. ______This state court has original jurisdiction over felony cases
39. ______The written opinion of the US Supreme Court
40. ______The written opinion of those that agree with the majority but for
different reasons.
41. ______The written opinion of those that disagree with the majority opinion.
42. ______When a state is a party, this federal court has original jurisdiction
43. ______What court case says that juveniles have some of the same due
process rights as adults?
44. ______How many justices serve on the NC Supreme Court?
45. ______This amendment says that the states must uphold due process for its
46. ______Civil cases under ten thousand dollars are heard by what state court?
47. ______This lower court issues warrants, hears small claims and cases
involving minor traffic violations.
48. ______What amendment says we have the right to an attorney?
49. ______An issue that would be brought before a civil court, carelessness
50. ______The jury finds the defendant not guilty, and he/she is released
51. ______The US Constitution protects the accused from being punished
without a trail.
52. ______The accused my be brought before the court for his/her trial.
53. ______To send up records from a lower court
54. ______One cannot be punished for a act if that act was not a crime when the
act was committed.
55. ______During the trial, when does the accused answer the indictment by
entering his/her plea?
56. ______Lying under oath, a crime against justice.
57. ______A formal statement of nature of the lawsuit brought be the plaintiff
58. ______The goal of the juvenile justice system is to _____ delinquents.
59. ______Anyone under the age of ____ is a juvenile in NC.
60. ______Who hears cases concerning juveniles?
61. ______If one of the parties is not satisfied with the result of the case,
he/she has the right to an _____.
62. ______When one decides to waives his/her right to a jury trial
63. ______The person bringing a civil suit
64. ______An agreement between the accused and the prosecution to admit
guilt and receive a lesser sentence.
65. ______An order requiring witnesses to appear before the court.