February 25, 2013
The meeting was called to order in the Plantation Suites of the Donald G. Bollinger Student Union at 4:06 p.m. Presiding officer was Vice President Gavin Johnson. The Recording Secretary was Dolly McGeever.
The pledge was led by Senator Erin Fontenot and the prayer was given by Senator Rondreka Pitts.
The Nicholls Student Government Association Mission Statement was read by Senator Trace Juneau and Senator Olabisi Akingbola read the first value of the Nicholls Creed.
The following Executive Board members were present: Vice President Gavin Johnson, Treasurer Lohan Kotzé, Director of Student Rights and Grievances Brittany Chiasson, Director of Public Relations Melissa Cloutet and Secretary Dolly McGeever.
The following Executive Board Member was absent: President Matthew Jewell.
The following Senators were present: Sarabeth Theriot, Jessica St. Pierre, Erin Fontenot, Trace Juneau, Olabisi Akingbola, Lillie Bourgeois, Carolanne Moore, Cody Hood, Shiena Normand, Francis Roy, Nathalie Jeudy, Jason Ray, Mary Sauce, Rondreka Pitts, Adam Lefort, Richard Grabert, Ciara’ Lindon, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Katelyn Smith, Kellen Hart, Nicholas Martin, Ashley Halloway, Fallon Authement (appointed), Adam Doucet (appointed) and Lindsey McGinity (appointed).
The following Senators were absent: Gabby Marcello and Victoria Verdun.
Web Tech was represented by Senator Sarabeth Theriot.
Student Supreme Court was represented by Justices Trevor Boudreaux and Tanner Thibodeaux (appointed).
Election Commission was represented by Election Commissioner Cera Boatwright, Commission Members Amanda Parham (appointed) and Anthony Naquin (appointed).
The following guests were present: Dr. Eugene A. Dial, Jr., Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and SGA Advisor and Ross Landry, The Nicholls Worth staff writer.
No minutes were presented.
Vice President Gavin J. reported in President Matthew J.’s absence:
President Matthew J. is at a Board of Regents meeting in Baton Rouge and sends a short report as follows:
He is working on the Referendum and how to spread the word about it. To all of those who are campaigning for positions, please do not campaign at official SGA events like Scantron Giveaways. It’s not the appropriate place.
We set a date at the E-Board meeting that it will be held April 30 which is the SGA Banquet date. The banquet is from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. but we’ll have the dedication at 5:00 p.m. At the next Campus Improvements meeting we’ll discuss the agenda for the dedication.
We had two grievances at the end of last week that are currently being handled.
Keep putting the email and names on your “What you’ve done/heard” forms because I emailed a few without names and the email didn’t go through.
I recently worked on the Can Food Drive. Each university has been asked to do one. We did a motion last semester and chose to defer it to this semester because Ms. Jean Donegan is doing a can food drive in two weeks. So we came up with an event where teams can sign up to bring cans and build a structure. We’ll give two prizes for most creative and tallest. Each team will get $250. If you hear of any organization or club interested in it, please come see me to have them sign up. We’re making flyers, etc. It will be held March 18th in Shaver Gym. Teams will consist of five and can rotate people in and out. Basically ten is the rule. If you want to sign somebody up, I’ll email you the rules so you can talk about it to your student organizations. The deadline is March 8th. Let’s try to sign up some people. I’m looking for SGA to sign up a team as well. If you want to sign up with Greek life you can, just try to get a team of five to sign up. Some of you have to plan ahead of what you want to build. You can go online and see that they do crazy things with this. After the meeting, come see me so I can give you a flyer to sign up. Thank you to Senator Sarabeth T. and Mary S. for the flyers you created.
· I have been to meetings with a few organizations. Last week I went to Housing and Residence Life, Society of Human Resource Management, Kappa Sigma, Student Dietetics Association and Food Advisory Association. I was doing flyers and putting ads in the newspaper for them and a few other things. So if your organization is interested, come to me so I can help you with advertising.
· For the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament, I’ll be meeting with Kristen Fillmore Wednesday to pick out a date and time.
· For an update to our Twitter and Facebook, we have 443 followers on Twitter and we have 300 Likes on Facebook. For our new Senators, we have Twitter and Facebook so be sure you follow us there to stay updated. I’ll probably add you to our SGA group on Facebook.
