Study Days inAthens (Greece)
02-04June 2015
/ ZIMMER Gaby / President of the GUE/NGL, MEP GUE/NGL / Die LINKE -Germany
/ BJÖRK Malin / Vice-President of the GUE/NGL / NGL - VP - Sweden
/ SYLIKIOTIS Neoklis / Vice-President of the GUE/NGL / AKEL - Cyprus
/ KONEČNÁ Kateřina / MEP / KSCM -Czech Republic
/ ALBIOL Marina / MEP / IU-IP - Spain
/ ANDERSON Martina / MEP / Sinn Fein - Ireland
/ CARTHYMatt / MEP / Sinn Fein - Ireland
/ CHRYSOGONOSKonstantinos / MEP / SYRIZA - Greece
/ DE MASI Fabio / MEP / DIE LINKE. - Germany
/ ECK Stefan Bernhard / MEP / Independent - Germany
/ ERNST Cornelia / MEP / DIE LINKE -Germany
/ FLANAGANLuke 'Ming' / MEP / Independent - Ireland
/ FORENZAEleonora / MEP / L'Altra Europa con Tsipras - Italy
/ HAZEKAMP Anja; / MEP / Party for the Animals - Netherlands
/ JUARISTI Josu / MEP / EH Bildu - Basque Country
/ KARI Rina Ronja / MEP / FB - Denmark
/ KOULOGLOU Stelios / MEP / SYRIZA - Greece
/ KUNEVA Kostadinka / MEP / SYRIZA - Greece
/ LÖSING Sabine / MEP / DIE LINKE. - Germany
/ MALTESE Curzio / MEP / L'Altra Europa con Tsipras - Italy
/ MASTALKA Jiri / MEP / KSCM -Czech Republic
/ MATIAS Marisa / MEP / BE - Portugal
/ MICHELS Martina / MEP / DIE LINKE. - Germany
/ MINEUR Anne-Marie / MEP / SP - Netherlands
/ OMARJEE Younous / MEP / FdG- PCR-France
/ PAPADIMOULIS Dimitris / MEP vice-president of the European Parliament / SYRIZA - Greece
/ SAKORAFA Sofia / MEP / SYRIZA - Greece
/ SÁNCHEZ CALDENTEY Lola / MEP / Podemos - Spain
/ SCHOLZ Helmut / MEP / DIE LINKE. - Germany
/ SENRA Lidia / MEP / AGE-IP - Galicia
/ SPINELLI Barbara / MEP / L'Altra Europa con Tsipras - Italy
/ TORRES Estefania / MEP / Podemos - Spain
/ URBAN Miguel / MEP / Podemos - Spain
/ VALLINA Ángela / MEP / IU-IP - Spain
/ VERGIAT Marie-Christine / MEP / FdG - France
/ VIEGAS Miguel / MEP / PCP - Portugal
/ ZUBER Inês / MEP / PCP - Portugal