Interviewer: Gemma Abbott
Cusp Project
Location: Glen Carbon
Nov. 23, 2010
G: This is Gemma Abbott interviewing Katie Siddell on Nov. 23, 2010 in an apartment in Glen Carbon. Could I get you to say your name and spell it for me for transcription reasons?
K: Katie Siddell K-A-T-I-E S-I-D-D-E-L-L
G: And what object did you bring.
K: Umm, I have a Cardinals baseball that was given to me on my twentieth birthday and its signed by a very important person my ten year old little sister.
G: Umm, so how long have you had this in your possession?
K:Umm, I have had this for about three years.
G: Umm, and what is the inspiring aspect surrounding this ball?
K: Well it just kind of reminds me of my family and all of my sisters and all of my little brothers and also it reminds me that umm how close we are and also how they kind of look up to me but then I also get a lot of inspiration from them what they are doing and what motivates them.
G: umm, what do you think you’re going to do with this baseball in the future? Do you think it’s going to be something you’re going to display or?
K: umm, yeah I mean ever since I have had it I have had it on display in my room. It’s just been something kind of nice to have on my dresser. I don’t get to see my family as much as I used to so it’s a nice connection but I could see myself like putting it in a little glass display case. I mean they make those for baseballs so.
G: When your older do you think this will be something you will pass down through your family for them to be inspired by? Or do you think it will be something that you will do for your family?
K: ummm, yeah I probably couldn’t see myself passing it down just cause you know it just says happy birthday Katie so it’s kind of specific to me. I don’t think anyone would really get the kind of inspiration that I get from it. But I really appreciate the gesture I mean little kid ten years old picks this out for you by themselves. You know for a little kid this kind of means more to them. So I couldn’t see myself getting rid of it. I would probably just hang on to it like a hoarder.
G:Is there anything else that you would like to say about the baseball? Or inspiration? Or anything?
K:Umm, not really. . .