The title of the abstract should ideally be one line
though two lines maximum will be accepted

Name and Surname of 1-st Author, Name and Surname of 2-nd Author, etc.

Institution (with street address)

Email of Corresponding Author

Anabstractshouldcontainsectionsthatcorrespond to: Aims,Methods,ResultsandConclusion. Theiruseisnot compulsory but theuseofastructured abstract is strongly encouraged.First paragraph of the abstract should contain at least two essential information: (1) what was the motivation for the authors to perform the research (why is the problem worth studying?) and (2) what is the current state-of-the-art in this domain [1].

Second paragraph is usually devoted to details of original authors' solution. It is essential to present your concept in a clear way so your work was judged appropriately and used for the development of the science. The language of the conference is English, and all abstracts, as full papers, must be written in English. Ask a friend or colleague who is not familiar with your work to read your abstract, and revise it if needed to make it understandable.

Third paragraph is where authors are expected to present their results. Please do never state 'full details will be presented at the meeting'.Whenareviewerseessuchaphrase,theabstractwill immediately be rejected.Theabstractformatallowstheuseofatableorafigure.Donot hesitate to use this facility. A well-chosen figure or table may help some authors to convey important aspects of their work that are difficult or impossible to describe in a few words.

The last paragraph should contain discussion of results in context of recent achievements, and a general conclusion (what are the implications of the results?).It is suggested that the past tense is used to describe the work being presented. In reality, anystudybeingreportedshouldhavebeencompletedandsoitis more logical to use the past tenseforMethods and Results. However, Conclusions can be in the present tense, as this is the correct tense in this context.


[1] Please limit your bibliography to three items,

[2] Example J.A. General Theory of Everything, Journal where it appeared, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-11

Editorial hints:

  1. Please use the Times New Roman font, 11 points, single spacing, do not indent paragraphs,
  2. Page margins: 2 cm of each edge,
  3. Maximum size: 1 page A4, everything falling out of the first page will be discarded,
  4. Target format expected as submission:*.pdf.(all fonts embedded). Please use this Ms Word file as a format template but remember to convert your submission to *.pdf when ready,
  5. Maximum size of *.pdf file: 2MB.