FSHP Catalog of Resolutions
Resolution / Subject / Resolution Motion / Submitted By / Approval Date / Board Action / Outcome1201 / Pharmacy Technician Representation on the FSHP Board of Directors / To include a Pharmacy Technician as a Voting Member of the FSHP Board of Directors / Sandra Barnes
Sheryl MacKenzie / 8/02/2012
1202 / Student Pharmacy Technician Membership / Expand the classifications of membership in FSHP to include student Pharmacy Technician / Sandra Barnes
Sheryl MacKenzie / 8/02/2012
1203 / Florida Board of Pharmacy approved Technician Training Programs must be ASHP accredited / Be it resolved that FSHP will advocate and lobby to the Board of Pharmacy to require that all non-employer based technician training programs become ASHP accredited / Darshika Patel
William Kernan / Resolution failed in the House
1204 / Pharmacist’s status under the Florida Malpractice Act / That FSHP will support the inclusion of pharmacists as healthcare providers as defined in the Florida Malpractice Act therefore provide same legal protection offered to other healthcare providers. FSHP will take a leadership role by collaborating with other pharmacists organizations such as FPA to include pharmacists as healthcare provider under the Florida Malpractice Act / Ahmad F. Albustami
David Moore / 8/02/2012
1205 / Co-sponsorship of educational activities by regional societies. / Be it resolved that the Educational Affairs Council will implement strategies that encourage co-sponsored educational activities of neighboring regional societies while the FSHP Executive Team endorses and promotes cross-collaboration of the neighboring regional societies. / Darshika Patel
William Kernan / Resolution failed in the House
1101 / Council on Past Presidents / That Article 5.1 of the Governing Documents of FSHP be amended to modify the structure of the Council on Past Presidents. This amendment would allow the Council Chair to be appointed by the President from the group of interested, qualified Past Presidents / Connie Hogrefe
Tina Gegeckas / 8/04/2011 / By-laws changes accepted at the HOD 8/04/2011 to reflect the resolution. / Completed
1102 / Level 2 Background Screening for New Pharmacy Permit Application / Request FSHP to support the legislative and regulatory changes necessary to have the Florida Board of Pharmacy accept the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Level 2 Background check which is currently an automated process / Osmel Delgado
Darshinka Patel / 8/04/2011 / Assigned to Council on Legal and Regulatory Affairs. / FLBOP initiated the ACHA-type of electronic fingerprint screening in January 2012 as part of the process to re-permit all community pharmacies (as required by HB7095).
1103 / Expand reimbursement to regional affiliates to include technician and resident membership categories / Expand reimbursement to regional affiliates to be inclusive of technician and resident membership categories with the reimbursement amount to follow consistency and continue to be 15% of membership dues across each respective category beginning with the 2013 budget. (reimbursement to be rounded to the nearest dollar) / Ayman Mohamed
Dorothy Brown / 8/04/2011 / Assigned to Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will work with the Finance Committee and the Council on Organizational Affairs / Regional Affiliation Agreement modified to reflect change per this resolution. Amended amounts will be added to the budget for 2012-2013.
1104 / Increase in Student Delegation to include One Delegate per School/College of Pharmacy Campus / Be is resolved, that each affiliated FSHP Student Chapter be allowed one delegate in the house / Stephanie Peshek
Day Scott / 8/04/2011 / By-laws changes accepted at the HOD 8/04/2011 to reflect the resolution. / Completed
1105 / FSHP Affiliation with each Campus’s FSHP Student Chapter / Be it resolved, FSHP Will seek to form an affiliation with each FSHP Student Chapter at each ACPE recognized campus within each school/college of pharmacy within the state of Florida. / Stephanie Peshek
Day Scott / 8/04/2011 / By-laws changes accepted at the HOD 8/04/2011 to reflect the resolution.
Assigned to Council on Administrative Affairs. / The BOD decided to create a Recognition Program for Student Chapters instead of an Affiliation status.
1106 / Student Representation in the FSHP Board of Directors / Be it resolved, to explore student representation on the FSHP Board of Directors / Juan Hincapie-Castillo
Kelly Overton / 8/04/2011 / Assigned to Council on Student Affairs / The BOD have discussed the feasibility of Student Board members, but a vote has not been made. In the interim, the BOD has invited student guests to the BOD meetings to satisfy the intent of the resolution. The subject remains unfinished business.
