A meeting of the Las Vegas High School Alumni Association (“LVHSAA”) Board of Directors was held at Patty Haack’s home. Directors Lisa Ball Golden, Kae Jones Bogdanovich, Bruce Langson and Laura Ungaro were unable to attend. The following board members, representing a quorum, were present.

Laura Beverlin Chadburn Carole Inghram Montalto

Rollie Gibbs Matt Shlisky

Patty Haack Dave Williams

Historian Joe Thomson was also in attendance.

President Rollie Gibbs opened the meeting and then asked Patty Haack, Secretary/Treasurer, to conduct the remainder of the meeting.

Minutes of Prior Meeting

The minutes of the February 28, 2016 meeting were unanimously approved by attending board members.

Financial Report

The LVHSAA Income and Expense Statements and Balance Sheet as of 04/10/16 were reviewed and unanimously approved by the board.

2016 Budget

The 2016 Budget was reviewed and unanimously approved by the board.


Fund Raising

Discussion of fund raising ideas was deferred to our next meeting.


Since our last meeting we gained 3 new members, had 6 expired memberships renewed (1 as lifetime) and 4 non-expired memberships renewed. We currently have 317 paid annual members and 148 lifetime members, for a total of 465 paid members. We have a total of 496 members in good standing which includes honorary and free memberships. Two lifetime members passed away since our last meeting.

Laura Chadburn is planning to send an email to all known class contacts to encourage membership. We also have the Membership Challenge and trophy again this year at the Wildcat Reunion.


Matt picked up 17 applications from the school on March 18. The Scholarship Committee met on March 20 and selected 5 recipients (2 for $4000 and 3 for $2000 each, totaling $14,000). Since inception we have now awarded 41 scholarships totaling $75,000. Note: After our meeting, arrangements were made to have the 5 recipients introduced at our Annual Membership Meeting which is being held at LVHS this year.

We will discuss the possibility of changing our selection criteria for next year to require 3 or 4 years at LVHS (rather than 2 that we require currently) at a future meeting. Matt checked with the school as to whether the school knows if students are U.S. citizens. They do not. Matt and Carole both agreed to be on the 2016 Scholarship Committee, even if they are no longer on the board.

Wildcat Reunion

The next 2016 committee meeting will be on May 12. The decision was made at the last meeting to increase the price to $50 per person in advance and $55 at the door. This will be the first increase since 2012 and only the second in 17 years.


Matt Shlisky and Bruce Langson are the LVHSAA Liaisons with LVHS. Their main contacts are the Dean of Students, Student Council Advisor and Senior Counselors.

Desert Breeze and Parent/Student Newsletter Articles

Matt is checking into why his recent articles have not been published. Future contribution to the Desert Breeze will be discussed at our next meeting.


Update not given.


Carol Inghram Montalto and Joe Thomson are the LVHSAA Liaisons with the Las Vegas Academy.

Memorabilia Display at Las Vegas Academy

Joe completed building of a beautiful display cabinet, and Joe, Dave, Rollie and Bruce installed it in the lobby at the Las Vegas Academy last week. Since there is not a nearby electrical source, Joe and Rollie will check into installing a battery-powered light. Carole will contact Debbie Brockett regarding memorabilia and will oversee the obtaining and displaying of memorabilia even though she will not be on our board after May. We plan to have “rotating” displays and will change them twice a year so we can announce them in the Wildcat Tales newsletters sent twice a year. We decided to highlight the Class of 1966 in the first display since they are celebrating their 50th reunion this year. We will hold a dedication ceremony on Saturday, September 24 (the same day as the Wildcat Reunion), as several classes will be there that day for group photos on the front steps. This will be announced in a flyer to be included with the Wildcat Reunion mailing in early July. Patty will contact Martia Williams Weber, the contact for Class of 1966, about memorabilia that any of their class members would like to loan or donate. Joe will send Patty information to be included so she can create a form to inventory and obtain signed approval for loaned or donated memorabilia. Laura Chadburn will look into the possibility of a donation for the glass shelving.


Class Reunions

2016 reunion information for classes of 1953, 1954, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1986 and 2006 has been posted on our website.

Vehicle Donation Program

No new activity to report.


Joe gave a report on some information he found recently on the actual location of the first school building in Las Vegas.


Dave continues to update our website daily and to post messages regarding our activities on Facebook.


Auditorium Renovation Update

We sent a check for $4195, representing donations from alumni, to the school for the purchase of a new sound system for their auditorium. The new system will be installed in time for the Spectrum Shows later this month.

Close-Up Program

The parameters that we approved at the February meeting were sent to Debbie Brockett, LVHS Principal, and Peter Brown, the teacher that is in charge of this program. We will ask the two students that we helped sponsor this year to give a recap of their trip at our Annual Membership Meeting in May.

Wildcat Tales Newsletter

Wildcat Tales #15 was mailed on March 30. It included the initial notification of our Annual Membership Meeting, along with a nomination form, which is due back to us by April 15.


Annual Membership Meeting

The meeting date has been changed to May 17. It will be held in the Cafeteria at Las Vegas High School (not the Academy). This will provide attendees an opportunity to view the trophy cases. Some of the school faculty and the Student Council will also attend. We have three board positions up for election; however, no nominations have been received yet. Note: After our meeting, Janet Tyler, director of Spectrum, called and asked if we would like to have the Spectrum group do one short number to kick-off the meeting. I accepted her offer.

Caps and Gowns

We are waiting to hear how many are needed. Funds will be used from the Alumni Grant that we received last year.


Dave suggested that we consider enrolling in the GuideStar Program. This is a free on-line program that gathers and disseminates information about IRS-registered non-profit organizations, such as their mission, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, etc. Dave will do a little more research on this program and we will discuss it again at our next meeting.

LVHSAA Sponsored Program to Expose Students to Local and State Government

Patty will try to find out if the school has any programs in existence that expose students to local or state governments, such as attending City Council and County Commission meetings, spending a day with an elected official, etc.

Summerlin Patriotic Parade

Our application and fee have been submitted for the Wildcat Float to participate on this July 4, 2016 parade. We are waiting to receive notification of acceptance from the Summerlin Council. Patty will send emails to Lisa Ball Golden about having the cheerleaders and mascots participate again, and also to the new band director about the possibility of having the band participate this year.


We published an article in the recent Wildcat Tales #15 newsletter asking for donations of yearbooks so we can establish an LVHS Alumni Association library. We have already received notification from a couple of alumni who will be donating yearbooks. Any duplicates will be offered for auction, with proceeds going to our Scholarship Fund. Matt will contact Tasheena Greenawalt, who is in charge of yearbooks at the school, about the possibility of them donating any duplicates they may have, or allowing us to purchase them.


The next board meeting will be on Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at Patty’s home.

Any corrections to these minutes will gladly be accepted at the next meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia M. Haack, Secretary/Treasurer

LVHS Alumni Association