South Yorkshire Orienteers

Hugset middle distance race Saturday March 19th 2017

YHOA middle distance championship and Superleague

2012 map

A full set of colour coded courses will be on offer, please enter by age class (no Short courses) for the YHOA middle distance championships. It is a level B event and also a counter in the YHOA Superleague.

Entries now open on Fabian4 in conjunction with the Sheffield outdoor weekender urban eventrunning from NorfolkPark. Reduced cost entries and guaranteed course availability finish on Friday 10th March. £1 discount if both days entered.

Hugset should be approached from the M1, take exit 37, head West, right at the first roundabout left at the second, onto the A628, right at the 3rd roundabout towards Higham, after 1.3km take a sharp left, signed in front of the pub, Pogwell lane, S75 1PG. There are roadworks inHigham village north of the entrance to Pogwell lane so approach from this direction may have delays. Parking will be in a small paddock with overflow onto roadside. Please carshare as it will be tight. Registration adjacent to car park, start and finish within 5 minutes walk.

A small wood but packed with bell pits and other interesting contour detail. Split between deciduous smaller trees with lovely spring flowers( hopefully!) and coniferous plantation that is very mature. Newly re mapped by Peter Gorvett 1:5000 with 2.5m contours.

Registration for courses will open from 1000-1230. You can start from 1100-1300 please try to use your allocated start block, the courses close at 1430. The British University and college Championships relays are taking place earlier in the morning, but the leaders should be clear of the forest by 11:00. Please warn children that there may be signs of this event in the forest, particularly an alternative finish which needs to be ignored.

All courses will allow entry on the day, though we suggest that those wanting to run enter in advance to ensure they get a map.


Black 5.7 M21 M35 M40 M18 M20

Brown 5.2 M45 M50 W21 W18 W20

Blue 4.1 M55 M60 M16 W35 W40

Green 3.8 M65 M70 W16 W45 W50

Short Green 2.9 M75 M80 M85 W55 W60 W65

Very Short Green 2.5 W70 W75 W80 W85

Light Green 2.5 M14 W14

Orange 2.1 M12 W12

Yellow 2.1 M10 W10

White 1.6

Level B courses adults on Light Green and above: £13 (£11 members). A surcharge of £2 will be added after the first closing date 10/03/2017 and for entries on the day. Online entries will stay open until Midnight on Friday 17th, but there may not be full map/course availability after the first closing date.

Juniors £5, no late / eod surcharge

Families of 2 adults and up to 4 children running separate courses £27 (BO, non members +£4, and +£4 EOD)

Shorter courses (white to orange): Adults, family groups, juniors £5

Any additional courses/ maps will cost an additional £3 on the day

SI hire £1, lost SI dibbers £30


Planner Roger Lewis (SYO)

Organiser Lucy Wiegand (SYO) 01142680541

Controller Steve Whitehead (EBOR)