· I went to Food Advisory meeting last week.
· I haven’t had a chance to look at the “What I’ve done/heard” forms this week.
· After the meeting, new Election Commission members, please meet with Election Commissioner Cera B., new Supreme Court Justice please meet with Supreme Court Justice Trevor B. and new Senators please meet with me for a very brief introduction on what you’ll be doing. Secretary Dolly M. will quickly give you an orientation of the SGA office so you’ll know where your mailbox is and where to go if you need help.
Five motions passed at the meeting of February 18 and were signed by President Matthew Jewell. One motion was tabled.
STUDENT SUPREME COURT REPORT – Trevor Boudreaux, Justice
One of our Justices went to the last SPA meeting and reported the following:
· Their Crawfish Day proposal will pass. They’ll spend $35,190 on it. They’re still looking for students to work the event. If you’re interested, they pay $10 per hour. Contact Emilie Ulicsni.
· The LSU Baseball proposal passed. SPA will spend $1,763 on it. There’ll be 56 seats and tickets available for the game which will be on March 13th in Baton Rouge. Interested students pay $10 refundable deposit to reserve a spot because the tickets are free. So if you go, they give you the $10 back at the game. If you want to sign up, they’ll be in the Union this week.
· There’s also playing a movie in the Union tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.
· There will be Painting with a Twist in the Union on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. free for anyone interested.
If any of you are interested, the details of the SPA proposals will be posted in the SGA office on the bulletin board next to the mailboxes.
The Supreme Court is holding a meeting on Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. in the Bowie Room.
ELECTION COMMISSION REPORT – Cera Boatwright, Election Commissioner
For those of you that are campaigning for a position, know what you can and cannot do as far as campaigning goes because I will be checking on you. Questions do arise from other people whether you are able to do some things. I’ll be looking at your campaigning.
WEB TECH REPORT – Sarabeth Theriot
No report.
Finance Committee – Shiena Normand, Chair; Gabby Marcello, Co-Chair
Present: Senators Shiena Normand, Chair, Sarabeth Theriot, Olabisi Akingbola, Carolanne Moore, Katelyn Smith, Kellen Hart, Erin Fontenot, Nathalie Jeudy, Ashley Halloway, Rondreka Pitts, Jessica St. Pierre, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Adam Lefort, Mary Sauce, Francis Roy and Trace Juneau.
Absent: Senators Gabby Marcello, Co-Chair and Cody Hood.
We went over two motions. One was found highly favorable and the other needed more information.
The entire committee talked to their respective deans and teachers of their college.
Recommendation: For the mini-refrigerator motion, there needs to be clarification on who uses the current refrigerator in the Senate Room and what model we plan to use if we get one.
Judiciary Committee – Senator Jessica St. Pierre, Chair; Gabby Marcello, Co-Chair
Present: Senators Jessica St. Pierre, Chair, Olabisi Akingbola, Lawrence Arceneaux, III, Lillie Bourgeois, Erin Fontenot, Richard Grabert, Nathalie Jeudy, Trace Juneau, Adam Lefort, Carolanne Moore, Shiena Normand, Rondreka Pitts, Francis Roy, Mary Sauce, Sarabeth Theriot, Nicholas Martin, Ashley Halloway and Kellen Hart.
Absent: Senators Gabby Marcello, Co-Chair and Cody Hood.
We went over two excuses today. We also interviewed two appointments for Election Commission Members, three Senator appointments and one appointment for the Supreme Court. We found them all highly favorable.
Meet the SGA/Social Events: Mr/Ms Nicholls/Banquet (Homecoming/Christmas) – Mary Sauce, Chair; Ciara’ Lindon, Co-Chair
Present: Senators Mary Sauce, Chair, Ciara’ Lindon, Co-Chair, Lillie Bourgeois, Richard Grabert, Adam Lefort, Jason Ray, Katelyn Smith, Sarabeth Theriot, Nicholas Martin and Ashley Halloway.
Absent: Senator Trace Juneau.
Guest: Director of Public Relations Melissa Cloutet.
Meet the SGA/Social Events: (Continued)
· We discussed a motion to host a forum sometime in the next few weeks before the elections to inform the students of the Student-Assessed Athletics Fee. We would like Dr. Dial, President Matthew J. and a member of the Athletics Department to come and talk to students so they can be more aware of that.
