Youngstown State University

MasterCard Purchase Card Program


Your participation in the MasterCard Purchasing Card Program is a convenience that carries responsibilities. Although the card is issued in your name, it is University property and should be used with good judgment. Your signature below verifies that you understand the MasterCard Purchasing Program guidelines outlined below and agree to comply with them.

I understand that I am being entrusted with a valuable tool—a Purchasing card—and will make financial commitments on behalf of Youngstown State University, and will strive to obtain the best dollar value for the University.

The only person entitled to use your card is YOU. The card is not transferable and may be used by the cardholder only.

à  The MasterCard Commercial Card is provided to employees based on their need to purchase goods and services. A card may be revoked at any time based on change of assignment or location. The card is not an entitlement nor reflective of title or position.

à  The card is for YSU business purchases only; personal spending on the card is strictly prohibited.

à  The cardholder is the only person authorized to approve charges made against the card and will be held accountable for the card transactions. Only the cardholder may authorize additional personnel to assist with card transactions.

à  Use of the card not in accordance with University policies and procedures may result in card revocation and disciplinary action.

à  All charges are billed directly to and paid directly by the University. Any personal charges on the card could be considered misappropriation of University funds since the cardholder cannot pay the bank directly.

à  Cardholders are expected to comply with internal control procedures in order to protect University assets. This includes keeping receipts and reconciling each month by the posted Review Date deadline. All discrepancies should be reported to the YSU Commercial Card Program Administrator. Cardholders must follow proper card security measures and maintain records as per the Commercial Card Program Procedures Manual.

à  A lost or stolen card must be reported immediately to a JPMorgan Chase representative at 1.800.270.7760 and the Procurement Services Department at extension 3166.

à  A cardholder must surrender his or her card to the signature authority or Procurement Services when transferring out of their current department or upon termination of employment at Youngstown State University.

I have read the above information and agree to abide by the procedures and policies of the University which regulate the YSU Commercial Card Program.

Cardholder Signature Date

Department MasterCard Number (last 3 digits)

University transaction limit $1,500

Maximum Limit $15,000/month