1107 / Develop Florida Board of Pharmacy Compliant Employer-Based Pharmacy Technician Program Curriculum / Be it resolved that FSHP develop a business plan for an employer-based pharmacy technician-training program that meets the requirements established by the Florida Board of Pharmacy Chapter 64 B16-26.351 FAC / Gary Dalin
Patrick Barnes / 8/04/2011 / Assigned to the Executive Committee / A “needs assessment” survey is being conducted; results will be included in the business plan and recommendations presented to the Executive Committee in May 2012.
1001 / Graduate Student Membership at Reduced Rate / That FSHP offer a graduate student membership at a rate equal to the resident membership rate for pharmacist who are enrolled in full-time professional or graduate degree programs / Melonie Stanton
Katherine Vogel Anderson / 7/29/2010 / By-laws changes accepted at at HOD 8/10 to reflect the resolution
10/10 Assigned to FSHP staff to update brochure. / Completed
1002 / Penalty for Diversion of Scheduled Drugs / To work with the state legislature to remove the monetary amount of $300 from the requirement to prosecute as a felony the diversion of scheduled drugs. / Deborah Brown
Alberto Mosquera / 7/29/2010 / Assigned to Legal and Regulatory Affairs
10/10 L&R goal to make it a felony to divert schedule drugs regardless of cost. / CS/CS/HB 7095 Controlled Substances was approved by both the House and Senate on Friday, May 6, 2011. This bill contained the FSHP-sponsored language in the following two sections:
Section 21 Florida Statutes 810.02 Burglary:
(f) structure or conveyance when the offense intended to be committed therein is theft of a controlled substance as defined in s. 893.02. Notwithstanding any other law, separate judgments and sentences for burglary with the intent to commit theft of a controlled substance under this paragraph and for any applicable possession of controlled substance offense under s. 893.13 or trafficking in controlled substances offense under s. 893.135 may be imposed when all such offenses involve the same amount or amounts of a controlled substance.
Section 22 Florida Statutes 812.014 Theft:
13. Any amount of a controlled substance as defined in s. 893.02. Notwithstanding any other law, separate judgments and sentences for theft of a controlled substance under this subparagraph and for any applicable possession of controlled substance offense under s. 893.13 or trafficking in controlled substance offense under 893.135 may be imposed when such offenses involve the same amount or amounts of a controlled substance.
1003 / Official abbreviation of the a “registered pharmacy technician” in Florida / Recognize and accept “RPhT” as the official abbreviation of registered pharmacy technicians in Florida / Verender Gail Brown
Richarh Clark / Resolution failed in the House
1004 / Advocating for Intern Immunizing / Be it resolved that FSHP supports the necessary legislative and regulatory changes to permit pharmacy interns to provide immunization services directly supervised by a certified immunizing pharmacist / Alesa Couron as a New Business Item / 7/29/2010 / 10/10 Student Division reviewed and changed “student’ to “intern”
11/10 L & R drafting a bill. Deborah Brown is working with legislators. / HB 0585 (Broxon) and SB 1268 (Olerich) were introduced with identical language. If passed, these bills would have, among other provisions, permitted a licensed pharmacy intern, certified to administer immunizations, to provide such services under the direct supervision of a certified immunizing pharmacist.
Although SB 1268 passed the Senate Health Regulation Committee, HB 0585 was defeated by the House & Human Services Quality Subcommittee, ending the progress on this issue.
0901 / FSHP Chair of the House of Delegates - length of term / Move to make the FSHP Chair of the HODa two-year term. A Chair-elect will be elected every other year at the HOD meeting and will immediately assume the responsibilities of this position. The Chair-elect will serve for one year and will be installed as Chair of the HOD at the following HOD meeting. / Suzanne Turner
Jennifer Austin / 7/30/2009 / 8/31/09: Assigned to Administrative Affairs Council for development of a list of job duties and responsibilities for the Chair-Elect to be presented for approval by the Board at a subsequent meeting. / Completed.
0902 / Development of an FSHP New Practitioner Forum / That FSHP develop a New Practitioner Forum to serve the interests of resident and new practitioner health-system pharmacists in Florida.
New Practitioner shall be defined as “an active or resident member who is within 5 years of original pharmacy licensure”. / Lauren Stafford
Kathleen Rottman / 7/30/2009 / 8/31/09: Assigned to Organizational Affairs Council for development and presentation to the Board at a subsequent meeting. / Ongoing. Plan to better serve interests of New Practitioners developed by Organizational Affairs council and presented to the Board of Directors. Assigned to the Membership Committee.
0903 / Reliance of FSHP on Industry Funding for “Operational” Expenses / Be it resolved that the FSHP Board of Directors and the Executive Vice President will develop and start implementing a financial strategic plan that by fiscal year 2012. FSHP will have alternate revenue sources to sustain the Society’s operational expenses by fiscal year 2015. / Randy Hatton
Tony Frezza / 7/30/2009 / 8/31/09: Assigned to the FSHP Executive Committee for inclusion in the Strategic Planning Conference (final date to be decided). / Ongoing. Referred the FSHP Executive Committee for inclusion in the Strategic Planning Conference.
