To all South Whidbey School District Educators,
The Foundation is seeking off-cycle grant applications for the 2017-18 school year. We encourage all educators in the District to submit applications that meet the following criteria;
*Applications must explicitly connect the goals of the project with the goals of the district.
*Successful grant applicants must submit a final grant report at the conclusion of the project. The report must include a visual component, such as a video or slide show presentation. The application mustdescribe how this requirement will be met.
*The maximum funding for independent grant requests is $1500.
*The maximum funding for collaborative grant requests (those that involve multiple grade levels and/or multiple campuses) is $10,000.
*The application must attest (by initials or check mark) that South Whidbey School District funds were sought but are unavailable.
*The application must attest (by initial or check mark) that principal approval was obtained.
* New this year is a section that allows you to opt in or out of the "Adopt-a-Grant" program. For details, go to
*Applications may seek funding for materials, books, software, supplies, reference materials, equipment, consultants, speakers, presenters, and professional development related to the project.
*Applications maynot seek funding for salaries or stipends.
Submit completed applications electronically as an e-mail attachment to:
We look forward to another year of diverse, innovative and inspiring grant applications from the dedicated and talented educators of the South Whidbey School District.
The South Whidbey Schools Foundation
Board of Directors
GRANT PROPOSALProject Title:______
Project Leader (person responsible for writing and implementation of the grant
Others involved in the writing and implementation of this grant:
______Staff ___Parent ____Student____Other
Amount requested: ______Number of students served: ______Grade Levels: ______
I attest that the principal(s) has/have approved this proposal. Initial/Check:______
I attest that SWSD funds were sought but unavailable. Initial/Check:______
I understand that if this project is funded by the Foundation, any documentation of the project, including pictures, videos, audio recordings and/or written material may be used by the Foundation for promotional purposes and may be posted on the Foundation's web site and social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., and that I will notify the Foundation if any students have opted out of allowing the use of their image or voice for such purposes. Initial/Check:______
I wish for my proposal to be available for adoption under the SWSF "Adopt-s-Grant" program, as described at I agree that if my grant is adopted by a community member, I will provide that person with periodic updates about the success and or failures of the funded project. Yes:_____ No:______
(In the following sections, please use as much space as needed to provide the information requested)
1. Briefly describe your project:
2. What will be the educational benefit(s) to students?
3. How does this innovative opportunity enhance or expand the curriculum?
4. Who will be involved (teachers, students, parents, etc) and in what manner?
5. Where and when will this project take place? (during school hours or after, on site or off?)
6. Can it be repeated in the future with the materials purchased?
List each anticipated expenditure and amount. Identify sources of funding or if items or services will be donated in kind.
What specific steps will mark your progress, and roughly when do you expect to accomplish each?
How will you assess the educational success of this project?
Describe what visual documentation will be made of the project (such as a video or slide show presentation) and how the project will publicly acknowledge it was funded by the South Whidbey Schools Foundation (such acknowledgement helps promote donations, which in turn helps fund future projects)
SWSF Off-Cycle Grant Application 2018