· We discussed the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament and Director Melissa C. will meet with the Recreation Department to get dates.
· The bulletin boards are going well. We will remove material and give it to the SGA office for recycling. Senator Sarabeth T. is working on a motion to purchase a board for the Student Union.
· Scantron Giveaway is tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. We will have a sign-up sheet distributed.
Campus Improvements Committee – Senator Adam Lefort, Chair, Carolanne Moore, Co-Chair
Present: Senators Adam Lefort, Chair, Carolanne Moore, Co-Chair, Olabisi Akingbola, Richard Grabert, Trace Juneau, Ciara’ Lindon, Jason Ray, Mary Sauce, Katelyn Smith, Sarabeth Theriot, Nicholas Martin and Ashley Halloway.
Guests: Senator Francis Roy and Jessica St. Pierre.
We discussed the following:
· We reviewed last week’s issues.
· Senator Richard G. will meet with Brian Clausen for pencil sharpeners in Gouaux.
· We discussed the possibility of speed bumps or warning signs on campus to stop pedestrians from getting injured by cars.
· We discussed the hours of the Rec Center/Housing/Library and Cafeteria.
· We discussed vending machines by the Tennis Courts and Peltier that aren’t working.
Social and Community Concerns: Melissa Cloutet, Brittany Chiasson
· The microwave in the Student Union has been replaced.
· Problems with guests in La Maison that were handled last semester.
· We talked about a request to purchase keyless entry remotes for the State Vehicles for safety reasons.
· We talked about the possibility of cameras in buildings, not just outside buildings.
· A committee member pointed out that one of the buildings is dark when leaving their office and is unsafe. One of the committee members is looking into it.
COMMENT: Senator Richard G. asked for clarification of “guests” in La Maison that they were having a problem with. Director Brittany C. said there was a grievance last semester which she can’t speak about in great detail but someone was staying in the dorms for an extended period of time. Someone turned them in so the situation was handled. He wasn’t actually a resident so he was taken out of the dorms.
Food Advisory Committee – Gavin Johnson
· They have two E-Board positions available if anyone is interested in joining their ranks.
· They’ll have an event at Crawfish Day and at Swamp Stomp which they haven’t decided what will be yet but will hopefully have it by the next meeting.
· There is currently a survey going through your emails for Nicholls Dining. They encourage you to please take a moment to fill out the survey and return it electronically. It takes about five minutes.
· About the soda machines we’re all excited about using this week, there was a delivery delay so they’re not in yet.
Food Advisory Committee (Continued)
· The new Asian To Go food stop in the Union had a few complaints at the beginning but now have a stabilized menu. They have plans to perhaps expand it to an international station that might serve Mexican, Greek, etc.
· There is a new fryer coming for the Union so getting food should be faster.
· There’s a new toaster at the sub-station that will be coming in soon. Ms. Brenda Haskins was going to sign off on the paperwork after the meeting.
· They are currently trying to fix the yogurt machines in Freshens.
· President Matthew J. will attend the next Food Advisory meeting.
COMMENT: Senator Olabisi A. said she tried to do the survey but it asked her for a password and a username so she ignored it. Vice President Gavin J. said he’ll talk to Food Advisory about it.
I move to take the Swamp Stomp motion off the table.
1. Shiena Normand
2. Richard Grabert
Move into vote:
Passed For-21 Against-0 Abstained-0
I move that the SGA sponsor weekend passes to Swamp Stomp for students at the discounted rate of $10 each. We will sponsor a maximum of 30 students at a total cost not to exceed $300.
The weekend passes will allow access into Swamp Stomp all weekend, Friday to Sunday, March 22 to 24.
1. Shiena Normand
2. Mary Sauce
Discussion: Senator Shiena N. said last week we talked about SGA buying tickets at a discounted rate for students. They did this last year and there was a nice turnout.
I move to amend the motion to read “that the SGA will sponsor weekend passes to Swamp Stop for students at the discounted rate of $10 each. We will sponsor a maximum of 40 students at a total cost not to exceed $400, to be taken “from the Senator Projects Line. The passes will allow access into Swamp Stomp all weekend, Friday to Sunday, March 22 – 24.”
1. Adam Lefort
2. Jason Ray
Clarification was made that the $10 is for the day pass and not the weekend pass.
Move into vote to amend the motion: