Drs Hine, Addison, Green, Winfield, Hellier,
Fowler and Crane
Associates: Drs Yaqub and Younger
Main Surgery Branch Surgery
Shirehampton Health Centre 46 Capel Road
Pembroke Road Lawrence Weston
Shirehampton Bristol
Bristol BS11 0RE
BS11 9SB
Tel. (0117) 9162226 Tel. (0117) 9162226
Fax. (0117) 9162206
Web Site
Welcome to Shirehampton Group Practice. This booklet is designed to tell you about the services we provide and how to make the best use of them. Please keep it for future reference.
Practice Profile
The Group Practice is based at Shirehampton Health Centre and also at a branch surgery in Capel Road, Lawrence Weston. There are 9 Doctors working closely with community health teams and social services to provide a team approach to health care.
We have been established for many years and know our practice area and our patients very well. We consider ourselves to be a central resource for the community of Shirehampton and surrounding villages. The Health Centre is ideally situated just off the High Street in Shirehampton, close to bus routes and with council owned parking facilities at the rear of the building.
The Group Practice occupies approximately one third of the health centre, and has a suite of consulting rooms, treatment rooms, a minor operating room and a large waiting/reception area. The health centre also hosts a variety of NHS and private health services, details of which can be found further on in this booklet.
Our branch surgery in Lawrence Weston serves around 2,000 people who find its location convenient. The Capel Road branch surgery consists of 2 consulting rooms and a small reception area.
New Patients
We welcome any new patients – in addition, if you have any visitors staying with you who need emergency treatment or advice, we can register them as temporary residents for up to 3 months. If you have your medical card please bring it along with you to register. If you have lost your medical card, please complete a form available at reception. You will be registered with one of the GP Principals, but may see whichever GP you prefer.
Existing Patients
Registered patients aged between 16 and 74 years, who have not attended for a GP consultation or clinic appointment within the last 3 years, will stay registered with the Practice and are welcome to make an appointment when the need arises.
Patients aged 75 years and over who have not attended for a GP consultation or clinic appointment within the last 12 months, are also welcome to attend the Practice. They can also telephone to arrange a home visit if this is more appropriate to their situation.
Are You A Carer?
A carer is someone, often a relative, who looks after a sick, disabled or frail relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage to live independently without that support.
We are keen to know who the carers are in our Practice Population. We may be able to offer you health advice to keep you as fit and well as possible and we can put you in touch with other organisations that provide support to people who are caring for someone.
Jill Cooper is a volunteer from The Carers Support Centre who visits us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 09.30 to 11.30. She is available to speak to you without an appointment and provide information and advice.
Please register yourself as a carer at reception so that from time to time we can contact you with health advice for carers e.g. an invitation to attend for a seasonal flu jab each autumn.
Carer surgeries are also being held at the practice on the last Tuesday of the Month – between 10.00 and 13.30. Please speak to reception to book an appointment.
Surgery Hours / Telephone Numbers
Shirehampton Health Centre
Monday to Friday 08.30 – 18.30
(Telephone lines closed from 12.30 – 13.30)
Capel Road Surgery
Monday to Friday 08.30 – 11.30
(Closed Wednesday afternoons) 15.00 – 17.00
We are closed on all the standard bank holidays – the out of hours service will always be available during these times.
Appointments 916 2226Home Visits 916 2228
Prescription Help 916 2237
Test Results 916 2226
Secretarial Team 916 2229 / Practice Manager
916 2225
Deputy Practice Manager
916 2223
Health Centre Staff 916 2200
Community Staff
District Nurses 916 2216
Health Visitors 916 2221
Midwife 916 2214
School Nurses 916 2208
Community Matron 916 2210
Falls Nurse 916 2209
Podiatry 909 1814
Receptionists are able to deal with a whole variety of enquiries including managing appointments, giving out test results, organising hospital transport, looking up medical information, following up forms submitted for completion etc. Should you have a query regarding a referral to hospital, you will need to speak to one of the sectaries.
How to See a Doctor or Nurse
There is an appointment system in place for all surgeries. The receptionist may ask you about the problem you have – this is called appointment triaging and it is simply to ensure that you see the correct person for the problem that you have. Our nurses are very experienced and in some instances may be a more appropriate alternative to a GP.
You may pre-book an appointment in advance. We operate a GP triage system for same day appointments. The receptionist will take your details and a GP will call you back to provide advice, a prescription or make you an appointment with a GP for conditions that need to be seen urgently. We encourage patients to see the same GP for the same problem in order to maintain continuity of care. Sometimes it is better to wait a day or two and see the same GP rather than see someone different. The receptionist will be able to tell you when the doctor you wish to see is next in surgery.
Workers and Carers
Extended opening hours operate to provide GP appointments for patients who work full-time or are full-time carers and find it difficult to come to surgery in normal opening hours. These extended hours tend to be alternative Saturday mornings from 08.30 to 12.00 and 2-3 late evenings a month from 18.30 to 20.00.
Emergency Appointments
If you request to see a doctor for a medical emergency which you feel cannot wait for a routine appointment, please note;
v There will be no choice of doctor
v You may need to be telephoned back if the doctor is already dealing with another patient
v If the surgery is closed your call will be automatically diverted to the Out of Hours provider, who will triage your call
Telephoning to Speak to a Doctor
Each doctor has daily slots for telephone consultations. If you have a problem that can be dealt with over the telephone by speaking to a doctor or nurse, rather than making an appointment, you can leave a telephone number and the doctor will call you back on the agreed day.
Home Visits
A doctor can see 3-4 patients at the surgery in the time it takes to do just one home visit. We are also much better equipped for carrying out tests and assessing your condition here at the health centre than in your home. We therefore ask that you use this facility with care. If you think that you may require a home visit, please telephone (9162228) before 10.00 if you can. The receptionist will ask for brief details of your illness to help the doctor assess priority. If you feel that the visit is urgent please tell the receptionist, who may ask the doctor to speak to you immediately.
Rather than wait until you are feeling poorly, it may be prudent to think how you might get to the surgery if you were ill. Can you make an arrangement with a kind neighbour? Or have you a family member who might be able to help? The doctors are always willing to visit patients who are genuinely housebound or unable to get to surgery due to a medical reason.
When the Surgery is Closed
NHS Bristol now has responsibility for the provision of out of hours service. The out of hours service for this area is currently operated by BrisDoc.
This is not a drop in centre; your condition needs to be assessed by telephone first. If you ring the surgery between 18.30 and 20.00 Monday to Friday or at weekends/bank holidays, your call will automatically be diverted and triaged. The GP may be able to give you adequate advice over the telephone, but if they need to see you an appointment will be made.
Repeat Prescriptions
If you are on regular medication you may be able to obtain a repeat prescription without seeing the doctor each time. To avoid errors, requests must be made in writing, by letter, on a request form or by handing in the computer generated repeat prescription slip. Please hand in at the reception desk or leave in the prescription box in the Health Centre foyer. Please order a few days before your medication runs out.
Prescriptions are usually ready for collection after 14.00, within 48 hours of submitting them.
If you wish to collect directly from your pharmacy, please let reception know and they will nominate a preferred pharmacy on your behalf using the Electronic Prescribing System.
Please do not telephone the surgery for a repeat prescription request; the huge demand this puts on the telephone lines may prevent someone getting through in an emergency and can result in errors.
Disabled Access
The following facilities are available:
v Disabled parking in the car park
v Parking in the rear, council-owned car park
v Full wheelchair access into and within Shirehampton Health Centre
v Toilet facilities
v Hearing loop
Should you have any difficulties with accessing the facilities in the Health Centre, please contact the buildings administrator on 0117 9162200.
The Practice Team and the Services they Provide
Shirehampton Group Practice is a Limited Partnership, all Partners listed below have limited liability.
The GP Team
Practice Partners:
Dr Iain D Hine MBBS London 1979 MRCP MRCGP Dip Occ Med
Dr S Jacqueline Addison MBChB Leeds 1980 DRCOG MSc MRCGP
Dr Susan M Green MBChB Bristol 1985 DCH RRCOG MRCGP
Dr David Winfield BMedSci BM BS MRCGP Dip Occ Med
Dr Paul Hellier MBBS Liverpool 1986 DCH MRCGP
Dr Lindsey Fowler MBChB Liverpool 1983
Dr William Crane MSc MResBM BCh MRCGP DRCOG
Associate GPs:
Dr Manon Younger MBChB Cardiff Dip Occ Med
Each GP is available on particular days and times during the week. We will always try to make you an appointment with the GP of your choice (it doesn’t matter which GP you are actually registered with) and actively encourage you to see
the same GP for the same problem to ensure continuity of care. Please understand however, that their availability is not endless – it will usually be possible to arrange for you to speak to a particular GP on the telephone if that would be helpful, if a convenient appointment is not possible.
We always have a GP ‘on call’ sometimes known as the duty doctor. This may differ from morning to afternoon. In the afternoon we have fewer GPs on duty and therefore any urgent matters will be referred to the on-call GP. The on-call GP may need to do emergency visits which may prevent the surgery running on time. We will try to keep you informed of any delay.
We understand the difficulty in finding an appointment with the most appropriate GP at the most convenient time for you. If you work full time, please use the worker/carer appointments where possible.
The Nursing Team
Treatment Room Lead:
Moira Fletcher RGN
Practice Nurses:
Nicki Crabtree RGN
Jane Sealey RGN Midwifery
Sue Donaldson RGN
Suzanne Fisher RGN
Mally Churchill RGN
The nursing team run disease management clinics for:
v Asthma
v Diabetes
v Coronary Heart Disease
v Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease
v Stroke
The aim of these clinics is to offer education, support, medication reviews and investigations to assess your condition. The nurses can answer any queries you have and refer you to your GP as necessary.
Health Care Assistants
Debbie Britton
Alison Aitchison
Karen Trueman
Susan Vicker
Health Care Assistants are qualified to undertake dressings, blood tests, urine analysis, spirometry, blood pressure measurements, ECGs and hearing tests.
Phlebotomist/Nurse technician
Carolyn Gorny
The phlebotomist/nurse technician is qualified to take blood, undertake ECGs, spirometry and hearing tests.
Want to stop smoking?
There is a ‘Support to Stop Smoking’ programme available, offering individual advice and support sessions, which offer a variety of aids that can be tailored to suit your needs. We do occasionally have to operate a waiting list for this clinic, at certain times of the year.
Teenage Health Clinic
A twice weekly teenage health clinic called ‘4YP’ (for young people) is run by Nicki Crabtree. This clinic is completely confidential and young people may attend for any reason, on their own, with a friend or with a parent/guardian.
Cervical Cancer Smear
All women aged 25 – 64 are offered a cervical smear test. Women aged 25 – 50 are called every 3 years and women aged 50 – 64 are called every 5 years. You will be notified in writing when your smear is due. You can make an appointment with one of our practice nurses or a female GP. Please tell the receptionist that the appointment is for a cervical smear.