0904 / FloridaState Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) / Recommend that FSHP, through the Board of Directors and Council structure be actively involved in the development of the Florida Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and seek representation on the task force which will be appointed by the Governor. / Sondra Adkinson
Jennifer Strickland / 7/30/2009 / 8/31/09: Assigned to the Legal and Regulatory Affairs Council for implementation and reports to the Board at subsequent meetings. / The FSHP Council on Legal and Regulatory Affairs and the FSHP Lobbyist introduced an amendment to HB 7224 to add a representative from FSHP to the PDPM task force. The bill and the amendment failed. FSHP is recognized as a “stakeholder” and will participate in the rule development process.
0804 / Council on Past Presidents / Be it resolved that a new Council be placed in Article 5.1 of the Governing Documents of the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists creating the Council of Past Presidents. This new Council shall be comprised of all Past Presidents of the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists who are in good standing. The Immediate Past President shall be the Chair of this Council. / Gary Dalin
Stuart Morris / 7/31/2008 / 8/26/08: Assigned to Council on Organizational Affairs, working with the Committee of Past Presidents.
03-09: Definition of Past President’s Council was received. Organizational Affairs council members will submit bylaws change to include this additional council.
0701 / Opposition to Disease-specific Prohibition of Generic Interchange / FSHP opposes anyprohibition of generic interchange of drugs or any law that would use a different standard for generic interchange than the FDA’s process for determining bioequivalency.
Further, FSHP supports section 465.025(2) (b). FS (2006) providing for medial necessity and recognizes the negative formulary law. / Randy C. Hatton
J. William Harbilas / 8/2/2007 / 03-09: Referred to Public Affairs and L&R Council to establish position statement and return to BOD April 09 conference call.
0702 / Application of CPT codes for pharmacists professional service billing in the institutional practice setting / FSHP supports the use of the new Medication Therapy Management (MTM) CPT codes in the billing and tracking of patient care services, by health-system pharmacists. / Daniel E. Buffington
Michael J. Schuh / 8/2/2007 / Not addressed in BOD minutes / Articles were published in the FSHP Newsletter and the website regarding CPT codes.
0703 / Emergency Preparedness Committee / That FSHP establish an Emergency Preparedness Committee to liaison with other emergency planning organizations and governmental agencies, attend appropriate training, and assess optimal strategies for FSHP to assist health-system pharmacists in preparing for emergencies. / Amy Rockwell
Stacy Mayes / 8/2/2007 / 1/11/08: Number of FSHP members responded to invitation to join committee. / The committee was formed. An Emergency Preparedness Website was developed. The committee’s membership met 1/09 as was a CE program regarding Emergency Preparedness
0601 / Clerkship Forum / Be it resolved that FSHP will work with the Florida Pharmacy Council to strategically plan a forum that includes all health-systems that offer clerkships, deans and practicum directors from all Florida Colleges of Pharmacy and representatives from out-of-state colleges of pharmacy with significant clerkship activity in Florida. / Phillip E. Johnson
Michael J. Magee / 8/3/2006 / 1/11/08: Introduced at Florida Pharmacy Council in February 2007. Staff to explore the feasibility of conducting the Forum in conjunction with an FSHP-sponsored event such as the Annual Meeting or Board Meeting.
3/8/08: Due to failure of FPC to address the formation of a Clerkship Forum, the Board directed staff to plan for a Clerkship Forum to be held on Thursday morning prior to the House of Delegates meeting. / Planning Meeting was held between key college personnel and a population of clerkship sites in Florida on July 31, 2008. A follow up meeting is scheduled for Fall 2009.
0602 / FloridaHospital Association (FHA) Liaison / Be it resolved that FSHP will work with the Florida Hospital Association towards the goal of having each organization appoint a liaison from their leadership positions for purposes of developing relationships between the organizations. These liaisons will meet to learn, educate, and participate in discussions relating to issues and opportunities that are of mutual interest. / Phillip E. Johnson
Michael J. Magee / 8/3/2006 / Not addressed in BOD minutes from 9/06, 10/06, 11/06 / The FSHP EVP serves as the liaison to FHA.
0603 / Pharmacy Value Paper / Be it resolved that FSHP will develop a position paper on the value of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians within institutional practice settings in Florida / Phillip E. Johnson
Michael J. Magee / 8/3/2006 / 03-09: Referred to New Subcommittee of submitters to draft the value paper by June 30, 2009 then return to BOD for approval.
0604 / Compensation Reform / Thomas Pescatore / Removed by a “strike all” amendment 8/3/2007
0605 / The FSHP Forerunner Award / Be it resolved that FSHP will change the requirements of the Forerunner Award to allow ten (10) years of practice experience from the last degree earned since original licensure in any state. / Julie K. Offutt
Amy Rockwell / 8/3/2006 / Not addressed in BOD minutes from 9/06, 10/06, 11/06 / The awards criteria were amended to reflect the (10) years of practice experience
0606 / FSHP Residency Forum / Julie K. Offutt
Ashley Shields / Withdrawn by submitters
0607 / Student Division of FSHP / Be it resolved that FSHP investigate opportunities for student involvement as members of FSHP and make recommendations for improvements which may include structure for student membership. / Julie Offutt
Joel Parnes / 8/3/2006 / Not addressed in BOD minutes from 9/06, 10/06, 11/06 / Inaugural meeting of the Student Division Strategic Planning Group 9/13/08 at the UF COP Apopka campus.
0608 / Medication Reconciliation / Be it resolved that the FSHP Board of Directors will engage other state organizations (e.g. Florida Hospital Association, Florida Medical Association, Florida Pharmacy Association, Florida Nurses Association, others) to partner with FSHP to improve the medication reconciliation process, the goal of which is both to educate the public and to assist the citizens of Florida in providing an accurate medication history to caregivers. / Welsey Cowell
Jennifer Austin / 8/3/2006 / 03-09: Assign to Public Affairs Council.
0501 / Encourage student members to join FSHP as active members after graduation / Be it resolved that FSHP offer FSHP student members a graduation gift of a 50 percent discount on the cost of active membership for their first year after graduation. / Julie Offitt
Patrick Barnes / 8/4/2005 / 10/14/05: Referred to Organizational Affairs Council / Six- month trial membership for new graduates/practitioners implemented (4/07 BOD minutes)
0502 / Encourage members to contact their legislator regarding legislative issues that affect pharmacists and our patients. / Be it resolved for FSHP to work with FPA on a joint FPA/FSHP Web based system where members can be notified of legislation needed action by an e-mail which would lead to a web site facilitating communication with their representative. / Patrick Barnes
Julie Offutt / 8/4/2005 / Not addressed in BOD minutes 10/05 and 11/05 / FSHP Board of Directors looked into CAPWIZ (program FPA uses) the benefits did not justify the cost of the product. FSHP sends out generic notices to all members about legislative actions.
0505 / Revise the FSHP by-laws to reflect the appropriate fiscal year of the Society / Revise article 10.5 of the FSHP by-laws to read as follows:
- The fiscal year of FSHP shall commence June 1 st and end May 31st of the following year.
Tony Frezza / 8/4/2005 / Not addressed in BOD minutes 10/05 and 11/05 / Bylaws were updated to correctly reflect the correct fiscal year of the Society.
0506 / Signatures required for disbursement of money / Move bylaws change Article 3, section 3.5.1 change the following sentence “No monies shall be disbursed except upon signature of the Treasurer and Executive Vice President.” to “No monies shall be disbursed except upon two of the following signatures: Treasurer, President, Immediate Past President, Executive Vice President (EVP) or Board of Directors approved EVP designee.” / Michelle Weizer-Simon
Thomas Johns / 8/4/2005 / Not addressed in BOD minutes 10/05 and 11/05 / Bylaws were updated to Change Article 3, section 3.5.1
0507 / FSHP Board of Directors Voting rights for Executive Vice President / Move bylaws change Article 4, section 4.1 amend the following sentence “The Board of Directors shall consist of 13 persons; the officers of FSHP , the Chair of the House of Delegates, the president of the Florida Pharmacy Association, six Directors at large, and the EVP as secretary.”
“The Board of Directors shall consist of 12 persons and 1 ex-officio member:………the Ex-officio EVP as secretary.” / Michelle Weizer-Simon
Thomas Johns / 8/4/2005 / Not addressed in BOD minutes 10/05 and 11/05 / Bylaws were updated to change Article 4, section 4.1
0508 / Chair, FSHP Research and Education Foundation / Move to change the FSHP Bylaws Article 3, section 3.2.1. (new language underlined) "With the approval of the Board of Directors, the President shall annually appoint Chairs and members of the councils, committees,and other appropriate components as set forth in Article 5, the Chair of the Research and Education Foundation, and any other ad hoc committees or groups that the Board of Directors establishes." / Michelle Weizer-Simon